Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How To Look Young?

When we are in our 20s, we want to look mature and serious and in our 40s we want to look young and energetic. Looking young is a good thing. You may use anti-aging creams for this purpose, but I want to offer tips that are free of cost.
These are simple tips and you can easily use them in your daily life.
Stop worrying about your age
This is the no. 1 tip. Forget about your age. Stop counting your breaths. Think about what you want to do in your life. It is important to write your goals and the time of their achievements.
I want to ask you a question.
When do you want to die?
I know your answer. You said, "never.' It is okay but for most people 70 to 90 years age is enough. Pick a number, let say 85 years and write it in your private diary.
Schedule your goals according to your defined age and believe me you will not feel old in your 40s.
We cannot control time and with every passing moment, we are getting older. Time does not take rest. So why bother ourselves, by thinking about things that are beyond our control.
Positive thinking
Positive thinking is the no.1 factor behind every success. Positive thinkers are happier and they look young.
Smile more
Sometimes, a genuine smile is better than every gift in the universe. Life is a journey. Difficult times are a part of that journey. In every difficult situation smile a little and that particular problem will be solved.
Tension and worry makes you look old and aged. Avoid these enemies and smile more often.
Drink more
Water is the most amazing drink on this planet earth. Drinking more water is necessary to look young and smart.
Walk in greenery
Spend some time alone in greenery and open air. Walk for 20 minutes. Green trees convey the message of life and beauty. GO in your nearby park. Forget about everything and just focus upon the fresh air and green trees.
When you will do this exercise daily, it will have a great impact on your life.
Games are a great way to be young. Games help us maintain the athlete spirit. Athletes are energetic and they look young than their real age.
Rest before you are tired
If you can take rest now, then you should not wait for being tired. Relaxed sleep for 8 hours is important. It will increase your performance, you will feel better, and you will look young.
Other than following these tips, you may use anti-aging creams, facials, masks, and massages. They are good to look young. Here is my advice:
Always buy from trusted companies and start using these products when you are 35 years old.
Best of luck!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8336388

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