Friday, November 8, 2013

Taking Medicines and Supplements to Help You

Health and fitness are important for people at any age, but they become of increased concern when a person grows older and finds that his body may be deteriorating. Anti-aging products have become very plentiful.
Years ago when my mother was living as an older woman, she visited her brother and his wife in another state. She was surprised at how many pills they took on a daily basis. They had both been pharmacists who believed in the medicines they ingested each day. They believed that they were being helped by the various products. Indeed, they enjoyed good health and fitness throughout their long lives.
The world is full of medicines. You cannot turn on the television without seeing commercials for all manner of prescription medicines which are available for all kinds of physical and mental problems. Doctors seem happy to prescribe pills for every imaginable ailment which should also make the drug companies and pharmacists happy with the business. However, some people are leery of using a lot of prescription drugs because of all the possible side effects which sound much worse than the illness which may be present. People are advised to inform their doctor of all medicines and supplements which they are taking.
Nutritional supplements and vitamin products which are said to contain so called natural ingredients are equally plentiful. They line the shelves of grocery and drug stores. They are available in large quantities at various discount and wholesale membership outlets. It is a huge business said to be in the trillions of dollars a year.
Some people who are looking for better health and fitness through using nutritional supplements are finding that they are able to use products which seem to help them while at the same time pursuing a home based business opportunity in network marketing. This industry has dozens of now quite well known companies selling all manner of supplements intended to help a person feel and look better. While they are forbidden from making health claims about their products, the people who use them are able to share their success stories with others who may be interested. In this manner, they are able to get others to buy the products as well so they may start to earn some money as they consume products in which they have faith. They do have to share information about the products and the business opportunity to ever make any money in the business.
Better health and fitness can be achieved by most people no matter what age they are. It seems to be a well known fact that people are living longer and will begin to have even greater longevity in their lives. Trying to feel better as you age is a worthy goal for anyone.
Check out to learn about products backed by science which could be beneficial for improved health and anti-aging. Products may be purchased at wholesale as a preferred customer or sign up to start your own potentially successful home based business.

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mid-Life Crisis? The Aging Process and Five Steps to Looking Ten Years Younger

As we reach our middle years we have an expectation that our bodies will begin letting us down and we 'feel' old.
Hitting 40 is a new frontier in your life. You can start looking at yourself and your needs. What is it you really like? What do you want out of your life? It's time to look forward to a life for you. Nothing is impossible, even looking ten years younger.
You can create a future where you stay 'feeling', as well as, looking young. There really is nothing to be afraid of; you need to embrace this new freedom and begin living for yourself.
This starts with feeling good about you; ensuring you feel as young as you are, not as old as you think! The aging process is not a given. It is about how you feel and much of that has to do with how you look. If you're feeling sluggish and grey, it may all be a matter of the mind rather than a permanent state of play.
Consider what you eat; the more processed food you consume the less healthy you become. Take an honest look at your food intake and really do something about it permanently. Make that promise to yourself.
You also need to ensure you keep moving. Many people spend far too much time sitting. You need movement in your life no matter what your age. Rather than slowing down and doing less, try walking a bit more. Pop to the shops on foot, even if it is for a take-away! Have a stroll in the local park a bit more often, no matter what the weather..
More than anything, though, you really do need to have an upbeat attitude about things that can happen in life, good or bad. If it's good, really feel it. If it's bad, think about how it could be worse. Try to learn from the experience and turn it around so it isn't 'as bad' as it could be.
Being gloomy and depressed can only make you ill and dull; try taking meditation classes or any classes (perhaps doing something you've always wished to do but never had the opportunity). Help yourself to live a fuller, more productive life - one that can be filled with laughter and joy.
Being healthy in mind and body can only help you to stay feeling and looking younger.
I recommend this fantastic e-book with its free promotional dvds. It shows you how to stop the aging process, look young and also ensures you are 'feeling' and looking younger. It is a must if you want to stay in good health as you start to age.
This book is great for both men and women - because remember - aging happens to us all!
Click on the link and see what you think. Many thanks

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A Promising Amino

Amino acids are incredible health nutrients that most people know very little about. However they are involved in every chemical reaction in the body. They are essential for overall common health and reversing the aging process. Scientists now broadly define aging as the inability of the body to restore or rebuild itself. Guess what amino acids do?? You got it. They rebuild the body.
A lot is known about vitamins, minerals and healthy eating. Just watch the media. Little is said about amino acids. Let's compare the body to an automobile. If you fuel and maintain your car with good octane fuels, oils and lubrication, it runs good. The same is true with your body. Having raw good foods and supplementing with vitamins and minerals your body will function optimally as well. Now if this same car breaks down, it needs parts to repair it. Right? The same is true with our bodies. If our body begins breaking down, called aging, we need amino acids to rebuild ourselves.
Let me introduce you to one of those very effective amino acids.--L Arginine
L-arginine was first discovered in 1866. It's promising effects startied revealing themselves in the 1930's when researchers discovered that L-arginine was able to remove ammonia from the body and produce creatine a necessary nutrient. Ammonia is a highly toxic substance. But Arginine's real breakthrough happened in 1998 when a Nobel prize was awarded to 3 scientists for the discovery and role of Nitrous Oxide (NO). Arginine sythesizes NO. Since then Arginine has been researched and studied for its extraordinary role in heart health.
Nitrous oxide causes a condition called vasodilation. Vasodilation widens, relaxes, and opens arteries thereby improving blood flow. This is critically important for heart patients. If we think about it, most heart conditions including angina, congestive heart failure, arthrosclerosis and high blood pressure have their foundations in low blood flow or restriction of the arteries. When arteries are widened and blood flow is improved, most of the other heart conditions resolve themselves.
However Arginine is also useful for many other things. Due to it's blood flow improving qualities conditions like claudication (pain in the extremities due to restricted arteries), erectile dysfunction and migraine headaches are relieved. Some studies are now revealing that arginine might even be helpful for Dementia and Alzheimers patients which are nothing more than heart attacks of the brain due to low blood flow. It is known to improve immune system response and actually is an effective weight loss supplement. Arginine increases natural HGH production. HGH speeds up the metabolism, reverses the aging process, and speeds up healing processes throughout the body. Arginine is also a strong anti-inflammatory amino that will improve any condition like arthritis.
As anyone who regularly supplements with Arginine can tell you, It effects are clearly noticeable. Some qualities to be noted are more endurance, energy, less joint pain, better and quicker recoveries from strenuous pressures or workouts, heightened sexual experiences, skin rejuvenation and clearer and more focused thinking.
It is now estimated that most people over 30 need supplementation. Deficiency results in fatigue, hair loss, recurring sickness, poor skin conditions, and poor cognitive function.
L Arginine should be on everyone's supplement list. It simply is so versatile and effective for many aspects of health. If you are in the 40+ category you will definitely notice it's effects in a short period of time. It really is that good. Learn more.

