Monday, October 28, 2013

Time's Up! Time Management And Ageing.

We are fascinated by time. We borrow it, waste it, spend it, find it, take it, and sometimes even charge for it. You have found the time to read this, others can give us a hard time, we hurry to get to the shop before closing time arriving in the nick of time, and daylight saving time is the only form of time travel most of us will experience. We're even aware that our lives have a time limit (men approximately 600,000 hours and women 700,000). And the demands of everyday life can be so time-consuming that there's no time left to do the things that we'd really like to do. We can run out of time to enjoy time.
Time, of course, is a human construct: it didn't exist until we invented it. So there are many observations that continue to be made about this 'thing'.
Time, for example, does seem to speed up and slow down. Time taken travelling seems to go much slower than time spent when we arrive at the destination. Boring meetings and dull conversations seem to go on forever. And clock-watchers at work wish time would speed up and put an end to their misery. We're even prepared to pay significantly different prices for the same thing in different circumstances: timing is everything.
The debate about time speeding up as we age continues to get air-play. Annual events seem to come around more quickly as we age. Charles Schultz told us that, 'Once you're over the hill, you begin to pick up speed'. Gandhi observed that, ' we grow older the clock runs faster and we slower'. And English novelist, playright, and broadcaster, J. B. Priestly, attributed time's acceleration with age because a year is a much smaller fraction of an older person's life than it is of a child's. Alas, in clock time, the years go by at exactly the same speed as always.
That often-quoted Anonymous said, 'We don't have all the time we need because we don't know how much time we have'. So, if his or her observation is correct, enjoying the moment seems like a good idea.
Given that time is part of everyday life for most of us, it comes as no surprise to find that one of the big demand areas is how to manage it (time, that is). As we've seen, what people mean by 'time' can differ significantly. The challenge, therefore, is to identify the specific type of time management required. This could include getting yourself (or someone else) organised, ending procrastination, setting priorities, using the telephone and social media effectively, handling drop-in visitors, and so on. Effective management of time can become the great enabler.
Dr Neil Flanagan is a conference and keynote speaker. His e-book 'Time Management' can be found at
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How To Add Fun To Growing Old

At an event I spoke at recently, I was espousing the multi-benefits of the 5Fs (Fitness, Food, Friendship, Future, and Finances) toward leading a longer, better life. A ninety-two year old in the audience reckoned that there should be a 6th F - FUN. She identified regular doses of fun as a major contributor to her longevity. Despite my response that FUN is generally considered to be linked to Friendships and associated relationships, she wasn't convinced and maintained that there should be 6Fs.
Her position in relation to FUN got me thinking. Away from the crowd, I googled 'Fun & Ageing'. My search didn't deliver much. I found plenty about Fitness, Food, Finances (particularly, how much you need to have enough stashed away for a rainy day), Future (as in, always having something to look forward to), and Friendship, but zit about putting some fun into growing old.
This absence got me thinking. It's yesterday's news that two-thirds of people who ever lived past 65 years are alive today. So, for a large, and increasing, number of people, longevity is a new chapter in life. Yet, the focus of much of research is more on survival than how to get the most from this new chapter - including, of course, how to have fun.
On further reflection, I thought what I do for fun.
  • I have fun going for a run. (My wife prefers swimming.)
  • I have fun catching up with others at the club. (Groucho Marx wouldn't join a club that would have him as a member.)
  • I have fun playing with my grandkids. (A friend of mine reckons George Burns got it right when he advocated having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family - in another city.)
And the list goes on and on. We're all different. What one person finds fun may not appeal to another. So, there can be no one recipe for how to have fun.
Fun involves attitude, and attitude is a choice. You can have fun if you choose to, and conversely. Some attitudinal questions could include:
  • Is it FUN to be alive? (If not, choose to do something about it.)
  • Am I a FUN person to be with? (If not, choose to do something about it.)
  • Am I receiving my daily dose of FUN? (If not, choose to do something about it.)
  • Am I getting FUN out of being in my current group? (If not, choose to do something about it.)
We know that choosing attitudes (and goals) motivates toward taking some action. It's only then that success can be achieved (namely, progressing from where you are to where you want to be). Success, of course, is an essential precursor to leading a satisfying life. So, if you want to have fun in your life, it will involve making a choice (or choices).
If you'd like to explore further adding some fun to your life, Google 'Fun Theory'. The gist of The Fun Theory is that if you want to change behaviour, make it fun: when people start having fun, their behaviour is likely to change. Not only will you be entertained by the examples but also see how having fun can be catching: having fun can even create fun for others.
If adding years to your life and life to your years is of interest to you, Dr Neil Flanagan can offer you several things for free. When you go to you can download a free copy of Dr Neil Flangan's bestselling book BLINK! The Speed of Life as well as information about a life-quality pill that he has developed.
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Water Exercise: When It Hurts Too Much to Move

