Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Human Longevity and Life Expectancy in the Future - This May Surprise You

In this article I have provided an overview of the fascinating subject of "human life expectancy and longevity" and why it is probably going to increase more than you may expect. If you are over 50, this article has important information for you
This subject is vast and its implications for humanity, at both the individual and collective level, are huge. This article will set the scene for a series of articles that will explain in more detail, what is happening, why it's happening, what it will mean for you and how you can make sure you are fully prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that will be available to maximise your personal longer healthier life.
I believe we are very fortunate, as mature people in a developed nation, to be living at such an exciting time. The Longevity Revolution is upon us and it offers hope, even an expectation that we can all look forward to the possibility of a much longer healthier life than we could have even conceived of as recently as 15 years ago. This new field of study and research is being referred to as "Life Extension."
The longevity revolution is already happening in biotechnology and medical science, and is going to result in a quantum leap in our lifespan; but even more importantly in how long we will stay healthy i.e. our "healthspan".
Right now, longevity statistics tell us that average life expectancy at birth in the top 20 ranking nations is 80 years; but of that on average, the last 8 years (10%) is spent in ill health.
To extend our lifespan without improving our healthspan would be pointless, maybe even cruel, and would place even greater pressure on our social security systems and national budgets, at a time when the ever increasing population of people over 65 is already threatening to swamp them.
Before we look into the crystal ball and attempt to see into the future, let's briefly review the recent history of longevity and current predicted life expectancy statistics.
"Life expectancy," according to the World Health Organisation website, is "the average number of years a person can expect to live, if in the future they experience the current "age-specific" mortality rates in the population." In other words, no significant changes occur in the person's lifetime; either positive or negative.
In the last 100 years, life expectancy in Developed Nations has increased by 50% from 53. 6 years to 80.4 years. This has been due to a combination of two factors; a reduction in child mortality and older people living longer.
In his article "Broken Limits to Life Expectancy" in "Science" magazine in May 2002, Demographer James Oppen stated "For 160 years, best-performance life expectancy has steadily increased by a quarter of a year per year, an extraordinary constancy of human achievement."
The main reasons for this massive increase have been:
- Advances in food supply and nutrition,
- Vastly improved sanitation and hygiene,
- Clean drinking water,
- Technological breakthroughs,
- The advent of major new medical technologies and medicines (e.g. antibiotics),
- Better housing, including clean heating systems (i.e. replacing coal fires), and
- Increased awareness and knowledge about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Many longevity scientists believe that over the next 10 years there will be dramatic advances in biotechnology that will radically change the future prospects for longevity from which we can all potentially expect a significant increase in life expectancy. There is widespread belief that an average life expectancy of 100 years is possible in developed nations in that timeframe.
So taking action right now in all the key areas of your lifestyle will increase your chances of being around to take advantage of these imminent benefits.
My research suggests that there are 4 areas for continuing research, development and public education that must be addressed simultaneously, and with urgency if as many of us as possible are to reap the full benefits that will be available:
1. Continuing the great work being carried out by Medical institutes and public health professionals across the globe to combat these chronic degenerative diseases This work has already saved many lives and improved the lives of many others, and it needs to continue.
2. Continue to educate people; that contracting these chronic diseases as they age is not an inevitability, and that they can significantly reduce the risks of contracting them by leading a healthy lifestyle i.e. adopting a healthy anti aging diet and avoiding the unhealthy foods and ingredients that damage their health, by avoiding unhealthy addictions, by a regular exercise and fitness practice and by reducing the stress that weakens the body's immune system and invites these diseases in.
3. In his fascinating article "A Wrinkle in Time" Stuart Jay Olshansky, a Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois, Chicago made the following statement:- "Scientific evidence now strongly supports the idea that it's time to invest in the future of humanity by encouraging the commensurate political will, public support, and resources required to slow aging, and to do so now, so that most people currently alive might benefit from the investment." and that "there is ample reason to be optimistic that decelerated aging can be achieved for humans."
4. As I said in the introduction, the longevity revolution is already happening in biotechnology and medical science, and is going to result in a quantum leap in our lifespans, but even more importantly, in how long we will stay healthy.
What would have been considered science fiction 20 years ago is now becoming a reality. The human genome project, completed in 2003, has opened up a multitude of amazing possibilities. The new field of "tissue engineering" is enabling medical laboratories to create replacement body parts and organs using an individual's own cells, and work already underway includes growing new organs, breast tissue, windpipes and bladders, amongst many other body parts.
Over the next 10 years, major advances in biotechnology will radically change our future prospects for longevity from which we can all potentially expect a significant increase in life expectancy. There is widespread belief that an average life expectancy of 100 years is possible in developed nations in that timeframe.
By taking action right now in all the key areas of your lifestyle, you can increase your chances of being around to take advantage of these imminent benefits and live a much longer, healthier and happier life.
1. Name: David Amer
3. I created "Design Your New Life" to share my personal journey and visionĂ‚ with as many men as possible; and in so doing, to help them to design a better life for themselves and their families in their retirement years.
So, If you are a man over 50 years of age, and want to design a great new life for yourself and your family after you retire, CONGRATULATIONS, you have come to the right place.
My website has been designed to make it easy for you to find all the information and guidance you might need to make your later life phase fulfilling and happy, without the need to spend lots of time researching hundreds of websites; bringing together in one "easy to use" website, all the information you will need; a "one stop shop" laid out within a logical framework with a step by step approach that I will guide you through,
4. Be Smart - Stay Updated. Just enter your details in the "opt-in box" to receive our ongoing articles and updates. http://www.designyournewlife.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8293177