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Three Lessons From The Melbourne Cup

Now that the dust has settled following the race that we're told 'stops a nation', most people will have returned to their everyday life where their main gamble is making sure the buck stays where it belongs. A few days after, all that remains are the hard-luck and 'shoulda' stories that no one else really gives a damn about hearing. And to think that in no-time flat, most people will remember only the name of the winner, even fewer the name of the horse that came second, and only any other as long as it differed in some way (you backed it, it had five legs, or whatever).
Even if The Cup is of no interest to us, there are three main lessons an event like this can teach us.
  1. The first and major lesson is the need to have something to look forward to. In the Life Quality Stakes, always having something to look forward to is most important. Research continues to show that death-rates decline leading up to a major event. Even in the Death Camps during the Holocaust, deaths decreased leading up to Christmas as the prisoners (predominately Jewish) looked forward with optimism at being freed by Christmas. When release did not happen by this hoped-for time, deaths increased. When people make-it to the magical 100 years, they, too, need to set new goals if they're going to make it to 101. If living longer, better is what we aspire to, making sure of a future event is an essential requisite. And that future event can differ for most people: it certainly needn't be a horse race.

  2. Then there's the associated lesson of celebrating. Melbourne Cup celebrations have multiple upsides. Hotels profit from people who love to lunch. Those who turn up for work, dress up (or down), engage in office cultural events such as the office sweep, and share 'inside-information' with workmates. When we reach an event we've been looking forward to, celebrating its arrival or its achievement is important; consider it as a reward. Anniversaries, promotions, winning a contract, or whatever can qualify. Rewarding oneself by celebrating an event is important if adding years to life and life to years is intended.

  3. A third lesson can be the wake-up call provided by the event itself: we realise that time seems to pass at blink-speed. One of the things we have in common is that we have gone from feeling bulletproof to being aware of your vulnerability, seemingly overnight. You might consider, for example, how many more Melbourne Cups you'll be around for and resolve, from this day forward, to make every 'post' a winner. Whoa! I'm not being morose. The media still trumpets the story of Phar Lap winning The Cup: that was 84 years' ago. John Lennon never made it to The Cup, but it's like he sang, 'Life is what happens to us when we're busy making other plans'.
Whether or not you're into The Cup doesn't really matter. There are two pieces of advice that we need to keep in mind, daily. The first is from Billie Burke: 'Age is something that doesn't matter unless you're a cheese'. The other comes from George Burns who said, 'You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old'.
Dr Neil Flanagan is an active participant in the ageing process. You can download a free copy of his bestselling book BLINK! The Speed of Life (How to add years to your life and life to your years) when you visit

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Don't Let The Sunset Get You Down

The journey through life may seem long and treacherous at times as everyone faces problems in their lives. No one can escape it. No matter how good things may get or seem, virtually everyone will have moments of pain and despair. How people handle the problems and grief which come into their lives will determine whether it makes or breaks them. Some senior citizens may find themselves alone and depressed. Finding methods to help with anti-aging and making life more pleasant may help with the health and fitness of older adults.
When the sun comes up in the morning, it is the dawn of a new day with new opportunities and new possibilities. Although the sunset can be beautiful, it brings in the evening hours and darkness. That may be the time when people feel the most lonely, and sadness creeps in to cause emotional pain.
The sunset of life or the winter of one's years can be a time of happiness or sadness. When a person becomes a senior citizen and grows old, he or she may find that there is more time available and fewer responsibilities. Life can be fulfilling if there are things to do to fill a person's days. If he is alone, it can be challenging.
There are things a person can do so that the sunset and the subsequent darkness of night do not get him down and depressed. It will help immensely if one can avoid feeling sorry for oneself. The thoughts of "woe is me" can cause a person to avoid some of the good things in life.
Watching television is a favorite pastime for many older people. That is not a bad thing. While children are discouraged from spending too many hours a day in front of the television, it can be a way for older people to keep their minds active and be entertained. Staying up on current events by watching the news is a good thing. A lot can be learned from television.
Reading and learning from books and magazines can keep the mind active to ward off alzheimers, dementia, and depression which could come with age. Playing games on the computer, writing emails to friends, reading information on the internet, and doing crossword puzzles are ways to keep busy and active.
Some older people feel that their income from retirement or social security is not enough to fund a good lifestyle. Many are going to work to help bring in some extra money. Finding a home based business might help a person to cope in his later years. There are many opportunities which require little or no money to start. If a person has some extra money, he might be interested in network marketing which does require some purchase of products in order to earn money. It is not an easy business in which to succeed, but some older people are doing very well in this industry.
Although the sunset and the darkness which follows it can bring loneliness and depression, it does not have to be that way. Finding meaningful things with which to spend one's time can help a person feel happy and fulfilled.
Check out to learn about products backed by science which could be beneficial for improved health and anti-aging. Products may be purchased at wholesale as a preferred customer or sign up to start your own potentially successful home based business.

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Nature's Secrets to Looking Younger

With growing age, the functions of human body start to decline and slow down. Everybody wants to look fresh and younger. There are many aspects of getting your skin radiant and glowing. You can achieve it by applying some natural techniques. One of the effective methods is to protect your skin from harmful rays of the sun. These rays can cause your skin to become dry and wrinkled. Bathing in sun is important to get Vitamin D, however excess of it can cause certain side effects. If you incorporate the below mentioned techniques into your lifestyle, you will look younger in a natural way.
Balanced Diet and Workout
A healthy diet will help your body to receive all those vitamins and energy, which are required to keep it younger. You need to follow some good diet routines, which carry the right combination of ingredients required by human body.
Apart from diet, you will also need to do regular exercise. This would help your muscles to remain energetic and make you more active. The proper circulation of blood to different parts of your body will help your skin to nourish. When you perform workout, your body releases hormones which create a feeling of happiness. After stressful job routines, it's crucial to do exercise in order to fight aging issues.
Drink Water
The epidermal skin is naturally composed of 40% water, so it's important to keep it hydrated. You can do it by drinking lots of water, which will also help to remove toxins and harmful chemical from your body. When going out, you should always keep a bottle of water with you at all times. If you drink seven to eight glasses of water each day, you will see positive results within a month.
Keeping Your Body Clean
This is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a good health of skin, which ultimately helps you to look younger naturally. Always wash your face before going to bed and when you wake up early in the morning. It's especially important for women, who use lots of makeup on their face. If it's left on face without being washed, it can damage your skin by blocking skin pores. When your skin is clogged, it doesn't get the right amounts of oxygen to nourish. Cleaning your skin will help it to get rid of wrinkles and dryness. It would also help the cells to tighten up, which gives skin a warm and fresh look.
Some people use makeups and other sort of supplements to make their skin look better. However, makeups can only hide the reality for certain period of time. They tend to destroy your natural skin due to various chemical present inside them. If you want to use supplements, then you should only opt for those which carry natural ingredients. This will help you to remain safe from possible side-effects of using them.
Click Here Skin care tips and valuable resource for those who want to incorporate effective skin care into their daily routines

