Sunday, October 27, 2013

Simple And Effective Methods To Remove Wrinkles Around Your Eyes

As you grow older, you would begin to notice that wrinkles and puffy bags would begin to appear around your eyes. This is usually one of the natural signs of aging that show up as we grow older. However in so many cases, these things appear quicker than we expect them to and can cause us unnecessary worries about our appearance. There are some important proteins that your body produces naturally in order to keep your skin layers firm, soft and supple.
I am sure you already know what these proteins are, they are Collagen and Elastin. The sad truth is that as you grow older, the amount of Collagen and Elastin that your body produces gradually begins to reduce. And because of how important these proteins work in supporting the connective tissue network and how they fill in the skin, a reduced amount of these proteins on your skin shows itself as wrinkles which gradually appear. So if you want to remove these eye wrinkles, puffy eye bags then you need to make use of a natural technique that can help in increasing the amount of these important skin proteins.
There are different natural solutions that you can make use of to rejuvenate and protect the layers of the skin. Using holistic remedies are one of the best solutions that you can employ to remove eye wrinkles. Have you heard of facial exercises? Just recently exercises that target the facial muscles have become quite popular among women and have been proven by thousands of people to be very effective when combined with other natural remedies. There are a few exercises that specially target the areas around the eyes so that wrinkles become smoothen out. An example is: putting your fingers under your eyebrows and then pushing them up and down firmly and gently on your eyes really helps in reducing the water that has built up into the puffy bags that are under your eyes. You have got to do this particular exercises a few times and you should maintain the pressure for just 5 seconds only.
Another natural way to reduce the amount of eye wrinkles on your skin is by reducing the amount of damage that your skin is currently being exposed to. There are a few environmental factors like: the UV rays of the sun, wind, air pollution etc that cause serious damage on your skin. As from now, if you are going to spend more than 20 minutes under the sun, then your need to wear a good quality UV sunglasses. This is so that you can protect the very sensitive skin around your eyes from UV radiation. You should also use a sunscreen cream with a high protection factor on the skin around your eyes (a natural sunscreen that I recommend is Argan oil) to also help protect that area from the damaging UV rays that emanate from the sun. The sun dries out your skin and the Ultraviolet rays promote premature aging which is what results in the wrinkles on your face and most especially around your eyes.
Eating well balanced diet regularly is also very important if you want to improve the health of your skin. When I say a well balanced diet I am also referring to one that contains lots and lots of antioxidants. This is very important if you want to prevent more wrinkles from forming and you want to keep your skin soft, supple and firm. I am sure you must have heard about free radical damage. These free radicals are like toxins that can speed up the aging process. However antioxidants are the only way to correct the damage done by free radicals and even prevent any future damage from occurring.
You can include lots of antioxidants in your diet by eating a lot of fruits, fresh vegetables and whole grain foods. If you are like me that does not really fancy eating much please go for daily supplements that contain all the antioxidants that your body needs to fight free radicals.
Your skin also needs to stay hydrated if it is going to be free of wrinkles. And the only way to do this is to drink lots of water daily (you have got to take a minimum of 8 tall glasses of water daily) and you should apply a moisturizer on your face at least twice in a day.
There are even more natural remedies that are available to you if you are really determined about removing those wrinkles that are around your eyes. An example is the tropical fruit coconut - in this case it is the oil that you would be using. Coconut oil is a very effective anti-wrinkle remedy that you can massage around your eyes in order to lubricate the skin around it and make it soft, toned and supple. You can also make use of Vitamin E (it is a potent antioxidants) in its liquid state, all you do is massage it on the areas around your eyes where the wrinkles are.
Another remedy is using cucumber slices that you have placed in the refrigerator for a while. This one is quite popular here in the U.S. All it entails is placing the slices of cucumber on your eyes for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Aloe vera juice is also another natural remedy that you can use to make your skin firm and it also very effective in repairing the damage that was caused by too much sun exposure all thanks to its high amount of antioxidants.
Finally you can always use eye creams that are specifically designed to deal with crow's feet, wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes. Just make sure you go for products that contain effective ingredients that can boost your skin's production of Elastin and Collagen.
Mary Orlando is a health, fitness and skincare aficionado.

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