Work On Improving Your Functional Strength As You Age

No matter your specific fitness goals, your overall goal should be to improve your functional strength which can help make your daily life easier! This rule should hold extreme importance to the seniors reading this article. As you age the ability to carry out your day-to-day activities is really determined by your functional strength!
What is the definition of functional strength though? The meaning according to the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America is that functional strength, "... refers to the idea that muscles should be trained and developed in such a way as to make the performance of everyday activities easier, smoother, safer, and more efficient". To put it practically, this is strength needed to pick up your groceries or shovel snow. Improving this functional strength should be imperative as we age; it allows us to maintain our independence.
One great aspect of resistance training to increase your strength is that it can reverse sarcopenia which is the loss of muscle due to lack or use or degeneration. The ability to reverse sarcopenia can be seen in a study by the University of London that illustrated that three, one hour weight training sessions was enough to significantly improve the strength of women over 75 years old! If people over the age of 75 can improve their strength, you can make serious strides if you are still in your 40's or 50's!
There are many ways to improve your strength from bodyweight training to resistance band training and many different exercises in-between. No matter the method you decide to employ to improve your strength try to follow these simple guidelines:
1. Stretch, stretch, stretch - Static stretching should be a priority in your workout regime, almost more important than the workout itself. It increases your range of motion. Conduct static stretching (low-intensity, long duration) for 5-10 minutes before and after a workout.
2. Resistance train 3 times a week - All it takes is strength training 3 times a week to combat sarcopenia. That's it; take the time to improve your strength.
3. Exercise the entire body - Pick 6-8 exercises that will exercise the whole body. This will give you a full body workout every other day throughout the week.
4. Slow, steady, and light - Start slowly with a light resistance. This will help you develop the correct form of the exercise, helps reduce your risk of injury, and prevents you from being overly sore.
5. Perform both coordination and balance exercises - Workouts that increase your coordination and balance are helpful at improving your quality of life. For instance, standing on one leg or conducting exercises that involve multiple movements can help improve your coordination and balance.
Growing older can be difficult, especially as it starts to decrease our quality of life! This makes it very important to work on your functional strength through exercise. There is a lot of great information on the internet about how to develop your own functional strength training plan. This will allow you to improve your strength, coordination, and balance. No matter the training method you use, your main focus should always be to improve your functional strength which can help make your daily life easier!
Want more information on at-home, sustainable fitness? Check out Always Active Athletics. There you'll find convenient, sustainable exercise and nutrition tips to help you get the results you deserve!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8314017

The Reason Behind Tired Eyes and the Treatment to Help Solve It

Tired of looking tired?
There is nothing worse than being told you look tired when you have had a good eight hours sleep and feel raring to go. This tired look is associated with looking older which is not want you want. The eye area and mid-face are the areas we focus on most when we are speaking to each other so it is the area to address first when considering treatments. In the UK we spend millions of pounds on 'cover up products'. Most of these are whitish in colour, whereas a peachy colour, similar to the Circle Delete product from Jane Iredale's make-up collection is the one to hide the darkness. In fact, light coloured products often draw attention to the area rather than away from it. Think about light highlighter pencils we use to emphasise the brows and cheek areas.
We can look tired at any age but the reasons are very different. Sometimes we have a dark blue or purple discolouration to the skin under the eyes. This can be due to tiredness or dehydration which can be addressed. However, as we get older, it is more common and is due to the fact that our skin gets thinner from the lack of collagen production in the skin. When the skin is thinner, the small veins underneath the surface become more visible and make us look tired. Vitamin A taken orally and Vitamin A creams used topically help stimulate skin to produce collagen and hence make it thicker, therefore dark circles are reduced. Products such as Jane Iredale's Dark Circle & ZO eye cream that you can't buy on the high-street are excellent.
The other reason for looking tired is having 'sunken eyes' or 'eye bags' which is due to enlarged orbital margins meaning that the holes in the skull for the eyes become larger. Some people are born with naturally large orbital margins but everyone eventually experiences the loss of bone around the eyes. - it's inevitable. Even people who have had surgical face lifts will not have this problem resolved. The only treatment for this is dermal fillers. Dermal fillers, such as Juvederm & Restylane, are hyaluronic acid which is present naturally in our skin but reduces in volume with age. Injecting the dermal fillers into the affected area helps to rebuild this volume, restoring that youthful look - and the results are instant.
The treatment involves numbing the area under the eyes with a cream followed by piercing the skin with a tiny needle. A blunt ended needle, called a canula, is then inserted and tiny amounts of dermal filler are slowly placed under the skin to fill the area. The results are significantly different whilst still natural looking. The product typically lasts about a year and for many people is the best investment they make in their appearance. It helps to change a tired to look, into a rejuvenated, wakeful one. As a patients regularly say to me,"I wear my face every day. Why wouldn't I look after it?"
Dr Ros Debenham
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8313126

Here Are 3 Healthy Anti Aging Skin Care Tips to Follow

It is the desire of every woman to feel and look young. They want to have that terrific gorgeous skin. They want to sizzle away that unwanted roughness on their skin. They don't want to wake up the following morning and find themselves feeling and looking old.
But sadly, wrinkles often rears its ugly head and makes potentially fun-filled morning fizzle out in a flash.
Sounds like what is happening to you now?
In this article, we are going to look at 3 healthy anti-aging skin care tips you can follow to help you reduce your skin aging.
3 Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips To Improve Your Looks
1. Drink Plenty of Water
Water is very important for our body's healing processes. Failing to drink water could do more harm than good to your skin. Failing to drink enough water is one thing that can quickly begin to age your skin. This is especially true since the dryer you are beneath the surface of your skin, the more it is likely to damage the top layer of your skin.
It is recommended you drink enough water daily - at least 8 glasses of water. Several things you will notice if you fail to drink enough water or without proper hydration, are the wrinkles on your arms and hands. You will also notice the dryness in and around your elbows and heels.
If you have wrinkles on your face, it is never too late to slow down your aging process. You can start to heal the damages already done and improve your looks and feel good. Even if you don't like to drink water force yourself to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
2. Get Plenty of Vitamin C and E
There are several environmental factors that contribute to your skin aging. For instance
  • Harsh chemicals
  • Air Pollution
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Plant Herbicides
  • And other environmental pollutants
Studies indicate that it takes a longer time for the environmental pollutants to have an effect on your skin. The negative impact on the skin breaks down the living cells causing major problems. This damage affects the elasticity and collagen of your skin causing your skin to droop and produce more wrinkles.
Vitamin C and E helps the skin by reducing the damages causes by these pollutants. Get plenty of vitamin C and E from eating plenty foods high in vitamins or at least you could supplement your diet with vitamin C and E capsules.
3. Avoid the Hot Sun
Exposing your skin to too much sunlight will have a profound effect on it. It can cause premature skin aging, skin cancer, and other skin conditions. However, it doesn't mean you cannot enjoy the sunlight. But you should be more careful about the sun exposure. Use sunscreens to reduce the harmful effect of the UV radiation.
With the above anti-aging skin care tips, you can improve your skin appearance. Apart from the tips given above, you can find several others to help you fight skin aging. You just have to learn how and take action. Know what works for you and stick it.
I believe this article has pointed out some useful anti-aging skin care tips you can follow to pamper your skin and have and glowing looking skin. Got any skin care tips of your own to share? What makes a skin beautiful to you? Share in the comments. Don't forget to share this post with your friends.
Who else wants to enhance her looks? You can easily achieve that with some 7 beauty tips that is really helping more women look beautiful like the pros. Find out at, http://skincareanalyst.com/beauty-tips-to-enhance-your-looks/
©Copyright 2014 Josh Manuel
Josh Manuel is a beauty and skin care enthusiast who helps men and women reach their full potential and gain greater self-confidence by finding their beauty from the inside out. Visit http://www.skincareanalyst.com and grab the FREE report "Cheat Sheet For Being Beautiful - The Secrets To Easy Beauty With No Difficulties".
Over 4000 people have used the free report to have better looks and a vibrant life they love waking up to. Sign up free.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8316587

