Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to Get More Antioxidants In Your Day to Day Life

What is your Vital Health score? Have you taken the time to know your numbers? Do you know what to do when you get your numbers? You may be asking yourself "What numbers?" Let me explain.
We are talking about numbers that have to do with your health. For example, your blood pressure, your cholesterol (both high and low), your blood sugar and more. It is important to keep yourself in the loop when it comes to the numbers because you will want to know to know how to make improvements AND possible extend your life at the same time.
I am going to tell you a story why these numbers could save your life. It was about three years ago when Frank had ballooned up to 249 pounds. He was just under 6 feet tall and all of his weight was on his stomach, except his face was bloated as well. Frank was very active as he liked to run, cycle and play lots of tennis. Besides, he could still move quickly, or so he thought. The one thing that all of us noticed was that his temper was no longer in check. He would blow up at the littlest things. One day he was so mad at not hitting a tennis ball, he smashed his borrowed racket to smithereens!
Wow, what the heck was wrong with him anyway? Well, we all encouraged him to go to the doctor to see what the problem might be. We were sure he was ready for a heart attack, especially when he lost his temper!
Not so, although it could be a side effect. He had three major things going on besides the excess weight. His blood pressure was high. His cholesterol both high and low where way out of whack. And, his blood sugar levels put him in the Type II diabetes category. Now he was on a real pill regimen.
Throw Out the Temper!
He had to take pills for the blood pressure, pills for the cholesterol, and pills for the diabetes. It would keep things under control, if he remembered to do all the things he was required to do. He had to prick his fingers on a regular basis, absolute Yuck as far as he was concerned plus all the drugs did not make him feel so well. There had to be a solution to all of this - could all these conditions actually be reversed?
Everyone I talked to just laughed and told him to just live with it! But Frank was determined to figure out how to get back to the healthy man he was only a few short years ago. So the search began. He talked to doctors, naturopaths, alternative medicine gurus, and on and on. Still no real results. But what about using herbs in the foods we eat - would that work?
We Are ALL Skeptics
Frank was skeptical at first as he did not think anything would help him at this point in time. It took some convincing but I explained that it was a combination of herbs that you would normally cook with, so what would be the harm anyway. The only thing he had to do was to buy the herbs and add them to his food.
The herbs?
Turmeric, Milk Thistle, Bacopa, Ashwaghanda, and Green Tea. Oh, he also added Dandelion tea to his regimen plus a number of nuts and seeds.
What is YOUR Vital Health Score?
Well, Frank's high blood pressure started to regulate, his cholesterol levels were normalizing, and his insulin levels moved him out of the diabetic range. He lost weight, slept better and generally was in a better mood! We were all astounded.
If you have read this story, this may be something that would also work for you. Herbs and Spices can do wonders in your diet.
Bette Daoust, Ph.D. has been working with health practioners to find the best ways to move your health to higher levels. Dr. Daoust is now looking to a future where people can work towards preventative measures using natural rememdies when it comes to health.
For more information visit http://www.VitalHealthReview.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7537204

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