Sunday, October 27, 2013

Five Tips to Achieve Healthy and Young Looking Skin

A lot of people think that maintaining your skin's youthfulness is something that is hard and not to mention, expensive to do. Contrary to this popular belief, you can actually achieve a healthy and young looking skin without breaking a hole in your pocket. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices are all you need to slow down your skin's natural ageing process. It is never too late to start taking care of your skin. So here are some no nonsense tips that you can do to get started.
1. Protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.
One of the top culprits of premature skin ageing is unprotected exposure to the sun. Sun worshippers, beware. Sun damage is cumulative so every time you expose your skin to the sun unprotected, your rate of developing wrinkles, age spots, and skin discolorations would be much higher and not to mention, much faster. To protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun, it's very important to wear sunscreen every time you are going out. It is very important though to use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 to get the most benefits. A non broad spectrum sunscreen just won't cut it. It's also good to wear protective clothing and accessories especially if you are staying out for long periods of time outside. Avoiding the sun when it's rays are the strongest is still the best, but if you can't just make sure to stay protected and reapply your sunscreen every two hours especially if you're doing outdoor activities.
2. Do not smoke.
Smoking is a vice that benefits no one. Apart from putting your health at risk, smoking can also make you much more older than you actually are. Every puff of that stick narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin, which in effect significantly decreases the flow of blood. As we all know, the blood supplies our body with the essential nutrients that it needs. A decrease in blood flow can deplete the skin of all the oxygen and nutrients that is important to maintain healthy looking skin. It damages collagen and elastin, which are the two important fibers that give the skin its elasticity and suppleness. Without it, lines on your face would be much more pronounced and you'll have an overall sullen aura which is not attractive at all. Do your skin a favor and quit smoking before it's too late.
3. Treat your skin with TLC.
Daily cleansing and moisturising are essential to achieving healthy and young looking skin. It removes trapped dirt and oil from your pores and helps keep your skin supple and well hydrated. It's very important though to use products that suit your skin type. Avoid strong soaps and facial products that strip away your skin's natural oils and instead, use mild cleansers. Go au natural if possible. It's also good to indulge in monthly facial skin treatments to keep your skin in tip top shape.
4. Eat healthy.
What you put inside your body can definitely reflect on the outside. If you eat a lot of junk food and processed food, your skin would look unhealthy, dull and not to mention oily. A healthy diet can help you look your best. Fruits, vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats can all help promote a healthy and young looking skin. Your skin will look more glowing, radiant and you'll have that natural healthy flush on your cheeks which is so cute.
5. Keep your stress levels to a minimum.
Unknown to many, stress can actually make your skin more sensitive and trigger a slew of skin problems. It's very important to manage your stress to encourage healthy skin. Take time to do the things you love and enjoy doing and you'll see after a while, you'll look more rested and renewed.
In search for the best skin care device for your spa business? Check out Radiancy's Facial Skincare Device FSD. It's a highly effective skin care device that treats visible signs of skin aging.

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