How to Increase Your Chances to Be a Centenarian

So you want to live to one hundred and beyond, and you want to know how to do it. There is no secret formula for getting there, but there are quite a lot of lifestyle prescriptions that give you a better chance. Plus because more people all the time are becoming centenarians our knowledge base of what allows people to live longer is growing. There are things that are becoming more apparent the more we study, and there are things that remain a mystery, which we will explore here.
Many people look at what they envision that life of a centenarian to be, and they think "no thanks". Most people equate aging with aches and pains, loss of memory and loneliness. But we now are observing what life as an aging person really is, and it isn't all that bleak. We now know that the older the age group degenerative disease onset also comes later, and they are quite healthy until very near the end of their lives.
And a human's chances of reaching the 100 year mark are increasing all the time and it is expected will continue to increase. If you are now a baby boomer your chances of hitting 100 years is only about 4%, but children born today have about a 25% chance. About eight out of every nine centenarians are women.
These are some of the things we can do (or have no control over) to reach the century mark:
1. How old was your mother when you were born? According to a study conducted at the University of Chicago Center for Aging, you have twice the chance of reaching 100 years if your mother was under 25 when you were born.
2. Are you a happy and optimistic person? Numerous studies have shown that happy people live longer. We're not exactly sure how, but optimism and other positive thoughts tend to provide stress relief and boost the immune system.
3. How do you cope with stress? Centenarians don't eliminate stress in their lives, but they have learned to deal with it. For the most part they deal with the stress and then quickly put it in their past.
4. Do you watch what you eat and get some exercise? If you are treating your body well by feeding it nutritious foods, eliminating harmful foods and keeping your body active, you increase your chances immensely.
Knowing all the things we can do, it also seems to be true that centenarians seem to have something in their genes that sets them apart from average people. They definitely age slower than normal people. Looking at people who are over 100 years old, studies have shown that when they take a snapshot of what their lives looked like when they were 70 is quite revealing. Over a third was overweight, with 8% falling in the obese category. Over one-third smoked, for an average of 31 years. Less than half exercised moderately, and another twenty percent never exercised. Not exactly what we think of as the ticket for old age, but centenarians are a different breed.
There are many things we can do to help us become healthier and to age better, and exercise is certainly a big part of it. Seniors are now getting more into yoga and other exercises such as Pilates to keep young. Rich Carroll is a writer and avid health advocate now living in Chicago.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8318261

At 35-40 Years Old: Aging or "Avoidable Deterioration"

Around 35-40 years old many of us are seeing what we believe to be signs of aging. Time for action and damage control.
Physical changes that show as early as 35-40 are better called "avoidable deterioration." Aging in general gets blamed for too much too often.
Unavoidable signs of aging come later- maybe in your 50's. Even those can be mitigated by healthy habits.
If you're 35-40 years old and seeing thing you don't like you could be seeing a "result" from either too few effective good habits or too many bad ones held for too long.
Make a clear distinction between natural healthy aging verses the cumulative effects of too few good habits and too many not so good habits.
You can easily tweak your choices and start nipping in the bud the avoidable unattractive results you're experiencing.
You can improve your body regardless of what age you start. I've witnessed an 82 year old woman develop muscles from strength training. The sooner you start the easier it is to get visible results you'll be thrilled with.
Everything's easier if you never allow your condition to get bad to the extreme. If all you need to do is shape up what you have that's easier than dropping a lot of weight and then shaping up what remains.
What you need to know is staying in shape doesn't take as much exercise and time (or unpleasantness) as you think. What it really takes is doing a little something for your body consistently every day, along with healthy food choices perhaps 90% of the time.
Consistency does 2 important things:
1. creates the phenomenon of cumulative effect, thereby increasing the value of even a short workout.
2. firmly establishes a habit and is critical to sustaining one.
Avoid thinking in terms of self-denial. Add good new choices instead. It's possible to reduce bad choices as a direct result of adding good choices.
Effective exercises can be creatively incorporated into any day- regardless of your schedule or your budget.
Find out what works for you. Getting on a scale may discourage you. Instead of getting on a scale and having your day ruined by a number you could try on the clothing item that once fit you well. Try it on periodically to check your progress. Your scale won't recognize positive internal results that start immediately when you eat right and work out. It can't discern that you're converting fat to muscle.
Most women don't like the appearance of the back side of their thighs. Solution: take 30 seconds every day/7 days per week/ 52 weeks each year. Using a pair of hand held weights that you keep in your bedroom do a great strength movement called "dead-lifts." Look online for instructional videos. They've been around for a long time. It's impossible to make this choice without getting results- as long as you don't quit too soon. You may have to hide your mirror if you find yourself checking it too soon or too often.
From now on make dead-lifts a part of your life. Do them before or after you brush your teeth. If that's the only part of your body you want to work on then fine. Chances are you'll add another movement to your repertoire. Once you get used to it you'll find yourself saying "this feels so good." Soon you'll feel muscle developing and next you'll see results.
By the way, as I've been typing these words you are now reading I've gotten up from the computer several times to do some kind of strength movement using dumbbells. The movements feel good for multiple reasons. You can rid your body of discomfort from tension at the same time as you're maintaining muscle. Everything isn't about looks.
Fitness begins with consciousness. Consciousness expands into choices. Choices become habits. Habits create lifestyle.
At 35-40 years old you are still so incredibly young- young enough to recover from the effects of not having made healthy choices up to this point. Start now- today. No one ever says they regret becoming healthy. Don't confuse healthy aging with avoidable deterioration.
Frankie O'Brien started exercising moderately when she was just 13 old. Now a 63 year old mother of 4 she says it's nice to wear the same size clothes as when she was in high school. Read her fitness philosophy at her blog http://www.getfitwithfrankie.com or visit http://www.fithealthylady.com to watch easy to learn strength training videos.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8321009