The golden-aged women taking a water-aerobics class at the local natatorium already know the benefits of water exercise. When traditional land-based exercises are not possible due to pain, muscle strain, osteoporosis, arthritis or other physical challenges, water exercise can help to improve your quality of life. Individuals with high blood pressure and/or diabetes are often advised to participate in aquatic exercises to better manage their disease. For many people, water exercise alone fulfills fitness goals and for some aquatic exercise facilitates a safe return to land-based exercises.
Water exercise doesn't necessarily mean signing up for a water-aerobic class - it can be done independently or under the care of a physical therapist. It's a good idea to make sure physical therapy in the pool is covered under your insurance plan.
The local natatorium keeps the water cool for swimming lessons, high school swim practice and swim meets, but during open swim hours individuals can jump in and exercise, or sign up for a class through the YMCA. Water therapies, however, have to be done in a heated pool, between 90-94 degrees, and are typically located in facilities that offer physical therapy. Check to see if classes or open swim times are available to the public.
Water exercise can accommodate all levels of fitness and is an excellent cardiovascular workout, but keep in mind that it may not be as beneficial for building bone strength. Water does provide resistance for muscle strengthening and conditioning, but the buoyancy of the water reduces weight bearing which necessary for building bone strength.
The resistance and support provided by the buoyancy of the water allows individuals to exercise with less pain, and the relaxing sound of being in the water adds enjoyment. For those able to access therapeutic temperatures feel the immediate comfort of the warmth in their joints and muscle tension is soothed. Stretching and movement becomes much easier, and it is common knowledge that a body in motion stays in motion.
You can simulate most exercises that can be done in a gym or on land in the pool. For instance, instead of walking on a treadmill you can walk laps in the pool. Sometimes people use water shoes so they don't slip. You can perform many types of stretches and you can even use buoyant weights.
In addition to providing physical benefits, water exercise can improve mental health. Swimming and exercising in the water can improve your mood and give you a feeling of well-being. It can decrease anxiety. Countless studies show that exercising can help improve your mood.
Water therapy has also been shown to be good for children with behavioral problems and is a good family activity.
Chronic pain can be debilitating, but try not to get discouraged. If you haven't tried water therapy, this may be what you need to do. If you hadn't thought about water therapy before, this may be an instance when taking some advice from your elders may really provide a lasting benefit.
At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen's blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people's lives. Consult a doctor before making any significant changes in your exercise routine or diet. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at
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Paper Thin Skin Treatment - Does It Cause Cancer?

Since we came out of our mother's womb, we've had a suit-like casing around our bodies called "skin". Referred to scientifically as the "epidermis", it provides us with protection as it acts as our first line of defense against cuts, falls, and other harmful accidents.
But there are many of us that have a thinner layer of protection making us vulnerable to even the slightest of scrapes. Have you even notice little bumps on your skin? Without notice will you have a nasty bruise on your skin? Well if you said yes to any of these questions you more than likely have what is referred to as "paper thin skin".
Genetics, aging, sun exposure, and even certain topical or oral medications can cause paper-thin skin. It is important to treat the skin with Vitamin A to add thickness, wear longsleeve shirts and pants to protect the skin, and keep the skin moisturized.
Here are some natural ingredients to help your thin skin become thicker, smoother and stronger without producing negative cells that could cause cancer.
LifeSirt is an ingredient extracted from the leaf of the Mediterranean myrtle plant, revitalizes and nourishes skin cells so skin looks younger and more radiant.
Micro-X6 Peptide
Micro-X6 Peptide helps repair the appearance of past damage. Also minerals Copper and Zinc play a key role in cell re-growth. When cells grow healthy, they also become thicker. Eating fruits and vegetables that contain these minerals is one huge way you can combat paper thin skin. You can also take a daily multivitamin that contains these two minerals.
African Baobab
African Baobab fruit extract, acerola cherry, and other botanicals provide superb skin protection. The extract has Vitamins A, D, E, and F that are quickly absorbed by your skin. It leaves no greasy feel to your skin, which is great. It is used to treat dry, damaged skin by regenerating your skin cells and increasing skin elasticity. According to the National Geographic blog, the African Boabab "contains six times as much vitamin C as oranges, twice as much calcium as milk, and plenty of B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, and antioxidants." This fruit extract is seen as a cure-all tonic and a superfruit.
Omega 3 Fish Oil
Another naturally powerful supplement is Omega 3 Fish Oil. This oil contains many anti-oxidants and free radicals that have been known to reduce chances of many diseases. Not only does it contain anti-oxidants, but it also contains lycopene extract which naturally thickens skin.
There is no dosage for Omega 3 Fish Oil. It is recommended to eat fish at least two times a week. Coldwater fish such as salmon and tuna contain fish oils. Please keep in mind that some fish have a higher level of mercury, such as tuna and mackerel. Foods such as walnuts, soybeans, and tofu contain Omega 3 Fish Oil.
This article can be freely published as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines and active hyperlinks.
Gregory Benjamin, An Independent Skin Care Specialist. More about Gregory
Click here to learn more about SkinCare-Tips.
You can learn more about natural skin care solutions and get a special free report by visiting SkinCare-Tips Free Report.
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Exercising Is Important for Senior Citizens