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How to Keep Your Brain Fit As You Exercise

Multitasking is over-rated. That's what they say. I'm about to prove that wrong for two reasons. First, trading in a few of your current exercise habits so you can identify how to "train your brain" while you workout is a good idea. Second, read on for a how-to on what's called dual tasking during exercise to get better results from things you might be doing now.
Exercise for active aging involves strength training, cardiovascular exercise, flexibility and balance. Those four pillars are likely in your exercise program if you're already active, or they're on your radar even if you're still 'getting ready' to exercise. What if you could make them even more valuable to you? Here's how.
Memory is one concern for any of us as we age. A recent study showed older adults who began and progressed to walking 40 minutes three times a week and continued for a year had significant growth in the hippocampus. That is "memory central" for your brain. A group who only stretched lost 1.5% of their hippocampus, which researchers called "norma." Those that walked? Gained 2%, making the overall gap 3.5%. That's difference between losing the keys and forgetting where you put your glasses.
Trade in your balance exercises in a quiet environment where you can focus for distraction and you'll reduce your risk of falls even more. Another study found that those who practiced balance by standing on one leg for instance and read aloud from a poem developed better balance and reaction skills than those who only practice balance alone.
Exchange monotonous treadmill walking for some fancy footwork you will learn in a group fitness class or square dancing. Get crazy and try boxing with gloves and bags. The benefit is not only reduced stress to lower body but learning new patterns and quickly responding to instructions called out by an instructor creates new connections in your brain. That kind of rewiring is good for your physical and mental health.
Convinced that multitasking is not so bad after all, but the ideas above seem daunting? Even if you're just getting started with exercise, or have two left feet, there are other ways that you can train your brain. Just learning how to format your exercise session is a brain stimulating experience. Learning when to exhale and what speed to go, what order of exercises is best, is the equivalent of your brain doing gymnastics.
You'll have years of rewiring ahead as you can continue to attend a new class, modify an old exercise, and challenge yourself in new ways, not all physical.
Personal Training and Fitness expert Debra is a barely boomer and found of Voice for Fitness. She provides articles, videos and up-to-date research in practical tips for exercise and nutrition that will change the way we age. Learn more at or find tips for being fifty going on sexy at

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How Wrinkles Are Caused and What You Can Do To Treat Them

The appearance of wrinkles, whether on your face or neck, is usually the first and most visible sign of aging. Understanding why and how wrinkles form can be very useful in making the necessary lifestyle adjustments and creating a skin-care regimen which will prolong the youthful appearance of your skin. While the process of aging can't be stopped, there are ways to keep your skin looking smoother and healthier for longer. Below are five causes of wrinkle formation and how to treat them.
1. Age
As you get older, your skin starts to lose its elasticity and strength. Production of collagen and elastin slows down and your skin becomes loose and saggy with deepening lines and folds. This is worsened by a decrease in the production of natural, lubricating oils by your skin, which leave your skin more dry and looking more wrinkled.
Treatment: Adding a moisturizer to your daily skincare regimen can help provide your skin with moisture and slow down the development of wrinkles. We prefer Hydrate by Obagi which provides long-term protection and only needs to be applied twice a day. Hyaluronic Acid fillers such as Juvederm can also add moisture to your skin, while stimulating collagen production and increasing volume to smooth out wrinkles.
2. Repeated facial expressions.
Year after year of facial movements and expressions such as smiling, frowning, and squinting can lead to fine lines and dynamic wrinkles. Overuse of the muscles of facial expression causes grooves to form just underneath the skin. The lack of elastin in older skin prevents the ability of the grooves to return to their normal position. In some people this can be an important cause of premature skin aging.
Treatment: Botox is an excellent treatment for dynamic wrinkles which result from years of facial movements and expressions. Injections of Botox into the overactive muscles will cause a weakening of the muscles, making them relax. The wrinkled skin covering the overactive muscles then becomes smooth as the wrinkles are erased.
3. Sun Exposure
Exposure to the sun not only causes the skin to dry out, it also breaks down collagen and elastin, damages the skin at the cellular level (DNA), and reduces the amount of antioxidants necessary for collagen production and skin repair.
Treatment: Easy! To protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun make sure you are wearing at least an SPF 35 sunscreen at all times. Even on cloudy or rainy days! Our favorite is the Obagi Matte SPF 50. Antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E, can help repair damaged skin and slow the wrinkling process.
4. Smoking
Smoking destroys collagen and elastin and prevents the production of new collagen. Smoking also causes a blockage of the blood flow to your skin, which also contributes to wrinkle formation.
Treatment: Another easy one! Stop Smoking!
5. Sugar
Excess sugar in our blood can damage the collagen and elastin in our skin through a process called glycation. Excessive amounts of sugar can also be deposited in your blood vessels, decreasing the amount of blood flow and nutrients which are delivered to your skin. Over time this will create more wrinkles and sagging skin.
Treatment: Eat a healthy diet and limit the amount of processed foods and sugars that you eat.
So there you have it. Although there are other things which can lead to skin wrinkles the ones you just read are some of the major ones. Controlling these factors can have you on your way to younger, healthier skin.
Our external appearances are just a small part of who we are, but when we don't feel comfortable in our own skin the emotional consequences can be devastating to our self-esteem. At the Z Center for Cosmetic Health, my staff and I are dedicated to making you look good and feel even better. Our non-invasive cosmetic treatments will help you improve your self-image and regain your confidence. For more information visit

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The Wrinkle Fight - How To Prevent Aged Or Sun Damaged Skin