Age Gracefully With These Simple Tips And Techniques

One of the easiest ways to achieve slow aging is by eating the right types of food. This can be done by eating vegetables that are high in antioxidants, which protect our body from oxidative stress. This results in having a body that has clearer skin and ages slower than normal.
It might be harder as you age to take care of things as you used to. Now is the time to simplify. This could be as easy as cleaning out a drawer or even a closet. Once you have seen that you can reduce the clutter, and get rid of things that don't serve a purpose any longer, you can then move on to other parts of your life that need simplification.
Get the proper amount of water each day! This is important as the years go by! Without proper hydration, your body will react in terrible ways. It could lead to things as serious as seizures, brain damage or even death. Buy a large jug that will hold eight glasses of water and fill it each morning. Make sure that it is empty by the time you go to bed.
As you start getting older, your metabolism slows down. So if you aren't at a weight you are comfortable with now, it will be even harder to keep your weight under control as you age. Take up exercise and get moving regularly, preferably 3 to 4 days a week.
A key to aging well is to maintain a good relationship with your physician. By getting yearly preventative checkups as well as any checkups that are necessary in between, you are taking a proactive approach to aging. There are many diseases that when caught early are highly treatable. Early disease treatment will definitely slow down your aging process.
Don't overeat! Overeating is one of the most common factors in shortening your life span. You don't want to starve yourself, but you should be conscious of the amount of calories you're taking in each day. Check with your doctor and find out the amount of calories you should be taking in based on your age, gender, and body type, and try to stick to that number.
Try to remember that aging is a part of life, not a disease or illness! Bodies do become more vulnerable to common infectious diseases during aging, so taking care of yourself and getting adequate exercise will help you feel youthful. Keeping active is very important to keep your body strong and your mind sharp.
As you become older you will start to find parts of your body not working as well as they used to. For some things, it is possible to take medication but for others, you will simply have to accept these facts. It can be hard to accept but the faster you do the easier it will be for you.
In order to keep the signs of aging at bay, you need to avoid overeating and stuffing yourself until full. Do not starve yourself, but there is no better way to slow aging and extend life than cutting back on the calories. Just as a rule of thumb, avoid overeating in any situation.
Sign up to a new class. It is never too late to learn something new, so consider attending some public lectures or joining a community class. Choose a topic you are interested it, whether it is computers, gardening, crafts, philosophy, foreign languages, or quantum physics. Continuous learning will stop your mind from being idle.
Staying Young
One of the key tips to staying young is to be happy. The body reacts to stress and this stress causes physical damage. So in order to stay young and have a healthy body, your life should be filled with the things that you love and get rid of all the other stresses. Use exercising and meditation to keep young and learn to appreciate the good things in life.
A key element to staying young and looking young is to get plenty of sleep. Not only is it important on how you look each day, but it is critical to feeling your best. Everyone's ideal amount of sleep is different so determine when you feel best after different lengths of sleep over a week.
Eye Cream
Prevent wrinkles! The best way to combat aging around the eyes is to start early. Applying eye cream before even a single wrinkle appears will help to keep your healthy skin smooth and supple for as long as possible. The skin around the eyes is the most delicate of all, so take care of it!
Crows Feet
A good way to reduce the impact of lines around the eyes is to wear sunglasses. Not only does this prevent squinting and causing crows feet, but sunglasses block the sun from hitting those high wrinkle areas and damaging the skin. So wearing sunglasses has a dual effect on the anti-aging process.
In conclusion, there is plenty that you can do and plenty of things that you can omit in your life in order to make sure that you live a long, healthy, and happy life. Aging is inevitable, however, if you follow the tips in this article you can learn to deal with it in the best ways possible.
I am a fanatic of great looking skin, so I have found many products to have a youthful looking skin. If you want to learn more, check out our website antiaginghandcream.org, where we provide all kinds of information pertaining to how to stay looking young. You will find a ton of information that will be very helpful. - Click here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8319320

Indoor Air Purification: How to Live Longer, Age Slower With Cleaner Air

Air and water quality has long been linked to health, with better quality generally meaning better health. It's also been proven recently and over time that poor air quality (especially poor indoor air quality) can cause various health issues, weakens our immune systems, and even cause major health issues like cancer, heart disease, as well as causing us to have lower daily energy, and even age faster.
Other than most indoor air being polluted, the real problem is that most of us are spending upwards of 90% or more of our time indoors every day, constantly breathing in these pollutants. Where do the pollutants come from? Indoor air pollutants come from a variety of sources, including, house dust, insulation fibers, fine particles from sheetrock and other materials, mold spores, chemicals from cleaning products & solvents, even pollutants coming in from the outside through the A/C system.
Constantly breathing even smaller amounts of this indoor air pollution has been shown to lead to everything from chronic inflammation in the body to various infections, to sensitivities like allergies and asthma, and premature or accelerated aging. One reason why we often feel like we don't have the energy that we used to is that many of the toxins that build in our indoor air can and do interfere specifically with the reactions that product ATP, or our main energy molecule in the cells. This lack of energy in the cells means our cells don't have the energy to get rid of toxins or process nutrients as well, which means the cells tend to break down and die faster, which contributes to looking and feeling older.
And there many other more indirect ways that air pollutants kill our daily energy, such as lowering our immune system, reducing kidney and liver function which are necessary to keep our blood clean, etc. One rule of thumb to keep in mind: the cleaner the blood, the more energy you have-and the opposite is true also. Some toxins, such as carbon monoxide, actually compete for the spot that oxygen normally takes on our red blood cells. If less red blood cells are carrying oxygen, that can easily mean lower energy, and less vital nutrients to keep our cells working well.
When the body is full of toxins, the body's actual repair mechanisms can be damaged, too, simply because many air pollutants interfere with the proper bonding of molecules and amino acids, which means weaker proteins (i.e. weaker hair, skin, nails, etc), and slower repair and healing because of less oxygen, etc. All of that means less effective repair, which frankly just makes us look and feel older. One particularly nasty toxins is Aflatoxin, a compound produced by mold. This pollutant is especially toxic and one of the most carcinogenic substances known to man. Even if you only have a little mold in your home, that little amount likely produces aflatoxins and once they build up in our bodies, they can cause liver damage, which inhibits the body's ability to clean the blood, and we already explained what happens there: Dirty blood = poor cell health & decreased ability to repair = aging.
The obvious solution to this problem is to protect yourself and your family by using quality home air purification systems or portable air purifiers to remove the pollutants so they can't bother us. And unfortunately, many people don't realize that their air conditioner filters aren't much help with regard to having safe, clean air in the home. This is because air conditioner filters 1) aren't designed to stop chemical or gas pollutants, 2) aren't able to trap the sub-micron size particles because the pore size is too large, and 3) all the pollutants stuck to the inside of the ducts after the A/C filter will continue to be distributed into your home or office every time the air conditioner turns on.
If you're going buy an air filtration system or use room air cleaners, it's important to make sure that the unit(s) has a true HEPA filter and lots of high quality carbon in the carbon filter. You really need the true HEPA filter to consistently remove those dangerous, tiny sub-micron particles like dust, dust mites, mold spores, bacteria, viruses, etc. High quality activated carbon filters are also needed, as they are the only type of filter that can remove chemical residues and aflatoxins from the air. The bottom line here is that by ensuring you're not breathing in toxins that disrupt body systems, your body will be able to keep itself clean and repair better, which means slower aging, stronger tissues, and often, longer life. Proper air filtration might actually be one of the best anti-aging weapons around, and certainly a powerful addition to your other anti-aging efforts.
For more information on the EPA's recent statement about the dangers of poor indoor air quality, click here
Hi, I'm Rex Murphy, owner of Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com. I wrote this article to help explain how to use air purification for better health, and to slow the aging process by keeping airborne toxins and pollutants out of our systems. By using top quality air purifiers with true HEPA and carbon filters, you can consistently remove over 99% of these pollutants.
For more information and the best deals on top-rated air purifiers and portable air filtration systems, visit our Portable Home & Office Air Purifier page here: http://www.airpurifiersandcleaners.com/portable-home-office-air-purifiers-cleaners
We have a Spring Cleaning Sale going on until February 20th, 2014 with excellent discounts on many products--call us toll-free at 1-800-701-2513 for details!
To Your Health!
Rex Murphy Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com http://www.airpurifiersandcleaners.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8321543

A Double-Dare!

