Sunday, October 27, 2013

Top Three Skin Aging Problems and How to Treat Them

Skin ageing is inevitable. As we age, we will all eventually face the same issues with our skin. Unfortunately, there is no elixir of youth that can make us look young forever. But there are all sorts of products in the market today that of course promises to solve all our skin ageing woes. Be wary though, because not all products in the market live up to its promises. Some of them actually cover up the problem, hence creating more problem over time because it's not treated right at the source. With this, let me share to you some of the top skin ageing problems and how to effectively treat them. Here are some of them.
1. Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Almost all the anti ageing creams in the market zero in on this skin problem. To be able to effectively treat the problem, we must first know what causes it. Wrinkles and fine lines are basically caused by unprotected exposure to the sun and smoking. Unprotected exposure to the sun as well as smoking makes your skin dry which quickens the development of these lines. Exposing yourself to the sun without any protection also promotes squinting hence the lines on your forehead and eye area. Wearing sunscreen everyday and quitting smoking can definitely help keep wrinkles and fine lines at bay. Try it and see your skin improve.
2. Dry skin.
Dry skin is caused by many things. It can be caused by smoking, unhealthy diet, harsh cleansers and aversion to moisturizers. Our skin gets depleted with moisture in our day to day activities so it's very important to moisturize properly. It is also very important to keep yourself well hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. Like what I've said, dry skin makes the skin more prone to wrinkles. It's like a domino effect so it's important to stop the problem right at the source.
3. Age spots.
Age spots, or liver spots as some would call it are basically those small brown pigmentations on your skin. They kind of look like freckles, but unlike freckles which you can get from both sun exposure and genetics, you only get age spots from unprotected sun exposure. These marks usually appear on the areas of the body which are commonly exposed to the sun, like your face. To slow down the development of these marks, it's very important to wear sunscreen before going out.
In search for the best skin care device for your spa business? Check out Radiancy's Facial Skincare Device FSD. It's a highly effective skin care device that targets visible signs of skin aging.

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