There are many anti-aging products on the market today to help with trying to stay younger looking and feeling better, but one of the most important things to do is to keep physically fit in body and mind.
One of the questions generally asked by physicians of patients who come to them for physical exams or office visits is: "Do you exercise regularly?" Many senior citizens are not prone to exercise and must answer no. It is not something they enjoy or to which they are committed. Most know that it is something they should do, but they have not made it a priority in their lives. Although exercising is important for senior citizens just as it is for younger people, many older adults are not doing it.
Exercise and fitness centers are full of trim and fit younger adults who are committed to keeping their bodies in shape. People are interested in staying and looking younger even though they are constantly growing older. Some people seem to really enjoy the stimulation from exercise and how it makes their bodies feel. However, few senior citizens and severely overweight people are found in such places.
If you have ever watched the inspirational television show called "The Biggest Loser," you could see that exercise is an extremely important part of losing weight and becoming healthier. Although the amount and kind of food a person ingests into his body largely determines the benefits or consequences derived, exercise remains a vital element of staying fit.
As the years advance, it remains necessary to keep your body in motion as stated in commercials for various products. Walking has been touted as a very beneficial and easy to accomplish form of exercise. Swimming is also considered to be excellent although many people do not know how to swim whereas walking is available to almost everyone without any special equipment.
Although some senior citizens may be exercising in public places such as fitness centers or walking around shopping malls, many may be doing some forms of exercise in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. This is easily accomplished by watching exercise shows on television or putting in a video. These will not be of any benefit unless the person is conscientious in doing the exercises along with the instructor on the screen. There are programs which are geared specifically for older people, women, or other groups.
People may have purchased exercise equipment to be used at home. This has become a big business as more people have become interested in staying fit in recent years. There are many types of equipment which can be used with success, but they will not work unless they are put to use on a regular basis.
Numerous cosmetic type of anti-aging products are on the market to help people look visibly younger, but they have little value without a body which is at least somewhat fit and healthy. Finding products to fight the aging process may be beneficial, but exercising and staying in shape are vital to a healthy lifestyle even as people grow older. Exercising is important for senior citizens, but it is also advisable to seek out and use products which may be beneficial as a person grows older such as vitamins, calcium, and supplements for anti-aging. Eating right is also of utmost value and importance.
Check out to learn about products backed by science which could be beneficial for anti-aging. Products may be purchased at wholesale as a preferred customer or sign up to start your own potentially successful home based business.
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What Is an NRF-2 Activator?

