Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A New Free Way To Increase Your Longevity

What does chronic inflammation do to you? It inflames the sensitive linings of the arteries that feed the heart and brain, leading to heart attacks and stroke. It destroys nerve cells in the brain and may contribute to the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It can create abnormal cells that may create cancer.
But you don't have to live with chronic inflammation. Your health can be improved in the following ways by just taking off your shoes and socks and sitting, standing, or walking barefoot on the ground, otherwise known as earthing. The benefits of doing so for at least 20 minutes at a time include::
1) lowers stress;
2) diffuses the causes of inflammation and eliminates the symptoms of many
inflammation-related disorders;
3) reduces chronic pain;
4) increases energy;
5) thins blood and improves blood pressure and flow;
6) lessens hormonal symptoms;
7) speeds healing;
8) protects against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnet fields.
Certainly wearing rubber and plastic-soled shoes prohibits grounding and connection of the feet with the earth. Is it possible to always ground? Let's face it, not everyone has access to ground that is free of stickers. If you live in a condominium or in a cold climate, it isn't always possible to walk or stand on the ground barefoot. Also there just may not be enough time to ground in your busy day. But there is another way to receive the benefits of earthing; you can put your feet on an earthing mat while at your desk or sleep on an earthing mat.
How does earthing work? Since your body consists mostly of water and minerals, it is an excellent conductor for electrons provided by the earth. Your body becomes suffused with electrons which elevates your energy level as well. It restores your body's natural internal electrical stability which in turn promotes normal functioning of body system, including cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and immune systems.
How does earthing lower stress? If you sleep on an earthing mat, it improves sleep by increasing the body's production of melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, a major protector of the brain, that prevents loss of brain cells. Since a variety of neurological-degenerative diseases have a free-radical component, researchers assume that melatonin may be useful in forestalling the consequences of these debilitating conditions and improving psychological health. Researchers also believe that melatonin has several major functions that may help to protect against psychiatric illnesses.
I've been sleeping on an earthing mat for two months now and am getting a deeper sleep with less signs of stress in my life. That is not to say that there isn't chaos in my life; it is to say that I react to less stress now.
I would love to share my experience in slowing down aging and my latest research on creating health and longevity in my e-book at http://livinglongerwhilesavingmoney.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8326652

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