When was the last time you did something just for the heck of it - extracted the goodness from the moment: acted spontaneously? According to Germain Greer, 'The essence of pleasure is spontaneity'.
Some people go through their lives believing that tomorrow will be better than today. Others think that yesterday was a lot better than today. Both groups eventually come to realise that John Lennon was close to the mark when he philosophised that life is what happens to us when we're busy making other plans. It doesn't matter much whether you're an adopter or adapter, life's over before you know it.
Acting spontaneously could be a good idea. Probably one of the most quoted poems capturing regrets for a life too prudently lived and lacking spontaneity is 'I'd Pick More Daisies'. The poem has been translated into many languages and is attributed to many different authors. The only thing that there is agreement about is that whomever wrote it was 80+.
I'd like to reproduce the poem for you, but that would not find favour with they who must be obeyed. The key message is not to wait until it's too late to act spontaneously to do something just for the heck of it.
If it's so, that one day our life will flash before our eyes, make sure that what we'll see is worth watching.
Our search for work-life balance must start with us: no one else can do it for us. The time is now to bite the bullet and take control of our life. Failure to sit in the driver's seat of our life will see someone else will be eager to do that for us.
Dr Neil Flanagan is a conference and keynote presenter. You can have your say about anything in this article by going to http://www.neil.com.au

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8319374

Inspiration and Awe: Tips for Aging Well, With Energy and Fun

As I jogged around my parent's retirement community in sunny Delray Beach, I breathed deeply in gratitude. To be outdoors and have escaped the brutally cold East Coast winter, even if only for a few days, felt great!
I smiled and returned the good morning greeting of the many seniors who passed me by, mostly walking, not jogging, but walking nevertheless. An occasional biker whizzed by as well. I looked out to the golf course, and saw the many groups enjoying their sport this beautiful morning. Passing the tennis courts, the predominate color scheme was white and bald.
I have been hitting this trail a few times a year for the last 14 years since my folks bought a home here. Back then, I was running away from a fear of aging, that I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, I've held onto for most of my adult life. Although I enjoyed escaping mid-winter every year to spend time with Mom & Dad in the Florida sun, I would breathe a sigh of relief each time I got back on the plane to return home.
The area represented to me everything about aging that freaked me out. I would get off the plane in the West Palm Beach airport, see the wheelchairs and canes, and feel as if I was holding my breath until back in NJ. The thought that the day would come when my body would refuse to do what I wanted it to do, was scary and overwhelming.
In some ways, that fear was one of my motivators for plugging away at my daily exercise regime, watching what I eat, and keeping self-care at the top of my daily "to-do" list. My attitude had always been, I can't control getting older, but damned if I'm not going to try to control what I can. Being in the health and fitness industry ingrained in me was the belief that so many ailments were not inevitable diseases of aging, but diseases of dis-use. Use it or lose it is one of my favorite mantras.
Now, however, I notice quite a different emotion come over me when I arrive in town. It's awe and inspiration. No matter whether I am jogging (admittedly slower than in the past), enjoying a meal in a local restaurant with the folks, or sitting by the pool writing this blog, the background sound I always here is laughter.
There is a spirit, youthful humor and enthusiasm of these folks, that abounds if you stop to listen for it. For most, there is a celebration of life, friends and community, that we younger folks often are too busy to partake in.
Mom and Dad went off this afternoon to join the 90th birthday festivities of one of their good friends. Imagine, welcoming in the ninth decade surrounded by those you love. Well, I'm not going to rush it, but I pray I am blessed to see it!
Now don't think for a minute that I am just lucky my folks are still here and well. Yes, I am incredibly lucky and blessed, but they've experienced many heart ships and health obstacles over the years.
Mom who is 93, not only has survived four cancers, but is currently going through a therapy that requires her to have IV antibiotics every single day (yes... 7 days a week!) for six weeks. It means sitting for one hour while medicine, that hopefully will cure an infection in her bones, drips into her system. Yet, she still greets me and the day with a giant smile, counts her blessings that the lab is so close by, and gets out of her appointment in time to make this afternoon's party.
Dad, who is turning 90 this spring (yes, my mom was a cougar and married a younger man) was on the tennis courts four days a week until he was 85, when a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease ended his life long love affair. It's been a battle to keep his muscles moving, and his spirits up. I am grateful and indebted to the physical therapist who comes to him four times a week and puts him through the exercises I know he would prefer not to do. But I guarantee, at some point this afternoon he will put his cane down, and take his bride of 65 years to the dance floor.
Last night, we sat at the dining room table having tea, decaf, and cake with their very dear "younger" friends. Their best buddies are in their eighth decade, so indeed younger.
Friends look after each other with a dedication and devotion that seems rare, but abides in this retirement community. I suspect this is true in many, many senior communities around the country.
I listened to stories, most filled with pride, concerning children and grandchildren's accomplishments. There were tales of the few kids who were struggling to find their way, and other friends who were currently facing health concerns. We debated the advantages and disadvantages of the "crazy world" we live in now and the dependence on technology. There was the occasional boasting about conquering computer problems, like figuring out how to sort emails into folders! But mostly we laughed. And I was reminded how much more fun it is to shmooze with folks, than talking at them on Face Book.
At breakfast, I leafed through the American Association of Retired People magazine, which so far, I have refused to join! I read that the youngest baby boomers turn 50 this year! What that means to me is my generation is closer in age to the bulk of individuals living here than any of us would like to admit.
It's probably well worth us getting to know these elders a little better, and embracing some of the lessons they have to teach. I believe these are lessons we can take to heart right now and begin having lives that feel more fulfilled and energized! Here is what I am discovering truly is the fountain of youth. I hope they will inspire you and fill your world with a bit more awe too!
1. Nurturing human connections and relationships are more important than anything else. They are the ingredients for a full and meaningful life, no matter how the body is handling the passage of time. Family, friends and community mean everything to these folks. It is their core value, and their actions support living congruently with that value.
2. Attitude and optimism is key. Adopt an attitude of the glass is always half full, never half empty. Look for the silver lining in all of life's challenges, and the burden is lightened. One of my favorite expressions, which I know I learned from Mom, is "this too shall pass."
3. Be a life-long learner. Whether it's movies, theater, lectures, books or a new game on the computer, they participate in activities that stimulate their brains.
4. As much as possible, keep moving no matter what. Our generation was blessed with all the information on how exercise can impact our future functioning. But this was relatively late in life info for most of these folks. Many of them never laced up a pair of sneakers until they were well into their 70's or 80's. They support the research that it's never too late!
5. Find the humor in all life has to offer. Nothing is more healing than a good belly laugh.
Shortly after my folks spent their first full winter down South, I asked my Dad, "So what did you think?" I have never forgotten what he said. "I saw the future, and I don't like what I see." Yes, the canes, walkers and wheelchairs are scary. So I will continue to do all I can to keep my body mobile and functional.
How lucky are we baby boomers than we have information that can impact how we age! Rather than approach exercise and health regimes as a "have to" or "I better or else," let's turn that attitude around. Next time you need a little motivation to get off the couch, be grateful that you can! And then, as Nike has told us over and over, "Just do it!"
I now look at my daily exercise as a celebration of what my body can do. I don't run away from my fear of aging, but run for my celebration of life and the future I look forward to embracing. Yes, there are many things we will not be able to control. We can only do our best to take care of ourselves and those around us. But there is a lot to look forward to, and I'm beginning to like what I see.
Ellen Goldman created her company, EnerG coaching, LLC to help overextended business professionals and entrepreneurs who struggle with issues such as weight loss, stress management, getting in shape, work life balance, and other health related problems that can be affected by lifestyle changes. Learn more about her fitness and wellness coaching programs, and receive two free quizzes to assess your readiness to make positive lifestyle changes in your life when you subscribe to her Fitness & Wellness From the Inside Out Monthly Tips at http://www.EnerGcoaching.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8322830

