Sunday, October 27, 2013

Oxidative Stress - Should Everyone Control Their Oxidative Stress?

This is a preview on oxidative stress and why you should care. For the people who are not familiar with oxidative stress, this is the Wikipedia definition:
"Oxidative Stress represents an imbalance between the systemic manifestation of reactive oxygen species and a biological system's ability to, readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage. Disturbances in the normal redox (shorthand for reduction-oxidation reaction) state of cells can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. Further, some reactive oxidative species act as cellular messengers in redox signaling. Thus, oxidative stress can cause disruptions in normal mechanisms of cellular signaling". Increasing levels oxidative stress in our bodies leads not only to malfunction and disease but is bio-chemically the reason we age.
Some people might still be thinking. After all that being said still what is it and why would it pertain to me? Maybe, I am in excellent health, and I feel OK, this must be about other people. I am here to tell everyone oxidative stress affects us all. We all have it and our levels increase with age. Simply put oxidative stress is damage to our bodies cells when free radicals (toxic waste) have been released into the cells due to the energy needed for bodily activity. Oxidative stress is like an engine rusting from the inside out.
To make sure everyone gets the full picture of this massive problem, that affects everyone, I will give you a simplified explanation of free radicals. Free radicals attack our bodies at a cellular level. They are bi-products of living and the levels can vary because of our environment. The air we breathe, food and drinks we consume, activities we participate in, even the way we feel can also change their levels. To obtain the energy a body needs to operate the cells burn what we consume and the air we breathe, then release toxic chemical inside the cell; those bi-products are known as free radicals. They react with all the components of the cells literally bombarding them millions of times per second damaging all our cells and even our DNA, which can cause mutations of the cells. One fascinating fact is the average person has 300 septillion ("that is a three with twenty-seven zeros behind it") free radical in our cells on a daily basis. Again, this leads to malfunction, disease and an increased rate of the aging process.
The truth is oxidative stress is at the center of over 200 diseases. All the way from the feelings of Stress, Anxiety and Depression to High blood pressure and sugar disorders like Diabetes which can culminate with problems like Heart disease, Strokes, Cancer, Melanoma and Alzheimer's.
Most people in the medical field think the best way to control oxidative stress by consuming anti-oxidants. Things like vitamin A, C, E, and or a multi-vitamin with minerals are believed to fight the free radicals in your body. Along with these vitamins they recommend a well balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables. This theory of the fight against oxidative stress has some serious issues with maximizing your body's defense through the use of these anti-oxidants.
This consensus for controlling oxidative stress is a direct method approach. This method is like fighting a forest fire with a garden hose. These anti-oxidants can only eliminate one free radical for every molecule you consume. Also, by consuming the anti-oxidants some of the molecules turn into free radicals. Another issue with the direct method is the number fruits and vegetables that are processed by "Green Harvesting". This process is just what it sounds like. The basic version is the produce is harvested before being ripen. Plants do not release the nutrients that nature intended until the ripening process; therefore we do not receive the nutrients we paid for and need. The direct method of combating oxidative stress is not the best approach for substantially reducing this problem.
I have found the best way to protect our bodies against oxidative stress is an indirect method. This method is extremely complex; so I will try to simplify it, due to time; therefore, I will not be able to explain all the terms. The indirect method is accomplished through an activator, which communicates with the cell, instructing them to do what they are already designed to do. The molecule enters the cell nucleus and up-regulates the cell's survival genes; allowing them to survive the bombardment of free radicals that cause the oxidative stress and other oxidation. Also, it down regulates other genes to help the body function at an optimal level. This method eliminates free radicals at a rate of one million per molecule consumed, every second lasting for 14 days.
Oxidative stress cannot be eliminated, but it can be significantly reduced. There are only two products known that work via the indirect method. One is a synthetic product made by a pharmaceutical company that cost over $50,000 per year. The second company's product; created out of five natural ingredients which becomes synergized do to the patent protected formula. The cost for this product is about $600 per year. By the way, the pharmaceutical company's report on their product says the natural product works by at least 20%. One secret about using the direct method of combating oxidative stress is to match the indirect method a person would have to consume daily: 376 oranges, or 15 pounds of blueberries, or drink 87 glasses of wine. Good luck! With trying that method.
To live a healthier life, everyone should do all they can, to reduce oxidative stress and share this information with their family and friends.
If you would like more information on how to maximize your reduction of oxidative stress, slowing your aging process with natural products click: Ageless
William Peterson is an entrepreneur that has started different companies. He has grown a company to over 30 million in revenue per year. He now helps people by working with them on how to change their lifestyle through entrepreneurship and mentoring, and also to improve their health. His life goal is to share his knowledge about healing illness with as many people as possible and to build a team of professionals with the same goal. Find out more by going to:

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