Sunday, October 27, 2013

What Ingredients Must an Effective Anti-Wrinkle Cream Have?

An anti-wrinkle cream works to plump up the surface of your skin in the gentlest way. Skin aging is something that cannot be stopped. There are however, ways you can retard the aging process. Whether you are just in your mid-twenties and noticing the first signs of skin aging, or already into your fifties, there are always ways you can improve the elasticity of your skin.
What Should an Anti-Wrinkle Cream Contain?
What you apply on your skin will define how it will look. Your skin needs the right ingredients for it to be healthy, look younger and look less-wrinkled. It is therefore necessary to look for the right ingredients in your anti-wrinkle cream.
  • Antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from damaging the skin over time. Antioxidants also increase the effectiveness of sunscreens, help the skin to heal and aid in the production of healthy collagen.
  • Skin-Identical Ingredients. Young and healthy skin has natural substances that keep its smoothness and water content, protects it from the environment, fights infection and repair skin damage. Skin-identical ingredients impersonate the actual construction of your skin to reinforce its natural ability to work as it should.
  • Cell-Communicating Ingredients. Adenosine triphosphate, lecithin, niscinamide, retinol and synthetic pepticides are cell communicating ingredients that have the ability to relay to the skin that they should behave as a healthy and young cell would.
  • Sunscreen. Sunscreen protects your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. A sun-damaged skin manifests as wrinkles, age spots, chronic inflammation and even skin cancer.
Things You Need to Do for Yourself
Protecting your skin from wrinkles is not the sole job of an anti-wrinkle cream. Analyzing your lifestyle and making some changes can have an equally positive impact on keeping your skin healthy and younger looking longer. Although a good moisturizer is a must to keep the surface looking supple and flexible, drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily will hydrate you and work well. Removing your makeup before sleeping at night will also help keep the youth of your skin. Not removing your make-up at night thwarts the skin from naturally producing collagen for elasticity.
Treat Your Skin Like You Treat Your Body
Just as your body needs a wide array of balanced nutritional foods to keep you healthy, your skin too needs a balanced of ingredients to decrease the appearance of wrinkles. It needs ingredients to keep up and restore its natural functions. The anti-wrinkle cream you choose should always contain ingredients that can help combat the signs of aging.
We all want to look as good as we possibly can. We still feel young despite the wrinkles and want to look accordingly by using neck cream. For more information on skincare and neck creams please visit

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