Stay Ahead of the Game by Choosing the Right Wrinkle Creams

Staying young and healthy, and on the top of your game does not have to be a challenge. Your appearance does not have to show your chronological age. There is no such thing as a fountain of youth. At the same time, showing the signs of aging can be very traumatic for some people. Most people will do anything to keep those signs at bay. Don't be afraid of the lines that have appeared on your face. There are things you can do to reverse the way aging has affected your appearance. You can start with a good anti-wrinkle cream.
Anti-aging creams versus Professional Skin Treatments
Did you know that many over the counter wrinkle creams are simply lower dose versions of the same skin treatments that are prescribed by dermatologists?
All in all, if you had spent some time and money on a consultation with your medical professional you could still be getting the same results that you will get when you apply a little bit more of the wrinkle cream that you buy in your pharmacy.
Clearly this is not correct for all anti-aging items. Prior to opting for slapping on triple the amount of your present wrinkle reducing merchandise, make sure to use caution. Contacting your doctor to simply "take a look" at a new cream, however, could be an excellent decision. You could possibly save a bunch of money!
Anti-wrinkle creams key ingredients
If you are deadest on battling the wrinkles on your face and other indicators of your age, look for items that have hydroxy acids in them. Hydroxy acids are unnatural versions of the natural acids that can be found in fruits that have sugar (which is just about every fruit). These ingredients act as exfoliants to remove dead skin. In addition to banishing old, dead and dry skin, they also stimulate the dermis so that you can produce new skin. On the negative side, these particular elements also make the skin more adept to damage form the sun, so make sure to use wrinkle preventer at the same time as sunscreen (or pick a skin cream that has it in it).
Tea to reduce swelling and wrinkles
You might be surprised to find tea extracts in some creams, this is a good thing because it helps smooth fine lines and wrinkles in a way other creams can't. Tea extracts from oolong, black and green teas are power packed with antioxidants that contain anti-inflammatory properties. These are helpful especially when skin becomes inflammed and irritated. This is why beauty magazines often recommend applying damp teabags on eyes when your eyelids are puffy. They can help the swelling go down!
There is such a variety of wrinkle reductions methods it's really quite amazing. It is imperative for you to know just what ingrediendt can really help your skin stay looking youthful and healthy. Ask your doctor for advice. Of course, the most important thing you can do is your own research. Learning the important facts will help you keep your skin as vibrant at 40 as it was at 20. The knowledge you've gained from this article will arm you well for shopping for the right ingredients rather than getting sucked into products that won't work anyway.
When looking for anti-aging solutions try exploring some under eye cream for dark circles, because these will often target signs of aging such as reducing wrinkles and smoothing out lines in the face too.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8326550

How Do I Age Gracefully?

The simple answer is... by STAYING ACTIVE.
Baby boomers who exercise on a regular basis experience better health overall, enjoy life more and are much more able to fight life-threatening diseases more effectively than those who don't exercise at all.
To be able to age gracefully, it is most important to remain active. A solid exercise program done on a regular basis will help you to maintain your health and fight off the effects of aging.
As humans age, we experience new health problems.
The metabolism slows, joints become stiffer, and bone loss occurs. Without a regular exercise program, muscle is lost, heart and lung problems develop, and there is less endurance.
While it would be nice if there were a quick fix such as a pill or an injection to halt the aging process, the truth is that a regular exercise program is the only way to keep ourselves healthy and heighten our feelings of well-being.
All of us have things we love to do and everyone wants to remain independent as long as possible so a well-thought out and professionally planned regular exercise program will benefit us in these endeavours. Even if you are extremely out of shape, it is never too late to start an exercise program. Just try some simple exercises and build up slowly.
You will begin to feel better and your life will become more enjoyable. In other words - it will be a new you!
Start out with stretching exercises. They are simple to do and can even be done while sitting in a chair. Stretching has a positive effect on both your muscles and your joints.
Make sure you choose stretches that will work on different muscle groups. Target your back, calves, thighs, arms, chest and stomach and make a point not to overdo it. You can find plenty of free programs on the internet to get you started safely but if you are not confident doing it all by yourself then employ the services of a personal trainer to get you started.
Endurance exercises provide great benefits to seniors as well. Regular activities such as gardening, swimming, biking, and walking make it simple to work into your daily routine.
The idea is to gradually increase your heart rate but not work so hard that you are unable to talk. Regular exercise that keeps your cardiovascular system moving will deliver great benefits.
It is impossible to overestimate the effects of strength training. Strong muscles increase your metabolic levels and help with weight maintenance while keeping blood sugar levels within an acceptable range. They also have a positive effect on bone density. You can use household items such as books or food cans to build strength or work out on a weight machine at a local gym.
Back problems are endemic among the baby boomer brigade. Exercises designed to strengthen your back will eliminate excruciating back pain and reduce the need for medical or surgical interventions. Your doctor can help you identify good exercises to stretch and strengthen your back. A trip to a personal trainer can also get you started in the right direction.
Problems with balance are a real dilemma because falls can lead to complications such as broken hips. Unfortunately, more than 400,000 people are hospitalized each year after they broke their hip during a fall and most of these patients were senior citizens. Exercises specifically designed to build leg muscles and increase your sense of balance will greatly reduce the likelihood of you having a fall.
These are just a few of the tips that will help you age more gracefully and benefit you on the path to having a healthy and enjoyable older age.
Baby boomer and author John Falkinder is Founder of SteamTrainFitness and specializes in Active Ageing for over 60s. Find out more about anti-ageing and the benefits of some simple regular exercise: http://www.steamtrainfitness.com/fitness-exercise/can-find-anti-ageing-exercises/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8330603

