Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Indoor Air Purification: How to Live Longer, Age Slower With Cleaner Air

Air and water quality has long been linked to health, with better quality generally meaning better health. It's also been proven recently and over time that poor air quality (especially poor indoor air quality) can cause various health issues, weakens our immune systems, and even cause major health issues like cancer, heart disease, as well as causing us to have lower daily energy, and even age faster.
Other than most indoor air being polluted, the real problem is that most of us are spending upwards of 90% or more of our time indoors every day, constantly breathing in these pollutants. Where do the pollutants come from? Indoor air pollutants come from a variety of sources, including, house dust, insulation fibers, fine particles from sheetrock and other materials, mold spores, chemicals from cleaning products & solvents, even pollutants coming in from the outside through the A/C system.
Constantly breathing even smaller amounts of this indoor air pollution has been shown to lead to everything from chronic inflammation in the body to various infections, to sensitivities like allergies and asthma, and premature or accelerated aging. One reason why we often feel like we don't have the energy that we used to is that many of the toxins that build in our indoor air can and do interfere specifically with the reactions that product ATP, or our main energy molecule in the cells. This lack of energy in the cells means our cells don't have the energy to get rid of toxins or process nutrients as well, which means the cells tend to break down and die faster, which contributes to looking and feeling older.
And there many other more indirect ways that air pollutants kill our daily energy, such as lowering our immune system, reducing kidney and liver function which are necessary to keep our blood clean, etc. One rule of thumb to keep in mind: the cleaner the blood, the more energy you have-and the opposite is true also. Some toxins, such as carbon monoxide, actually compete for the spot that oxygen normally takes on our red blood cells. If less red blood cells are carrying oxygen, that can easily mean lower energy, and less vital nutrients to keep our cells working well.
When the body is full of toxins, the body's actual repair mechanisms can be damaged, too, simply because many air pollutants interfere with the proper bonding of molecules and amino acids, which means weaker proteins (i.e. weaker hair, skin, nails, etc), and slower repair and healing because of less oxygen, etc. All of that means less effective repair, which frankly just makes us look and feel older. One particularly nasty toxins is Aflatoxin, a compound produced by mold. This pollutant is especially toxic and one of the most carcinogenic substances known to man. Even if you only have a little mold in your home, that little amount likely produces aflatoxins and once they build up in our bodies, they can cause liver damage, which inhibits the body's ability to clean the blood, and we already explained what happens there: Dirty blood = poor cell health & decreased ability to repair = aging.
The obvious solution to this problem is to protect yourself and your family by using quality home air purification systems or portable air purifiers to remove the pollutants so they can't bother us. And unfortunately, many people don't realize that their air conditioner filters aren't much help with regard to having safe, clean air in the home. This is because air conditioner filters 1) aren't designed to stop chemical or gas pollutants, 2) aren't able to trap the sub-micron size particles because the pore size is too large, and 3) all the pollutants stuck to the inside of the ducts after the A/C filter will continue to be distributed into your home or office every time the air conditioner turns on.
If you're going buy an air filtration system or use room air cleaners, it's important to make sure that the unit(s) has a true HEPA filter and lots of high quality carbon in the carbon filter. You really need the true HEPA filter to consistently remove those dangerous, tiny sub-micron particles like dust, dust mites, mold spores, bacteria, viruses, etc. High quality activated carbon filters are also needed, as they are the only type of filter that can remove chemical residues and aflatoxins from the air. The bottom line here is that by ensuring you're not breathing in toxins that disrupt body systems, your body will be able to keep itself clean and repair better, which means slower aging, stronger tissues, and often, longer life. Proper air filtration might actually be one of the best anti-aging weapons around, and certainly a powerful addition to your other anti-aging efforts.
For more information on the EPA's recent statement about the dangers of poor indoor air quality, click here
Hi, I'm Rex Murphy, owner of Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com. I wrote this article to help explain how to use air purification for better health, and to slow the aging process by keeping airborne toxins and pollutants out of our systems. By using top quality air purifiers with true HEPA and carbon filters, you can consistently remove over 99% of these pollutants.
For more information and the best deals on top-rated air purifiers and portable air filtration systems, visit our Portable Home & Office Air Purifier page here: http://www.airpurifiersandcleaners.com/portable-home-office-air-purifiers-cleaners
We have a Spring Cleaning Sale going on until February 20th, 2014 with excellent discounts on many products--call us toll-free at 1-800-701-2513 for details!
To Your Health!
Rex Murphy Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com http://www.airpurifiersandcleaners.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8321543

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