The wrinkle fight is one of the most common battles of aging in today's society. The sun is the major cause of wrinkles. Yet, we all want our skin to be that lovely shade of golden brown. We need to know how to prevent aged or sun damaged skin.
What you may not realize is that the result of a day in the sun in which you have scorched your skin has caused you considerable aged or sun damaged skin. The fact is you can sunburn within 15 minutes. After 30 minutes you your skin can turn red but most often in 2 to 6 hours. Pain happens within 6 to 48 hours after exposure. The burn will continue to develop for 24 to 72 hours. After a few days, your skin may blister and will probably be peeling and itching for several weeks. I am sure that is not the result you wanted. Just think if you continued this practice over several summer seasons? What would the results be? Wrinkles, age spots and with many individuals, some form of skin cancer, or more than likely all of the above.
With skin cancer you also get to go through surgery, pain, suffering, and then receive what I call the 'war wound'. These scars can end up being very large in size and all from a tiny spec the dermatologist locates somewhere on your body. While sunscreen aids in the prevention of developing squamous and basal cell carcinomas, many sunscreens do not block the harmful Ultraviolet A radiation which does not cause sunburn but can increase the rate of melanoma, also a skin cancer, and sun poisoning. So even if you are using a sunscreen, you can still be exposed to high UVA levels and not even know it. These are the grueling facts.
So, how do you prevent aged or sun damaged skin? Regular use of sunscreen can slow the development of wrinkles and those ugly age spots. However, use of a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen to address the skin cancer concerns if you have to be in the sun. Wear protective clothing or at the very least, wear a hat! Especially if you are fair skinned.
All too late in life some of us finally realize the mistakes we have made regarding our health and welfare and scramble to find a quick fix.
So, I said all that to say this: The more you age, your over-tanned, repeatedly sunburned skinned causes a wrinkle fight. Keep in mind that this fight could turn into a battle with skin cancer.
Even though I have had skin cancer, I have found that these signs of aging can be dramatically reversed. Contact me for my full free report at

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Seven Simple Ways To Change The Way You Age: Practical Actions From Recent Research Studies

If the number of candles on the cake doesn't match the way you feel and you want to slow the clock there's hope. Research on exercise, nutrition and lifestyle habits to slow and reverse the aging process is exploding. Read on for seven practical tips for making the most of your anti-aging plan.
1. Walk 40 minutes three times a week helps avoid shrinkage of your hippocampus, once thought acceptable with age. A group of older adults who progressed to this moderate walking after a year actually experienced a growth in their hippocampus of 2% where the group that only stretched experienced 1.5% loss. If you're not exercising currently begin with 10 or 15 minutes three times a week. Gradually add three minutes a week to each walk to work up to 40. Don't be tempted to do more on days you feel good. Slow and steady wins.
2. Strength train three times a week with moderate weights. Middle-aged men who did so had increased mitochondria, the "powerhouse" of energy production. Once accepted that mitochondria decrease was a natural part of the aging process, researchers claimed this study shows exercise truly can reverse the aging process.
To begin a strength-training program it's best to seek advice of a fitness instructor for proper technique. Start with one set three times a week performing up to 15 repetitions of 8-10 exercises. After two or three weeks of adaptation increase to two sets. In another two or three weeks without complications increase to a third set. Next you'll increase the weight slightly so that you reduce the repetitions to 10-12.
3. Make your strength training count. Normal bone losses occur at a rate of 1-3% a year beginning at about age 35. Most prone to bone loss are post-menopausal women. Those who use a strength training protocol of heavy enough weights to fatigue at 8 or a minimum of 10 repetitions can prevent those losses from occurring.
Lifting lighter weights more repetitions does work for muscle endurance but does not have a positive effect on bone density.
4. Muscle losses occur at a rate of.8 to 1% a year after the age of 30. Though most Americans believe they eat plenty and take in adequate protein, studies show that self-reports are not accurate and protein intake is insufficient for aging individuals to maintain muscle. The exercising adult that thinks they are compensating for losses with strength training can be accelerating losses without sufficient protein intake. Research suggests that 30 gms of protein three times a day is optimal for muscle protein synthesis. High quality proteins like lean meat, fish, and dairy are best. Start by reading labels and planning carefully.
5. Eat early like a King and late like a pauper. Studies in Obesity journal showed those who ate the majority of their calories early in the day and ate lighter at lunch and lightest at dinner lost more weight than those who saved the largest meal for late in the day.
6. Continue to consume adequate amounts of calcium, not only for your bones but for weight control. Studies show that 1200 mgs of calcium after the age of 50, along with 400 IU of Vitamin D can help with belly fat loss.
Drinking dairy milk is one of the easiest ways of accomplishing this but if you don't tolerate dairy, read labels to make sure you're getting what you need. Consult your physician about a supplement if not.
7. Too little sleep could make you 30% more likely to be fat. Those who get between seven and nine hours of sleep are less likely to become obese than those with less than six hours a day. The amount of sleep time appeared a bigger weight determinant than genetics.Avoid extended afternoon naps and late day caffeine. Both can reduce quality of nighttime sleep. Try to get plenty of sunlight and fresh air during the day. A warm bath or shower two to three hours before bed can prepare your body for sleep as your body temperature comes back down. Keep the room cool. Most of all establish a routine with same time to bed and to rise.
Personal Training and Fitness expert Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS is a barely boomer and found of Voice for Fitness. She provides articles, videos and up-to-date research in practical tips for exercise and nutrition that will change the way we age. Learn more at or find tips for being fifty going on sexy at

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Boost Your Protection Against Alzheimer's