A New Free Way To Increase Your Longevity

What does chronic inflammation do to you? It inflames the sensitive linings of the arteries that feed the heart and brain, leading to heart attacks and stroke. It destroys nerve cells in the brain and may contribute to the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It can create abnormal cells that may create cancer.
But you don't have to live with chronic inflammation. Your health can be improved in the following ways by just taking off your shoes and socks and sitting, standing, or walking barefoot on the ground, otherwise known as earthing. The benefits of doing so for at least 20 minutes at a time include::
1) lowers stress;
2) diffuses the causes of inflammation and eliminates the symptoms of many
inflammation-related disorders;
3) reduces chronic pain;
4) increases energy;
5) thins blood and improves blood pressure and flow;
6) lessens hormonal symptoms;
7) speeds healing;
8) protects against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnet fields.
Certainly wearing rubber and plastic-soled shoes prohibits grounding and connection of the feet with the earth. Is it possible to always ground? Let's face it, not everyone has access to ground that is free of stickers. If you live in a condominium or in a cold climate, it isn't always possible to walk or stand on the ground barefoot. Also there just may not be enough time to ground in your busy day. But there is another way to receive the benefits of earthing; you can put your feet on an earthing mat while at your desk or sleep on an earthing mat.
How does earthing work? Since your body consists mostly of water and minerals, it is an excellent conductor for electrons provided by the earth. Your body becomes suffused with electrons which elevates your energy level as well. It restores your body's natural internal electrical stability which in turn promotes normal functioning of body system, including cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and immune systems.
How does earthing lower stress? If you sleep on an earthing mat, it improves sleep by increasing the body's production of melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, a major protector of the brain, that prevents loss of brain cells. Since a variety of neurological-degenerative diseases have a free-radical component, researchers assume that melatonin may be useful in forestalling the consequences of these debilitating conditions and improving psychological health. Researchers also believe that melatonin has several major functions that may help to protect against psychiatric illnesses.
I've been sleeping on an earthing mat for two months now and am getting a deeper sleep with less signs of stress in my life. That is not to say that there isn't chaos in my life; it is to say that I react to less stress now.
I would love to share my experience in slowing down aging and my latest research on creating health and longevity in my e-book at http://livinglongerwhilesavingmoney.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8326652

How to Become Wise, Quickly

Ignorance is not an excuse. Back in my uni days we used to say something like, if you thought education was expensive, the price of ignorance was much greater. (I didn't know at the time that Derek Bok had already claimed those words of wisdom.) On reflection, back then we probably misused the word 'ignorant' to describe someone who disagreed with us or our sacred views. We probably should have used the word 'uninformed'.
Anyhow, as things have turned out, whatever word we used didn't matter much. The arrival of the Internet meant that ignorance could no longer be accepted as an excuse. The Internet helps us to become informed; providing, of course, that we are willing to put in the time and the effort to look-up stuff of interest or what we don't know. Alternatively, of course, it's easy to choose to live in one's own little world and rely on something else (media, gossip, etc.) to keep one informed.
Using 'age' as an excuse for not knowing is a cop-out. Ignorance, and the decision to remain that way, is a choice.
Several recent studies conducted in Australia all agree that there is huge and continuing growth among over-sixties who use the Internet. The main reasons are
  • to stay in touch with friends and loved ones,
  • to make purchases online,
  • to make travel bookings, and
  • to find out information.
I recently experienced, at first hand, the ease of access to the plethora of information available online. I was cooking and found the recipe online at mouse-click speed. Another instance occurred when I was chatting with a friend about the great tightrope walker, Philippe Petit, who stopped New York traffic one day in 1974 when he high-wire walked between the twin towers of New York's World Trade Centre. With the aid of her handheld device, my coffee-sharer was able to locate all of the details, including a YouTube of the event and even a TED presentation by Philippe. The third instance occurred when I decided to attend a trivia night (you know, one of those events where, what Einstein called 'lumber knowledge', is rewarded). At the venue, all participants were asked to leave their mobile devices at the door, thus barring access to the Internet, where answers to the toughest questions are a quick search away.
Wisdom, we're told, begins with an awareness of our ignorance. Thanks to the Internet, we're all able to be so much wiser.
Dr Neil Flanagan is a keynote and conference speaker. You can download for free a copy of one of his bestselling books BLINK! The Speed of Life (How to add years to your life and life to your years) when you visit http://www.neil.com.au

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8335023

How To Look Young?

When we are in our 20s, we want to look mature and serious and in our 40s we want to look young and energetic. Looking young is a good thing. You may use anti-aging creams for this purpose, but I want to offer tips that are free of cost.
These are simple tips and you can easily use them in your daily life.
Stop worrying about your age
This is the no. 1 tip. Forget about your age. Stop counting your breaths. Think about what you want to do in your life. It is important to write your goals and the time of their achievements.
I want to ask you a question.
When do you want to die?
I know your answer. You said, "never.' It is okay but for most people 70 to 90 years age is enough. Pick a number, let say 85 years and write it in your private diary.
Schedule your goals according to your defined age and believe me you will not feel old in your 40s.
We cannot control time and with every passing moment, we are getting older. Time does not take rest. So why bother ourselves, by thinking about things that are beyond our control.
Positive thinking
Positive thinking is the no.1 factor behind every success. Positive thinkers are happier and they look young.
Smile more
Sometimes, a genuine smile is better than every gift in the universe. Life is a journey. Difficult times are a part of that journey. In every difficult situation smile a little and that particular problem will be solved.
Tension and worry makes you look old and aged. Avoid these enemies and smile more often.
Drink more
Water is the most amazing drink on this planet earth. Drinking more water is necessary to look young and smart.
Walk in greenery
Spend some time alone in greenery and open air. Walk for 20 minutes. Green trees convey the message of life and beauty. GO in your nearby park. Forget about everything and just focus upon the fresh air and green trees.
When you will do this exercise daily, it will have a great impact on your life.
Games are a great way to be young. Games help us maintain the athlete spirit. Athletes are energetic and they look young than their real age.
Rest before you are tired
If you can take rest now, then you should not wait for being tired. Relaxed sleep for 8 hours is important. It will increase your performance, you will feel better, and you will look young.
Other than following these tips, you may use anti-aging creams, facials, masks, and massages. They are good to look young. Here is my advice:
Always buy from trusted companies and start using these products when you are 35 years old.
Best of luck!
To get health information trending in California, visit us at http://www.slimca.com/blog/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8336388

