Sunday, October 27, 2013

10 Homemade Remedies For Glowing Skin

Beautiful skin comes from within. We can use the most expensive products, but if we don't take care of our bodies and eat terribly unhealthy food everyday, then it will show up immediately in our skin.
Unhealthy habits can cause dull skin, dark circles, puffy eyes, breakouts and prematurely aged skin just to name a few. Use the below tips all together for the ultimate homemade remedy for glowing skin.
1. Drink warm water with lemon everyday to keep your skin youthful. Dr Oz says that drinking lemon water everyday will keep our skin looking young and even prevent wrinkles.
2. Take a Vitamin C (timed release is best) supplement everyday to keep skin firm and plump and to prevent inflammation. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production. The first sign of a lack of collagen is sagging skin so take your vitamins!
3. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep a night. It's quality of sleep over quantity as Dr Murad explains, "While cells repair and rebuild at all stages of sleep, the majority of cell turnover and regeneration occurs during deep REM [rapid eye movement] sleep."
4. Take an Omega 3 supplement or add some flaxseed to yogurt or oats for a glow that rivals even J-Lo's!
5. Okay so we all know this, but I will remind you again. Drink at least 2L of water a day. Water flushes out toxins and keeps our skin hydrated resulting in healthy, clear skin.
6. Cut back on greasy fried foods. So limit that burger and fries for your cheat day only! It's been proven that there is a link between fried food and prematurely aging skin.
7. Include poly-phenol rich foods like blueberries in your diet. These keep skin young and beautiful!
8. Always apply moisturizer in an upwards motion to prevent saggy skin later on in life. Also don't forget your neck, apply the moisturizer in an upward motion.
9. Would you like a nice, flushed look? Try this! Lay on your bed with your head over the side of it so your blood rushes to your face. Stay like this for just a few seconds. Sounds weird but works!
10. Last but not least, be sure to remove your makeup every night! A great tip is to keep some makeup remover wipes next to your bed so you can remove your makeup quickly if you have a late night.
If you'd like more tips for healthy skin, hair, and body, visit the authors blog at

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