It seems as if we are all looking for natural ways to remain living healthier throughout all of our years, and one of the secrets in doing that is to be found in antioxidants. Nutritional supplements that provide antioxidant support have been more popular than ever before, and one of the most unique types of products that helps provide antioxidant support as well as other health benefits is what is known as an NRF-2 Activator.
What is an NRF-2 Activator?
This is a natural protein that is found in the body naturally, but is reduced in quantity and quality as we age. As a result of this, having an NRF-2 Activator in your daily nutritional supplements can help to slow down the aging process and actually provide other health benefits that you will not find with other supplements.
This protein is able to move from the cell nuclear this and bond with your DNA in a way that makes it responsive to all human cells. In many ways, an NRF-2 Activator makes existing antioxidants more powerful in the way that they fight free radicals that cause disease and aging.
How can an NRF-2 Activator help you?
Even though you cannot find some foods that can contain NRF-2 Activators, it is very difficult to eat the amount of proper food you would need for this protein to be increase in your body. As a result, an NRF-2 Activator can help to fight aging, inflammation, pain, and the natural oxidative stress that is a part of normal life.
In addition to this being used as a natural anti-aging ingredient, many people are now using these types of activators as a way to detoxify the organs, and there is recent research that shows that a high-quality NRF-2 Activator can protect against various brain related diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and age-related dementia.
Is this kind of supplement right for you?
Before you take any kind of nutritional supplement, it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor first. Especially if you suffer from existing health conditions or you are taking prescription medications, then it makes perfect sense to ensure that you are healthy enough to be using a supplement. But, the research on NRF-2 Activators shows that this is a safe and very beneficial product for most people to be taking, and one that can help to reduce many of the signs of aging and free radical damage.
Where can you purchase a NRF-2 Activator?
Because the science behind this product is still evolving, it can be difficult to find the supplement in stores. As a result, you may want to look online where there are now several reputable brands available. When you purchase any supplement of this kind, it is always wise to make sure the product is produced in the United States in an FDA approved facility. By doing so, you will be sure to get the highest quality ingredients and a product that is made by a company that will stand behind your purchase.
Stacy Cooper is an expert on nutrition, diet, and fitness and has contributed to more than 200 health-related online resources. For more information on health-related products, please visit Garcinia Cambogia Extract Resources.
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NRF-2 and Cell Signaling Pathways

Every so often, a new product comes on the market that has enormous promise when it comes to fighting aging and disease. However, in the past many supplements are proven to be ineffective or simply dangerous in some instances. Recently, there has been a lot of research done on a dietary supplement known as NRF-2 Activator, which is a promising antioxidant and anti-aging ingredient now found in several different products. This product has the ability to address cell signaling pathways, reducing the potential for free radical damage.
What is an NRF-2 Activator?
The cell signaling pathways serve to regulate the production of various molecules within the body that create natural antioxidant activities. These pathways tend to get blocked in older individuals, and those who have compromised immune systems. With an NRF-2 Activator, your antioxidant production will increase and they will be more able to fight the free radicals that are causing the natural aging process.
What Kind Of Results Should You Expect With An NRF-2 Activator?
Most people find that with continued use, and NRF-2 supplement can help to increase overall health, reduce inflammation and pain, and even help them lose weight in some instances. Although this is not considered to be a weight loss product, the fact that it is able to promote antioxidant production and the way antioxidants travel down the cell signaling pathways, it can increase fat oxidation.
But, the success of NRF-2 Activator really has more to do with the long-term effects of the additional antioxidants and the way that it is able to reduce free radical damage that is commonly to blame for such issues as heart disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, and other diseases and illnesses commonly found in older individuals.
A high quality NRF-2 product can also help to reduce inflammation, reduce pain caused by inflammation, and act as a natural body detoxification product. This can help to reduce the build-up of toxins in the gastrointestinal system as well.
Who Should Not Be Taking An NRF-2 Activator?
It should be said that with any kind of nutritional supplement, it is always wise to talk to a medical practitioner or at least a pharmacist before using. NRF-2 Activator should not be used by women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, or individuals who are taking blood thinners such as Coumadin or warfarin. Also, those who are undergoing cancer treatment should not take this product without talking to a doctor first.
Can an NRF-2 Activator Help You?
If you are like most people and you are looking for every way you can to feel and look younger and maintain your healthy lifestyle for as long as possible, then the addition of an NRF-2 Activator may be able to help you fight off some of the signs of aging. By taking advantage of the power of cell signaling pathway technology, you will be doing all you can to put up the good fight against the passing of time.
Stacy Cooper is a nutritional expert, personal trainer, and is always evaluating products that can help people get fit and lose weight and stay younger. For more information, please visit
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