Using mice bred to develop symptoms mimicking Alzheimer's disease, the researchers present the first evidence that caffeinated coffee offers protection against the memory-robbing disease that is not possible with other caffeine-containing drinks or decaffeinated coffee.
Previous observational studies in humans reported that daily coffee/caffeine intake during mid-life and in older age decreases the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The researchers' earlier studies in Alzheimer's mice indicated that caffeine was likely the ingredient in coffee that provides this protection because it decreases brain production of the abnormal protein beta-amyloid, which is thought to cause the disease.
The new study does not diminish the importance of caffeine to protect against Alzheimer's. Rather it shows that caffeinated coffee induces an increase in blood levels of a growth factor called GCSF (granulocyte colony stimulating factor). GCSF is a substance greatly decreased in patients with Alzheimer's disease and demonstrated to improve memory in Alzheimer's mice. A just-completed clinical trial at the USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute is investigating GCSF treatment to prevent full-blown Alzheimer's in patients with mild cognitive impairment, a condition preceding the disease. The results of that trial are currently being evaluated and should be known soon.
"Caffeinated coffee provides a natural increase in blood GCSF levels," said lead author Dr. Chuanhai Cao. "The exact way that this occurs is not understood. There is a synergistic interaction between caffeine and some mystery component of coffee that provides this beneficial increase in blood GCSF levels."
The researchers would like to identify this yet unknown component so that coffee and other beverages could be enriched with it to provide long-term protection against Alzheimer's.
In their study, the researchers compared the effects of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee to those of caffeine alone. In both Alzheimer's mice and normal mice, treatment with caffeinated coffee greatly increased blood levels of GCSF; neither caffeine alone or decaffeinated coffee provided this effect. The researchers caution that, since they used only "drip" coffee in their studies, they do not know whether "instant" caffeinated coffee would provide the same GCSF response.
The boost in GCSF levels is important, because the researchers also reported that long-term treatment with coffee (but not decaffeinated coffee) enhances memory in Alzheimer's mice. Higher blood GCSF levels due to coffee intake were associated with better memory. The researchers identified three ways that GCSF seems to improve memory performance in the Alzheimer's mice. First, GCSF recruits stem cells from bone marrow to enter the brain and remove the harmful beta-amyloid protein that initiates the disease. GCSF also creates new connections between brain cells and increases the birth of new neurons in the brain.
"All three mechanisms could complement caffeine's ability to suppress beta amyloid production in the brain" Dr. Cao said, "Together these actions appear to give coffee an amazing potential to protect against Alzheimer's - but only if you drink moderate amounts of caffeinated coffee."
Although the present study was performed in Alzheimer's mice, the researchers indicated that they've gathered clinical evidence of caffeine/coffee's ability to protect humans against Alzheimer's and will soon publish those findings.
Coffee is safe for most Americans to consume in the moderate amounts (4 to 5 cups a day) that appear necessary to protect against Alzheimer's disease. The researchers previously reported this level of coffee/caffeine intake was needed to counteract the brain pathology and memory impairment in Alzheimer's mice. The average American drinks 1½ to 2 cups of coffee a day, considerably less than the amount the researchers believe protects against Alzheimer's.
"No synthetic drugs have yet been developed to treat the underlying Alzheimer's disease process" said Dr. Gary Arendash, the study's other lead author. "We see no reason why an inherently natural product such as coffee cannot be more beneficial and safer than medications, especially to protect against a disease that takes decades to become apparent after it starts in the brain."
The researchers believe that moderate daily coffee intake starting at least by middle age (30s - 50s) is optimal for providing protection against Alzheimer's disease, although starting even in older age appears protective from their studies. "We are not saying that daily moderate coffee consumption will completely protect people from getting Alzheimer's disease," Dr. Cao said. "However, we do believe that moderate coffee consumption can appreciably reduce your risk of this dreaded disease or delay its onset."
The researchers conclude that coffee is the best source of caffeine to counteract the cognitive decline of Alzheimer's because its yet unidentified component synergizes with caffeine to increase blood GCSF levels. Other sources of caffeine, such as carbonated drinks, energy drinks, and tea, would not provide the same level of protection against Alzheimer's as coffee, they said.
Coffee also contains many ingredients other than caffeine that potentially offer cognitive benefits against Alzheimer's disease. "The average American gets most of their daily antioxidants intake through coffee," Dr. Cao said. "Coffee is high in anti-inflammatory compounds that also may provide protective benefits against Alzheimer's disease." An increasing body of scientific literature indicates that moderate consumption of coffee decreases the risk of several diseases of aging, including Parkinson's disease, Type II diabetes and stroke. Just within the last few months, new studies have reported that drinking coffee in moderation may also significantly reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancers.
"Now is the time to aggressively pursue the protective benefits of coffee against Alzheimer's disease," Dr. Arendash said. "Hopefully, the coffee industry will soon become an active partner with Alzheimer's researchers to find the protective ingredient in coffee and concentrate it in dietary sources."
New Alzheimer's diagnostic guidelines, now encompassing the full continuum of the disease from no overt symptoms to mild impairment to clear cognitive decline, could double the number of Americans with some form of the disease to more than 10 million. With the baby-boomer generation entering older age, these numbers will climb even more unless an effective preventive measure is identified.
"Because Alzheimer's starts in the brain several decades before it is diagnosed, any protective therapy would obviously need to be taken for decades," Dr. Cao said. "We believe moderate daily consumption of caffeinated coffee is the best current option for long-term protection against Alzheimer's memory loss. Coffee is inexpensive, readily available, easily gets into the brain, appears to directly attack the disease process, and has few side-effects for most of us."
According to the researchers, no other Alzheimer's therapy being developed comes close to meeting all these criteria.
"Aside from coffee, two other lifestyle choices - physical and cognitive activity - appear to reduce the risk of dementia. Combining regular physical and mental exercise with moderate coffee consumption would seem to be an excellent multi-faceted approach to reducing risk or delaying Alzheimer's," Dr. Arendash said. "With pharmaceutical companies spending millions of dollars trying to develop drugs against Alzheimer's disease, there may very well be an effective preventive right under our noses every morning - caffeinated coffee."

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Natural Methods Vs Prescription Drugs

Everyone seems to be interested in looking and staying younger than the years which may have accumulated. As people age, their bodies naturally change and even begin to deteriorate.
Recently I received an email which touted a specific drug which was being marketed to women with claims of preventing dementia and reducing issues which affect women as they grow older. Of course, it was advised that women talk to their doctor about whether or not they should use the prescription drug.
There was a caveat that the drug contains ingredients which may raise your chance of getting cancer or to possibly have a heart attack, stroke, or blood clots. If you have any of a number of certain conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, migraine headaches, or other problems such as heart, liver, thyroid, kidney, or other concerns, you should avoid the drug.
Some of the serious side effects which could come as a result of using the drug besides heart attack, stroke, cancer, and blood clots mentioned above are high pressure, diabetes, gallbladder disease, liver problems, increased weight, and leg pain. It also states that these are not all the possible side effects as other problems may result from use of the drug.
When you see commercials on television for various prescription drugs for all manner of ills, they must mention the possible side effects which could even include death. The prescription drugs seem scary to ingest into one's system.
However, prescription drugs are prescribed by health care professionals everyday for all manner of ailments. They have their place and do a wonderful job of improving the quality of life for countless individuals. They also have made a very lucrative business for the companies which dispense the medications. These prescription drugs must be approved by the Federal Drug Administration before widespread distribution so they are deemed to be relatively safe (although the possible side effects are numerous and stated in their advertising).
In contrast to the wide variety of prescription medications for every kind of ailment, there are so called natural products on the marketplace as well. The shelves of drug and grocery stores have many of these products available. The companies often have special large packaging for wholesale discount member stores. It is a huge business involving trillions of dollars as people are concerned with fighting the effects of health related problems and aging.
Many of the natural products which profess to have possible health benefits which are not allowed to make medical claims are sold through the avenue of network marketing (multi-level marketing or MLM) where people can purchase the products as customers or join the business as a distributor to buy and share the products with the potential of earning some money along the way. People must weigh the pros and cons of a product on their own to determine which method and product to choose. It is often worth a careful investigation to find products which will be beneficial to the individual.
Check out for information on anti-aging products backed by science and sold through a home based business opportunity which could have the potential to create life changing income.

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Does Stress Cause You To Age Faster?

