Sunday, October 27, 2013

Anti-Aging Research - 7 Findings That Slow Aging

It is generally accepted that two of the most potent activities that cause aging are: 1. smoking and 2. remaining for long times in the sun.
For you to accept the belief and faith that it is possible to curtail the rapid advancement of aging and possibly turn it back, you must also accept these seven tried and tested findings.
1. Exercise
There is much research evidence that shows that cellular bio-markers - Telomeres - shorten as we age resulting eventually in cell and person death. Those Telomeres are much longer in those people who exercise. The converse is also true for those who do not exercise.
The sum-total regimen of conditions that result in eventual death: brain disease, inflammation, type II diabetes and other chronic conditions are preventable, by exercise: walking, cycling, dancing each within a 30 minute per day activity.
2. Social
Studies have also shown that people with good friendship-relationships live longer than those without. Good friendships, even if the friends are cats or dogs and not necessarily family members protect against obesity, heart disease, depression among other deadly health problems.
3. Sleep
The shortage of sleep contributes to high blood pressure, diabetes, weight-gain and looking older. Even though we all do have varying sleep demands, between 7 to 8 hours per night is acceptable as the amount required.
4. Stress
Having stress is a serious matter, for it has many knock-on effects. Research has shown that it increases the amount of the hormone Cortisol and Nor-epinephrine in the blood causing blood pressure to increase and the ability to fight against attacks to the body (immunity) to decrease.
Over time, with you still being stressed, your blood vessels will become hardened resulting in the shrinkage of that part of the brain that controls mood and memory resulting in you feeling much older. Deep breathing is often used as an antidote to stress.
5. Managing your sugar intake
A diet with much sugar causes not only obesity but also can make your skin dull and wrinkled. Research has shown that sugar molecules in the blood attach themselves to proteins to form AGE's- Advanced Glycation End- products.
The more sugar that you eat, the more the AGE's develop damaging the surrounding proteins - collagen and elastin - which normally work to keep the skin firm and elastic.
Once damaged, springy and flexible collagen becomes dry and brittle resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin. The golden rule here is to limit your total sugar intake to no more than 10% of the total calorie intake.
6. Eating your anti- oxidants
There is much research evidence that anti-oxidant- packed fruits and vegetables can help you to stay young. They do so by fighting free radicals that do normally inflict damage to your body and skin causing cancer and also make you look older.
A note of caution is necessary here because of the short-lived nature of antioxidants which are usefully active for only a few hours and need frequent replenishment to enable the body to resist further damage from free radicals.
7. Fats
Not all fats are bad for the upkeep of your body. For a healthy heart, it is a good idea to remove saturated and trans-fats from your meals. Removing unsaturated fats as those found in fish, nuts, olive oil is not a good idea. These fats are very necessary along with omega-3 fatty acids which are anti-aging fats that are essential to protect your brain, heart, bones, joints, skin, etc.
Mono-unsaturated fats do lower LDL which are the bad fats and increase the heart protective HDL -good cholesterol-. It also lower the risks of atherosclerosis. Studies have also shown that greater use of these acids may lead to longer life expectancies.
The 7 research findings above do add much weight to the point that we do not have to accept that growing old with wrinkles, sagging skin and looking older is a must. We definitely can do much to exercise control over the aging processes. We can improve on much of what we do accept as being bestowed by nature.
Mac is both an Internet Marketer and researcher on Health issues. My website emphasises concerns about the extent of the controls that we do have over the aging processes. Visit my site for much more information and whilst there, collect your free e-book on Anti-Aging Treatments. Go to:

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