Tuesday, February 25, 2014

At 35-40 Years Old: Aging or "Avoidable Deterioration"

Around 35-40 years old many of us are seeing what we believe to be signs of aging. Time for action and damage control.
Physical changes that show as early as 35-40 are better called "avoidable deterioration." Aging in general gets blamed for too much too often.
Unavoidable signs of aging come later- maybe in your 50's. Even those can be mitigated by healthy habits.
If you're 35-40 years old and seeing thing you don't like you could be seeing a "result" from either too few effective good habits or too many bad ones held for too long.
Make a clear distinction between natural healthy aging verses the cumulative effects of too few good habits and too many not so good habits.
You can easily tweak your choices and start nipping in the bud the avoidable unattractive results you're experiencing.
You can improve your body regardless of what age you start. I've witnessed an 82 year old woman develop muscles from strength training. The sooner you start the easier it is to get visible results you'll be thrilled with.
Everything's easier if you never allow your condition to get bad to the extreme. If all you need to do is shape up what you have that's easier than dropping a lot of weight and then shaping up what remains.
What you need to know is staying in shape doesn't take as much exercise and time (or unpleasantness) as you think. What it really takes is doing a little something for your body consistently every day, along with healthy food choices perhaps 90% of the time.
Consistency does 2 important things:
1. creates the phenomenon of cumulative effect, thereby increasing the value of even a short workout.
2. firmly establishes a habit and is critical to sustaining one.
Avoid thinking in terms of self-denial. Add good new choices instead. It's possible to reduce bad choices as a direct result of adding good choices.
Effective exercises can be creatively incorporated into any day- regardless of your schedule or your budget.
Find out what works for you. Getting on a scale may discourage you. Instead of getting on a scale and having your day ruined by a number you could try on the clothing item that once fit you well. Try it on periodically to check your progress. Your scale won't recognize positive internal results that start immediately when you eat right and work out. It can't discern that you're converting fat to muscle.
Most women don't like the appearance of the back side of their thighs. Solution: take 30 seconds every day/7 days per week/ 52 weeks each year. Using a pair of hand held weights that you keep in your bedroom do a great strength movement called "dead-lifts." Look online for instructional videos. They've been around for a long time. It's impossible to make this choice without getting results- as long as you don't quit too soon. You may have to hide your mirror if you find yourself checking it too soon or too often.
From now on make dead-lifts a part of your life. Do them before or after you brush your teeth. If that's the only part of your body you want to work on then fine. Chances are you'll add another movement to your repertoire. Once you get used to it you'll find yourself saying "this feels so good." Soon you'll feel muscle developing and next you'll see results.
By the way, as I've been typing these words you are now reading I've gotten up from the computer several times to do some kind of strength movement using dumbbells. The movements feel good for multiple reasons. You can rid your body of discomfort from tension at the same time as you're maintaining muscle. Everything isn't about looks.
Fitness begins with consciousness. Consciousness expands into choices. Choices become habits. Habits create lifestyle.
At 35-40 years old you are still so incredibly young- young enough to recover from the effects of not having made healthy choices up to this point. Start now- today. No one ever says they regret becoming healthy. Don't confuse healthy aging with avoidable deterioration.
Frankie O'Brien started exercising moderately when she was just 13 old. Now a 63 year old mother of 4 she says it's nice to wear the same size clothes as when she was in high school. Read her fitness philosophy at her blog http://www.getfitwithfrankie.com or visit http://www.fithealthylady.com to watch easy to learn strength training videos.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8321009

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