The genetic information of all organisms is contained within the chromosomes making them the source of our organizational patterns like color, health, behavior and so on. Each chromosome in our body is buffered by the presence of structures at either of its ends made of protein-DNA complexes called telomeres. These telomeres protect the genome from being degraded nucleolytically; prevent them from getting fused with other chromosomes or recombination processes. In general terms, they protect the genome from undue erosion. The telomeres are therefore key to the preservation of our genetic code and cannot be done away with. According to the normal physiological process, in each cellular division a little portion of DNA from the telomeres is lost as well. Beyond a threshold point of the telomeric length, the cells undergo orchestrated death through apoptosis. The length of the telomere therefore may act as an indicator that determines the cell or organism lifespan. Various agents that we encounter through our lifestyle might induce the shortening of the telomeres. These agents could cause damage to the DNA or directly affects the telomeres thereby modulating the general health and/or the lifespan of the individual. Therefore, there are factors that can accelerate the telomere shortening and interfere with healthy life and aging. Efforts are now being focused on decelerating this process and reverse the associated phenomenon of aging and related disorders.
Variability of the telomere length
Although the general notion is that the telomere length varies according to the age of the individual, there are high degrees of variability of the telomere length even among individuals of similar age. Existing reports suggest that the telomere length is determined genetically and that inheritance accounts for this variation in (40-80) % of the cases. According to the work of Okuda and his group it was observed that the lengths of telomeres from the DNA samples of neonatal showed significant synchronization that were isolated from umbilical artery, WBCs and skin. However, this was not the case with the telomere lengths of different newborns which seemed to vary to a great extent. The synchronization that was observed within the tissues of neonatals are lost and become more heterogeneous in the aged individuals. There are also literatures available which suggest that the length of the telomere varies between people from different ethnic background. The telomere lengths in African Americans are longer than those of the Caucasians while no significant difference between the telomere lengths was observed from the newborns of the two races. It was also significant that the adult women possess longer telomeres than their male counterparts. Women also show a slower rate of shortening of the telomere. A cue to this may be found from the study that estrogen stimulates telomerase activity. Significant association between estrogen levels and the activity of telomerase have been established. Misiti et al. have proposed that estrogen is also effective in up-regulating the gene expression of telomerase besides its activity.
Stress can affect telomeres
Besides the genetic factors in the determination of telomere length, exposure to varied environmental factors has a significant role to play in it. The telomeres due to their genetic make up show a high degree of sensitivity to oxidation induced stress. Such is the impact of the oxidative stress on telomere length that it has now been accepted that it causes greater damage to telomeres than even the cell division process. Increase in lifestyle related psychological stress enhances oxidative stress that results in decreased telomerase activity and accelerated telomere attrition. Studies have revealed that the exposure to stress for longer duration of time can result in the reduced activity of telomerase that in turn fastens telomere shortening in cells of both endothelial or smooth muscle origin. Accordingly, it has been demonstrated that the intake of anti-oxidants causes the enhancement in telomerase activity with a concomitant decreased telomere shortening. An increase in the level of LDL oxidation has been linked to the leucocytes with shorter lengthed telomeres stiffening the artery.
Other environmental factors and length of telomeres
Evidences have been put forward that suggest that inflammation contributes to a large extent in the shortening of telomeres in immune system cells via the promotion of leucocytes. The telomere length has been negatively affected by the increase in the levels of some cytokines like C-reactive protein (CRP) and IL-6. It has even been observed that mistreatment during childhood, illness of chronic nature and adverse events of life are linked to the formation of short telomeres at an early age. Smoking results in an increase in the inflammatory responses through oxidative stress and a subsequent shorter lengthed telomere. Female smokers are more at risk of eroding the telomeres early. Smoking stimulates the telomere shortening according to a concentration gradient; more the smoking, more is the shortening of telomere. Good habits of physical exercises relates to improvements in telomeres in adults as also in the adolescents thereby suggesting its association with anti-aging process. Intake of marine foods rich in ω-fatty acids also positively influences telomeres. Cherkas and colleagues recently added to this growing list and stated that the socioeconomic status of the individuals can have an impact on the length of telomeres.
Mechanisms to lengthen telomeres
The main function of the telomeres is to support DNA erosion from the ends of chromosomes during replication thereby buffering the process. The enzymes involved in the replication process (DNA polymerases) are unable to copy the entire template as a result with each cell cycle a length of the chromosomal end is not copied and is lost forever. However, in order to prevent this incomplete genome replication and DNA loss, the organisms have evolved different mechanisms. The majority of the organisms make use of the retro-transcriptase, telomerase to lengthen their telomeres. However, it has been found that organisms that are deficient in telomerase activity have devised other alternatives to protect and lengthen their telomeres by processes known as Alternative lengthening of Telomere (ALT). In some organisms, the RecQ helicase is required for ALT. In addition, the removal of Mismatch Repair Pathway can cause an increase in ALT process.
Therefore the telomere length is crucial in maintenance of our health and lifespan. On the other hand, the telomerase activity is absolutely necessary to lengthen the telomeres and keep us healthy and prolong our lives. With our lifestyle we expose ourselves to increased levels of oxidative stress that interferes with telomerase activity and accelerates telomere shortening. Therefore, the intake of supplements that can stimulate the telomerase activity can be quite beneficial in maintaining our health and acting as anti-aging factors. The administration of anti-oxidants could help in this regard by enhancing the activity of the telomerase which in part explains their effectiveness as age reversing agents.
Nathan W Pace is a Health Educator, Personal Success Life Coach, Social Marketer, and Entrepreneur who empowers individuals through life transitions by overcoming roadblocks.
Learn more about supplements that activate Telomerase to lengthen Telomeres at

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Being a Part of the Huge Business of Anti-Aging

Some members of the world's population throughout the ages have quite likely always been concerned with looking old as they age, but the anti-aging products have become more numerous and popular on the market since the baby boomers started to age. The oldest of the boomers turned fifty (which may be considered as the beginning of older age and approaching the age of seniors) more than fifteen years ago. Some are now bona-fide senior citizens, having attained what used to be the normal retirement age of sixty-five.
The baby boomers have been influencing product lines since they were newborn babies. Now as they are advancing in years, anti-aging products have found increased popularity. There must be thousands of different items available to fight the effects of the aging process. It has caused anti-aging to become a huge business on the marketplace.
Because the baby boomers have been a portion of the population which has always seemed concerned with good health and fitness, exercise centers and spas have become very popular businesses. Any product which is touted as being beneficial for anti-aging and remaining vibrant is likely to have a potential of picking up at least a small portion of a huge market. Many people have become extremely wealthy by catering to this segment of the population over the years. Anti-aging products have now taken center stage for these people.
Creams, lotions, and potions which are advertised to reduce or reverse the effects of aging have become the norm. All cosmetic companies seem to carry them. Pills and liquids are available to help keep the body younger as the years pass. Everyone seems interested in finding that "fountain of youth" which will help keep a person looking or feeling younger. Although there are some benefits to becoming older, it is said that old age is not for the faint of heart. So many changes occur in an older person's life and body with which younger people usually have little or no concern. Remaining healthy is a major goal for everyone although it is more challenging for those in the older groups.
On the shelves of every drug, department, and grocery store can be found anti-aging products of one kind or another. They are also being sold through the medium of network marketing (also called multi-level marketing or MLM), where products are not generally advertised publicly but are sold through people telling people are them. Usually a person attempting to encourage others to join a network marketing business would have to have enough familiarity and success with using the product to convince another person to join the business to also push the products.
Anti-aging products are extremely plentiful in this day and age. Anyone who is concerned with trying to remain younger looking and healthy can find numerous products to assist in that quest. Almost everyone who becomes older is a part of this huge business of anti-aging products by becoming a consumer. He can also be involved in this area by getting into a business which distributes these popular products.
Check out for information on anti-aging products and a home based business opportunity which has the potential to create life changing income. A one a day pill may be beneficial for keeping the body young and healthy.

