Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Age Gracefully With These Simple Tips And Techniques

One of the easiest ways to achieve slow aging is by eating the right types of food. This can be done by eating vegetables that are high in antioxidants, which protect our body from oxidative stress. This results in having a body that has clearer skin and ages slower than normal.
It might be harder as you age to take care of things as you used to. Now is the time to simplify. This could be as easy as cleaning out a drawer or even a closet. Once you have seen that you can reduce the clutter, and get rid of things that don't serve a purpose any longer, you can then move on to other parts of your life that need simplification.
Get the proper amount of water each day! This is important as the years go by! Without proper hydration, your body will react in terrible ways. It could lead to things as serious as seizures, brain damage or even death. Buy a large jug that will hold eight glasses of water and fill it each morning. Make sure that it is empty by the time you go to bed.
As you start getting older, your metabolism slows down. So if you aren't at a weight you are comfortable with now, it will be even harder to keep your weight under control as you age. Take up exercise and get moving regularly, preferably 3 to 4 days a week.
A key to aging well is to maintain a good relationship with your physician. By getting yearly preventative checkups as well as any checkups that are necessary in between, you are taking a proactive approach to aging. There are many diseases that when caught early are highly treatable. Early disease treatment will definitely slow down your aging process.
Don't overeat! Overeating is one of the most common factors in shortening your life span. You don't want to starve yourself, but you should be conscious of the amount of calories you're taking in each day. Check with your doctor and find out the amount of calories you should be taking in based on your age, gender, and body type, and try to stick to that number.
Try to remember that aging is a part of life, not a disease or illness! Bodies do become more vulnerable to common infectious diseases during aging, so taking care of yourself and getting adequate exercise will help you feel youthful. Keeping active is very important to keep your body strong and your mind sharp.
As you become older you will start to find parts of your body not working as well as they used to. For some things, it is possible to take medication but for others, you will simply have to accept these facts. It can be hard to accept but the faster you do the easier it will be for you.
In order to keep the signs of aging at bay, you need to avoid overeating and stuffing yourself until full. Do not starve yourself, but there is no better way to slow aging and extend life than cutting back on the calories. Just as a rule of thumb, avoid overeating in any situation.
Sign up to a new class. It is never too late to learn something new, so consider attending some public lectures or joining a community class. Choose a topic you are interested it, whether it is computers, gardening, crafts, philosophy, foreign languages, or quantum physics. Continuous learning will stop your mind from being idle.
Staying Young
One of the key tips to staying young is to be happy. The body reacts to stress and this stress causes physical damage. So in order to stay young and have a healthy body, your life should be filled with the things that you love and get rid of all the other stresses. Use exercising and meditation to keep young and learn to appreciate the good things in life.
A key element to staying young and looking young is to get plenty of sleep. Not only is it important on how you look each day, but it is critical to feeling your best. Everyone's ideal amount of sleep is different so determine when you feel best after different lengths of sleep over a week.
Eye Cream
Prevent wrinkles! The best way to combat aging around the eyes is to start early. Applying eye cream before even a single wrinkle appears will help to keep your healthy skin smooth and supple for as long as possible. The skin around the eyes is the most delicate of all, so take care of it!
Crows Feet
A good way to reduce the impact of lines around the eyes is to wear sunglasses. Not only does this prevent squinting and causing crows feet, but sunglasses block the sun from hitting those high wrinkle areas and damaging the skin. So wearing sunglasses has a dual effect on the anti-aging process.
In conclusion, there is plenty that you can do and plenty of things that you can omit in your life in order to make sure that you live a long, healthy, and happy life. Aging is inevitable, however, if you follow the tips in this article you can learn to deal with it in the best ways possible.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8319320

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