Sunday, October 27, 2013

Discover Top Foods For A Youthful You

You are what you eat, so goes the old adage. Often we spend thousands of dollars on anti-aging skin care treatments to defy aging, and forget that what we put in our mouths is worth more than any anti-aging product in the long-term.
There are plenty of foods that possess anti-oxidizing, age-defying properties. Below is an extensive anti aging skin care guide on the best foods for the skin.
• Avocados and pears
Rich in Vitamin E, both help fight free radicals which cause premature skin ageing. They are also abundant in essential fatty acids that generate collagen, the protein responsible for keeping the skin firm and elastic.
• Citrus Fruits (lemons, oranges, limes) and Bell Peppers
These natural antioxidants are rich in vitamin C which help in tissue repair by encouraging collagen formation and protecting the skin from free radicals.
In addition, citrus rinds are also an excellent source of bioflavonoids, a compound that strengthens the skin's capillaries and prevents unsightly broken veins.
• Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)
These super fruits do not only function as a natural anti aging skin care treatment, they also provide wonderful benefits for the entire body. They are abundant in phytochemicals that prevent heart disease. These plant compounds strengthen blood capillaries and block free radicals so the skin stays youthful, free from wrinkles and thread veins.
• Oily Fish like Salmon, Haddock, Cod, Trout and Sardines
Unlike red meat, oily fish helps lower your risk of heart disease. Fish contain heaps of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids that lower cholesterol and promote optimum cell membrane health. These also keep ageing at bay and provide skin moisture. They also contain 2 dimethylaminoethanol or DMAE which enhances muscle tone, thus preventing wrinkles and sagging.
• Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil is a staple in any anti aging skin care guide. This versatile natural oil can be used to treat a variety of skin problems including excessive oil, dryness and eczema. It also contains antioxidants that protect against the oxidizing effects of the sun. Application of olive oil right after sun exposure prevents skin cell death and keeps it moisturized.
Olive oil is an excellent kitchen companion as it contains unsaturated fats that promote healthier cardiovascular functions.
• Nuts (hazelnuts, Brazil nuts) and Seeds
Rich sources of essential fatty acids that help moisturize the skin and renew collagen, nuts rank among the most helpful anti-aging foods. They also bear anti-inflammatory properties, thus keeping the skin smooth and pimple-free.
Brazil nuts are particularly high in selenium, a mineral that prevents age spots and sun damage. Consuming four nuts day is advised to obtain optimum benefits.
• Beta-carotene-rich foods (carrots, tomatoes, butternut squash)
A known antioxidant, beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A upon ingestion, which helps stimulates collagen production and cell growth. Vitamin A is also known as retinol, a compound that is frequently found in anti aging skin care treatments like facial creams.
Carrots and tomatoes are abundant in lycopene, a phytochemical ingredient that blocks free radicals and prevents cell death and premature ageing.
• Green leafy vegetables and beans
Legumes offer vitamins and minerals such as magnesium that keep the skin supple, tight and younger-looking. They also provide protection against the oxidative effects of the sun, thus keeping the skin wrinkle-free. Spinach contains lutein, a known antioxidant while beans and lentils keep the skin fairer and youthful.
Now that you know which foods offer tremendous skin benefits, it's time for you to put this anti aging skin care guide to use. Remember that to achieve optimum results, a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle that combines good diet, sleep, exercise, and avoidance of smoking and sunlight are. All-natural supplements like XtendLife's can be a nice addition to your health regimen too, providing you essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other compounds that effectively and safely promote skin health.
Stephanie Seow is a skin care enthusiast who has been researching natural remedies to promote healthy skin care. To learn more about her researches and findings, visit her website at

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