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Getting Older? Throw Away The Rocking Chair!

You're going to age no matter what, but how quickly you suffer age-related problems is partially determined by your lifestyle. Incorporate a few sensible tips into your daily life, and you will soon feel and look better and be able to realistically look forward to a healthier, happier, longer life. You will be stay happier for many years to come by employing advice like that found below.
Avoid wrinkles by not frowning. It sounds silly, but it really is true. If you find yourself frowning, give yourself a sharp pinch. Finally, you will be free of the horrible habit.
One of the most important things to remember when aging is to not focus on any numbers. It is simple to focus on your age, especially as it increases, or even worse the amount you weigh. While it's important to know your weight to keep in control, it's more important to focus on how you feel and not what preconceived notions tell you a person your age should feel like. Don't dwell on those numbers, and instead focus your time and energy to doing fun things that you really enjoy.
Don't measure yourself in numbers--measure instead in content. Doctors get paid to think about the things such as age, weight, and height. If you only dwell on your age, your weight, or your shrinkage, you can miss out on things that can keep you young.
A well-balanced diet might be your key to growing old in health and happiness. Your diet should be low in cholesterol and saturated fats, and high in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. This gives your body the essential nutrients that it needs not only to survive but to thrive.
Everyone ages. At some point, the elderly are no longer able to care for themselves. When this time is upon you, it is time to make a tough decision and choose a nursing home that will suit your needs. While this can be an unpleasant thought for some, it may be the best option. Nurses, doctors and other nursing home staff will help provide you with a quality of life you may not be able to provide yourself.
Wherever you are, look for ways to make others happy. When you make someone's day better, you automatically make yourself feel better as well. Joy is a free, infinite resource, so spread it around freely and experience the benefits.
As people grow older, most find their home to be a place of solstice. Make your home personalized to fit your needs and comforts, so you can always have a welcoming place to return to after dealing with the daily trials of life. Your cozy home will be awaiting you at the end of each day.
Powder makeup and foundation may actually cause your skin to age prematurely. When aging, your skin needs all the hydration it can get. Try to stick with lighter items including lip glosses, mascaras and eye pencils.
Takes steps to stay away from people that like to focus on the negative and spend your time with happy people. There have been studies that have proved laughter and smiles can keep you looking young. You will want to surround yourself with people that make you laugh rather than make you frown.
Sugar is one of the biggest factors in having a shorter life. Eating significant amounts of sugar can cut years off your life. Studies have shown in every animal on the planet that sugar will reduce the lifespan by significant reductions.
As this article shows, aging is not necessarily such a bad thing. You are able to maintain an active lifestyle if you take care of yourself. Don't wait another day to start incorporating these ideas into your daily life.
Read articles of a new program that is designed to help men become younger & stronger as they get older. Discover more at:

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Tips on How to Apply Coconut Butter

Due to numerous benefits of coconut butter its popularity has significantly increased in recent years. Indeed, the number of benefits provided by the coconut is impressive. Numerous scientific findings prove that it helps boost immune system and increase energy level. At the same time, it is essential for weight loss, skin and hair care. In fact, coconut oil can be used in a number of ways, some of which are described below.
Butter Substitute
Unlike most fatty foods, coco butter contains medium-chain fatty acids which function more like carbohydrate than fat. Consuming medium-chain fatty acids is quite beneficial for us, because they are quickly burned by the body filling it with the necessary amount of energy. This means, they give additional energy and are never stored as unwanted fat. While using coconut butter in cooking, you will prepare healthy and delicious meals.
Reduces Craving for Sugary Foods
Probably the most interesting benefit of the coco butter is its ability to reduce craving for sweets. Natural butter is sweet, however it is free of empty calories and manufactured sweeteners found in most goodies. A spoonful of butter will help resist a temptation of eating candy or cookie.
Body Lotion
A high content of lauric acid and natural antioxidants found in coconut butter makes it a great body lotion. When used as post-shower lotion, it gives an excellent moisturizing effect which makes skin luminous throughout the day. On the top of that, it protects skin from the negative impact of sunrays and helps get rid of a number of skin diseases.
Energy Booster
Coconut Butter is an awesome energy booster. Due to the metabolic process involved in breaking down medium-chain fatty acids, this butter gives human body an amount of energy that no other food can give. Consuming this butter is especially recommended for athletes and people engaged in rigorous mental and physical activities.
Weight Loss Diet Component
The process of coconut butter digestion is accompanied by thermoheneses. During thermogenesis, food is metabolized through heat which hastens calorie burning. Thus, if you are on a weight loss diet it is recommended eating a small amount of coconut butter during or before the meal. However, do not get obsessed and keep this amount low.
Hair Care Solution
Coconut Butter is widely used as an effective remedy for damaged and dried hair. Regular usage of home made masks made with coconut butter helps restore damaged locks and restore their beauty. It hastens hair growth and prevents the appearance of split ends. It is also proven to abolish dandruff and scalp dryness and itching.
Indeed, there are many awesome ways on how to use this miracle butter. It is ideal for cooking, baking and can do wonders to your health, skin and hair.
However, not only coconut butter has amazing health benefits. Other products derived from a coconut, like coconut sugar can also help improve your health and complexion. Visit our website to learn more.

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It's True - Dancing Makes You Mentally Fit!

