Sunday, October 27, 2013

What Can You Do About Existing Forehead Fine Lines?

Fine lines are a normal part of aging, but let's face it - plenty of us started to experience forehead creases before aging was even a consideration. Some people start to notice them in their teenage years, while others don't start to see them until their late 30s or early 40s. Whether or not the lines appear in the first place depends on a lot of factors (your sun exposure, smoking habits, stress levels, etc.), but since so many people already suffer from these lines, instead of talking prevention we'll focus on what you can do to reduce the appearance if you've already got those forehead creases.
Depending on your age, you may be open to considering a mild form of cosmetic surgery, such as Botox injections. Botox can be injected in small or large quantities in specified areas to relieve the appearance of fine lines and small wrinkles. The botulinum toxin causes the underlying muscle to freeze so lines can't continue to worsen. While plastic surgery options are effective, they are not permanent and can be costly. This option is not necessarily appropriate for the extremely young, either.
Similarly, another option is to avoid stress and worrying, and try not to raise your eyebrows. This is difficult if you have an expressive face, but fine lines can't form if you don't allow the muscle to move. However, an easier solution is to apply natural anti aging creams to your fine lines. A natural anti aging cream used on your forehead will not only prevent future wrinkles and lines, but it will also help "fill" the existing lines so they're less noticeable. The hydration in a younger looking skin cream plumps up the skin's cells and makes them fuller and healthier.
If your forehead creases are fairly deep, you may have to visit a spa or dermatologist in addition to utilizing your daily natural anti aging cream. These professional skincare specialists can help you determine what you may need in order to reduce wrinkles and lines. Some popular options are hydrating facials and clay masks; the experience of going to the spa for these treatments is also a means of relaxation, which helps. However, deep lines may require some help from a stronger treatment, such as a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. These options should only be performed by a certified dermatologist or skincare spa, and never done at home, as they can cause damage or tears to your delicate skin.
Whether you choose to go down the road of cosmetic surgery, the day spa or natural anti aging creams, fine forehead lines can be a thing of the past if you continue to treat them with care.
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