Non-Surgical Face Lifting: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Looking younger is not a new fashion standard and people seem to have been obsessed with youth ever since the dawn of civilization. However, only modern medicine and technology have been able to provide people with solutions for their dream. Injections, surgery and face creams have become widely popular around the world and both women and men use them to rejuvenate their skin. While these methods may fail sometimes (face creams, for example) and while some of them may leave ugly scars behind, you should also know that there is one more method: the so-called "non-surgical face lifting".
This method is still not as popular as the other techniques out there, but its fame is growing with every day that passes by. It is rather easy to understand why non-surgical face lifting is so appreciated out there. First of all, it is completely pain-free and it does not imply surgery, the costs of surgery and the terror of going under the knife. Secondly, you can go back to your normal activities after every session of treatment is done. Thirdly (and this may be one of the most important aspects), it actually works and it shows almost miraculous results.
There are three major steps involved in this type of "face lifting": microdermabrasion, electroporation and oxygen infusion. The first step deeply exfoliates the skin and prepares it for what comes next by making sure impurities and dead skin are taken out of the way.
The second step is related to electrical impulses that are sent into the skin to make it more "open" to absorbing a strong serum that is to be applied. Basically, this skin rejuvenation technique is based on two things: a special collagen-rich serum and a device that sends small electrical impulses into the skin, stimulates it and allows the serum to enter into its deep layers. The electrical impulses are not painful, but they are necessary because they invert the polarity of the skin cells for a very short amount of time, to allow it to be more permeable for the serum.
Last but not least, the third step uses a special device that applies pressurized pure hyperbaric oxygen into the skin. Since oxygen has a refreshing effect, the skin will look brighter, younger and fresher and it will help with the further blending into the skin of the collagen serum.
All these three steps are important for long-term effectsand, depending on your skin issue and how serious it is, you will need a few sessions of this. Taking into consideration the effects as well as the fact that they will be long-term, the fact that it will not be painful and the fact that you can simply go back to your life after the treatment -no need for hospitalization and for taking days off work- it will all be worth it. This technique can be used for a wide variety of skin issues, and not just for skin rejuvenation. Sun-damaged skin (which can be quite a common issue in Australia) and acne marks can also be improved by using the three steps described here.
Cathryn Kerry is an author and cosmetic surgeon provides best anti aging treatment like dermal fillers, non-surgical face lifting at her north Adelaide based clinic Younger You Network.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8335626

The Importance Of Good Posture And Aging

Practically every part of the body deteriorates at some point in time. It is all a part of the aging process that is inevitable for everyone regardless of their stature in life. Carrying or lifting things now becomes a conscious effort, even simple chores like climbing up the stairs or sitting can be daunting.
What Happens To Our Body When We Age?
By the time you reach your 50s or 60s, you will probably notice something peculiar. You might observe half an inch or one-inch difference in your height. This is a natural process brought about by the shrinking of your spine.
Your spine is made up of vertebrae and between them are discs that serve as a cushion. As time goes by, these discs lose their form and begin to thin down. Add to that, your cartilage and connective tissues lose thickness and elasticity. All these things might not be cosmetically noticeable at first. However, this could have been prevented if we exhibit good harmony to our body through proper posture, healthy eating, and regular exercise.
Posture is one thing not everyone takes seriously, but it is very important as it promotes independent lifestyle and movement. Having proper posture improves your balance and symmetry. It can prevent you from having hunched shoulders, back pains, and shrinking spine. In part, it also makes you look good and feel good. All in all, having good posture is a good indicator of how well you will age later on in your life.
What Are The Advantages of Good Posture To Seniors?
There are many health problems brought about by poor posture, and correcting the habit can go a long way. Nonetheless, good posture has to start somewhere. The perfect place is the spine. Few know that our spine carries about 10 pounds of weight everyday. Once you hunch forward, gravity pulls it further causing the spine to tighten. A series of consequences follows after.
For one, this can be the cause of headaches. As you hunch forward when sitting, tension in the cervical vertebrae is built up, causing it to be out of alignment. And over time, misalignment causes blood vessels to be pinched, limiting their capability to supply blood to the brain, which later promotes migraines and headaches.
Poor posture can lead to back pain. As you slouch, the muscles and ligaments in your back struggle and are pressured to maintain your balance. Pulling the muscles, especially in the lumbar area where most weight is carried, causes back pain. Over time, this habit can cause fast degeneration of the spine, which can lead to serious complications like osteoarthritis, scoliosis, and osteoporosis.
Poor posture also compresses internal organs, decreasing their functionality and efficiency. Studies also show that slouching has a major effect to digestion and blood flow. Because of this, seniors can develop hypertension or low metabolic rate, and put them at risk of heart attack, stroke, and even diabetes and obesity. Add to this, hunching the back makes the rib cage constricted, leaving the lungs as well as the heart limited space to function well. More so, too much pressure put on the spine can press important blood vessels, limiting proper blood flow, which is essential for nourishing and originating these vital organs.
Now that we know how our bad posture habits can cause tremendous health risks to our body, making a conscious effort to change this through posture exercise training can turn the tables. Through proper posture, seniors may no longer experience chest pains, back aches, headaches, and will have better digestion. And if you are still not convinced, further benefits of good posture affect a senior's state of mind. It has been proven that sitting or standing upright can promote positivity, which gives more confidence to our own thoughts and decision making.
In an experiment, having good posture showed that seniors developed better memory recall. Although this is not yet proof that proper posture can slow down the process of Alzheimer's, having the spine properly aligned while standing or sitting makes neurotransmitters communicate faster from the brain to every part of the body, making it easy to retain memory.
Good posture can also eliminate depression. By sitting and walking straight, energy levels are boosted. People with poor posture are prone to panic, anxiety, and shallow breathing, making it hard to overcome negativity. Good posture improves circulation, oxygenating the body well, and boosting perception and thinking, leaving one more at peace and ready to face any problem that may come the senior's way. Getting involved in an elderly exercise program is a good way to start.
Indeed, for seniors to start thinking about their posture early on can help them grace their way through the aging process. And if proper posture is complemented with regular exercise and healthy diet, aging for any senior will just be another phase that they can enjoy more and benefit from.
Marjorie Jaffe is the owner of Stay In Shape Personal Training Services and specializes in Senior Personal Training as well as issues of the back. Visit Personal-Training-In-NYC.com to learn more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8338716