Sunday, October 27, 2013

Too Early to Start Anti-Wrinkle Creams?

If you survey women in their 20s and asked if they are worried about wrinkles, you'd probably get answers that vary from yes to very. These days when consumers are bombarded with breakthrough anti wrinkle creams and lotions promising a fairer, more youthful glow, and there's a good number of antsy beauty enthusiasts as young as 18 religiously applying anti-aging solutions, one cannot help but wonder if we're using anti-agers earlier than we should.
Many dermatologists would say that for twenty-somethings, investing on skin care anti wrinkle creams is not at all necessary. At such age, the skin's reparative function is at its optimum, and even without the aid of anti-agers, your skin can generate healthy cells fast and produce enough collagen to repair whatever damage occurred due to excessive sun exposure and unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking. The fact is, people in their 20s rarely ever have wrinkles or fine lines at all.
Second, excessive use of harsh anti-aging creams can make young skin susceptible to breakouts. Products formulated using synthetic compounds peel away the skin's topmost layer causing dryness, which leads to excess oil and acne.
There is also medical evidence against using Vitamin A derivatives such as retinol and retinoyl palmate, which are often incorporated in anti wrinkle creams and lotions. Retinoids have been proven effective against wrinkles in clinical trials, however they also contain extremely potent compounds that take away the first layer of the skin, making the skin more prone to damage caused by the sun's UV rays.
Given that the female skin is already thin as it is (thinner than males), the thinning effect of retinoids can leave your skin incredibly dry and irritated. It also becomes more sun-sensitive and overstimulated. As such, majority of dermatologists do not deem retinoids as a sustainable long-term approach to combating wrinkles - especially not for youngsters.
When you're young and your skin is still is at its robust, youthful best, there's no reason to rush into using skin care anti wrinkle creams. Even skin care professionals will say the best way to ward off wrinkles and fine lines is to keep your diet in check, and to stay away from harmful habits that accelerate skin breakdown like smoking. Smoking deters collagen production, thus speeding up wrinkling. Combined with bad food choices and prolonged daily exposure to the sun, it can make your skin ten years older than it really is.
Young individuals should not resort to anti wrinkle creams and lotions as a primary option. The path to great looking, wrinkle-free skin should start from lifestyle habits. Eat foods rich in antioxidants and Omega 3s. Leafy greens, fruits and oily fish like salmon are wonderful additions to your diet. You can also supplement with vitamins and Omega 3 products. Avoid smoking and get sufficient sleep. After sun exposure, apply extra virgin olive oil to repel oxidative damage brought about by the sun's free radicals.
Skin-wise, proper cleansing and exfoliation are enough. Use an all-natural moisturizer that contains antioxidant ingredients like vitamin C and E, olive oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil and Manuka honey. These help encourage the growth of new skin cells by scraping away dead ones. They also help unclog pores for better circulation and better absorption of natural skin vitamins.
It is always possible and easier to age gracefully with healthy skin care habits than to try to alter the unsightly signs caused by harmful habits. Or more importantly, reverse signs that are not even there yet to begin with!
Stephanie Seow is a skin care enthusiast who has been researching natural remedies to promote healthy skin care. To learn more about her researches and findings, visit her website at

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