If you've ever watched ABC's hit TV show "Dancing with the Stars," then you know that dancing is hard work. Dance has long been known as being an excellent way to stay physically fit. But could there be mental and cognitive benefits to dancing as well?
Recently, a major study from Albert Einstein College of Medicine reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that dance can be a powerful way to improve brain health. Research focused on the effect of dancing on the brain. It measured factors such as memory, sense of well-being, serotonin and stress levels.
The study showed that while exercise is good for your overall health, only one exercise (the study included other exercise like swimming and biking and cognitive exercise like crossword puzzles) had the biggest impact when it came to improving overall cognitive skills. That exercise, you guessed it, is frequent dancing.
Your Brain Should Tango!
Scientists found that dancing combines many beneficial facets as we age including recreational benefits and creative thinking. Dancing holds clues to health benefits such as stress reduction, increased serotonin level and a love of life.
It turns out dancing incorporates several simultaneous brain functions like rational thinking (keep in step with your partner), music and an emotional sense of well being.
How does dancing actually improve brain health? Dr. Joseph Coyle, a Harvard Medical School physiatrist who commented on the new study said the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of our brains are very elastic which means they "rewire" themselves after each use. Dancing helps rewire the brain.
Other studies have shown that areas of the brain most affected by aging can be engaged, rewired and utilized before they are lost. We know that many areas of brain tissue exhibit plasticity' which means these areas are not set in stone. The stimulation resulting from dancing can engage these areas in a positive way.
If you try new things like dancing, researchers say you are opening up new pathways in the brain that improves mental capabilities. If you keep many brain pathways active and simultaneously generate new pathways, this will help maintain your brain's health and fitness.
Play-Doh or Plato?
No matter what brain activity you engage in - simple art projects with kids or grandkids or you study ancient philosophers like Plato, your brain will benefit. Put dancing on the docket too. It's fun and it opens new pathways in your brain.
The more you work out your brain, the better you'll be able to process and remember information. Novelty stimulation, like a learning a new type of dance, is essential to exercising the brain. The point is to challenge the brain and stimulate those pathways for long-term better brain health.
We are creatures of habit- and there is nothing wrong with doing what we are good at doing. If you're a passionate chess player, don't stop, but try something new, too. When you memorize new dance steps, you stimulate seemingly unconnected neural pathways - important for good health as you age. So dust off those dancing shoes and get going!
Learn more about Prevagen at or Quincy Bioscience at

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Common Botox Myths Debunked

It's no doubt. Botox treatment has hit the mainstream. Just like everything else popular, Botox treatment is surrounded by several myths. Here are some of them.
Botox is a surgical procedure
Many have been saying that Botox is a surgical procedure. This is not true. During a surgical procedure, a surgeon makes incisions on your body. This is not the case with Botox.
In Botox treatment, only a small needle is used to inject the formula directly into the affected area. The injection sites are usually too small to be seen by the naked eye. In fact, you can have the injection now and nobody will notice it in the next minute.
Botox can prevent development of wrinkles
While this is a debatable issue even in the medical circles, it has not been proven that Botox has the capability to prevent wrinkles from developing. Before you take a stand on this myth, you need to understand that wrinkles develop as a result of your face's natural muscle movements.
Therefore, for you to remain wrinkle free, you need to remain motionless. This is impossible, Right? Due to this fact, it's doubtful that your face will remain wrinkle free even with Botox injection.
Botox freezes your face
Many people joke that they don't want the treatment because they are scared that they will be unable to make facial expressions. Although, the treatment aids in minimizing the movement of muscles, it does not cause the entire face to be motionless.
While it's possible to have a 'plastic' appearance when you inject excessive amounts of Botox, the effects are short lived and fade after a few weeks. To ensure that you don't suffer from a 'plastic' appearance due to excessive Botox injections, you should ensure that you seek the services of a qualified and experienced surgeon. As rule of thumb, always seek the services of a surgeon working in a well established institution.
Botox is painful
Pain is scaring. When many people hear of the term Botox, they think of the flu or tetanus shot. While Botox treatment is almost similar to the flu or tetanus shot, they are not exactly the same. This is because tetanus shots require large needles that cause a lot of pain, while a Botox shot usually requires a small needle that is usually painless.
The Botox needle used is identical to the one used by diabetics to inject themselves insulin. If you have sensitive skin and you feel pain even with the small needle, most of the surgeons use anesthesia.
Botox is toxic
While this myth has been floating around since the discovery of Botox, it's actually not true. Botox is basically botulanium toxin A. This is a chemical that has been approved by FDA to be safe for human use.
Although, Botox is effective in reducing the signs of aging, it can cause food poisoning if used in excess amounts. Luckily, surgeons inject very small amounts of it. The small amounts injected are very safe and don't cause any side effects. To ensure that only small amounts of Botox are injected, only seek the services of a qualified surgeon.
In addition to Botox information, we also have plenty of information on plastic surgery India Chandigarh and nose job in India.

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How Has Stem Cell Culturing Affected the Health and Wellness Industry?

The ability to derive stem cells from plants or humans has had a significant effect on the health and wellness industry. While stem cell research is most often associated with the medical industry, it has also become a mainstay as an anti-aging ingredient. The role of stem cells in cosmetics was once a complex issue from an ethics perspective, however this has changed with the introduction of stem cell media.
In order to understand how cell culturing has affected the health and wellness industry, it is important to take a closer look at what cell culturing actually is. Culturing is the ability for healthcare professionals to take a single adult cell and cultivate it in a laboratory setting. The results is human fibroblast conditioned media or human adipose cells. The progenitor cell of human fibroblast is often taken from human adipose cells. From the progenitor cell, thousands of new cells can be grown. Conditioned media is the solution which is put in a petri dish to facilitate cell growth. It is typically a combination of sugars, amino acids, and proteins.
The resulting conditioned media include proteins that have been secreted by the cells and it is these proteins that are added to the serums use within the health and wellness industry. Using adult cell conditioned media a number of different serums have been produced to target specific degenerative related conditions.
One of the most popular types of serums is anti-aging serum. The purpose of this type of serum is to control wrinkles, stretch marks, reduce scars, and reverse the visible signs of aging. A majority of the visible signs of aging relate directly to cell health. For example, wrinkles are typically the result of skin cells losing elasticity. The application of anti-aging serums aims to replicate healthy cells and jumpstart cell regrowth to visibly reduce the signs of aging.
Using the same premise, a number of cell culturing related serums have been developed to address hair loss, blood vessel formation, and improving the body's ability to heal minor wounds. Over the past few years a number of clinical tests have been conducted that show a correlative link between using serums based on adult conditioned media. While the specific reasons this type of serum has been shown to be effective is still unclear, there is substantial evidence to suggest the adult conditioned media is the primary driving force behind it.
Overall, cell culturing has significantly affected the health and wellness industry. Not only has it led to the development of new serums, but it has also given the industry the ability to leverage previous research to produce a variety of new approaches to providing potential anti-aging solutions.
My name is Rosario Berry, a professional freelance writer, like to introduce Stem Medience Corp. The ability to derive Stem Cell from plants or humans has had a significant effect on the health and wellness industry.

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