How To Prevent Lip Feathering

It's hard enough keeping lipstick in the lines when you're young and have steady hands; imagine how much more difficult it becomes once your skin begins to sag and your lips start to develop wrinkles. The phenomenon of lip feathering is what happens when the skin around your mouth starts developing tiny fine lines, and during the course of the day, your lipstick begins to bleed into these fine lines, which makes the lip look messy. If you want to know how to look younger as you age, preventing lip feathering is an easy way to keep your mouth looking youthful. Here are a few ways you can use natural skin care products to prevent lip wrinkles, as well as ways you can prevent lipstick feathering if you already have wrinkles.
To prevent lip wrinkles in the first place, you need to have both a good natural skin care system in place, as well as healthy habits. Regardless of anything else you do, you should have a good anti aging wrinkle cream in your arsenal to prevent wrinkles and fine lines from popping up, as well as to treat existing ones. (Using a hydrating anti-wrinkle cream helps to smooth out wrinkles from the inside out, by keeping your skin cells plumped and full, so they make fine lines less visible.)
In addition to using anti aging cream twice daily, you should also make an effort to maintain a healthy weight, protect your face from sun exposure, and eliminate cigarettes and second-hand smoke from your life. Balancing your weight through healthy eating and consuming foods that contain vitamins and antioxidants - such as berries, leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables - helps prevent collagen loss in your skin, so your face is less likely to wrinkle or sag as you age. This alone will help with how to look younger. However, much more likely to take a toll on your skin are sun and smoke damage. Fine lines easily show up when you've got a pack-a-day habit, and sun exposure is a close second for destroying youthful skin. If you have a hard time remembering to keep your skin covered, look for a morning anti aging cream that contains sunblock, so you'll always be protected.
Of course, if you already have lip lines, you can use an anti aging wrinkle cream to reduce their appearance. Some people even resort to Botox injections to keep the skin looking fresher, but an anti-wrinkle cream is a better long-term solution.
To prevent lipstick from feathering through existing lip wrinkles, pick up a lip liner pencil that is the same color as your skin, and use it to trace around your lips before applying lipstick. It will keep the lip color contained and won't be visible once it's applied.
Natural skin care is becoming very popular amongst consumers and rightly so. If you have wonders on how to look younger or you're thinking, I look old, there are certain things you can do to move into the direction of looking younger.

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Interesting Facts About Botox Treatments

Botox Treatment is popular because it is a non surgical cosmetic procedure that doesn't require any incision. It is basically Botulinum Toxin that is purified and diluted for cosmetic procedures. The treatment helps in efficient reduction of wrinkles, scars, frown lines, crow's feet etc. When injected, the toxin paralyses the nerves and freezes certain muscles that prevent wrinkle contraction. This results in a younger and more relaxed facial appearance.
Owing to the high popularity of such a treatment, most of the important facts about it are out in the open. There are, however, certain interesting facts that are hidden from purview. Some of these facts have been listed below:
• Approved by National Health Service: This treatment uses the only drug of its type, known as Botulinum toxin Type A, that is approved by the National Health Service. It's the same drug that is used to treat botulism. Initially approved in the year 1989 by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it was approved for treating eye disorders. Much later, in the year 2002, the drug was prescribed to treat severe wrinkles between the eyebrows.
• Not a surgical procedure: Unlike other cosmetic procedures that require incision and months of healing, this particular treatment is performed using very fine needles. The drug is injected in a small amount on facial muscles. The treatment is done in less than an hour, the effects lasts up to 6 months and there is no healing time required.
• Used for several other medical conditions: A lot of emphasis is on the use of this wonder drug to treat wrinkles and frown lines, but in reality, Botox is used for several other medical conditions such as:
1. Treatment of extreme underarm sweating.
2. Treatment of ocular disorders.
3. Treatment of neurological disorders.
4. Treatment of migraine headaches, bladder problems and arthritis.
5. And many more.
• Used to treat facial scars efficiently: Researchers have found that this treatment also helps in improving acne and facial scarring. It is best when used in conjunction with N-Lite laser treatment to enhance the results.
These are some of the interesting facts about Botox treatment. The procedure is indeed one of the most inexpensive treatments to get rid of wrinkles and facial sagging in an efficient way. It is important that the procedure should be performed by a licensed practitioner in order to stay away from any potential harm caused due to lack of skills or inexperience of the surgeon.
London Day Surgery Centre is one of the most reputed dental hospitals in London, offering wide range of procedures such as Botox Treatment, Dental Implants, Oral Surgery etc. using latest techniques.

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3 Ways to Slow Down The Aging Process and Age Healthily

Perhaps one of the comments that I hear most frequently in my rooms is, 'I'll tell you what, Doc., getting old is not for the feint hearted!'
What does this really mean? Because the negative effects of aging are so common we have come to accept that it is inevitable, that, as we get older, we will automatically suffer with ill health.
The forms of ill health can vary dramatically from musculo-skeletal aches and pains to more troublesome problems like arthritis, to a range of cardiovascular diseases like arteriosclerosis, raised cholesterol, hypertension and stroke, to digestive conditions and of course the ultimate dreaded disease - cancer, to name only a few of the common ailments we have almost come to expect will surface as we get older.
Is it really necessary to just accept this as inevitable, or is there actually something that we can do?
Well according to research from the USA the whole process of aging is coming under the spot light.
The aging process is a natural process and as such should not necessarily be associated with dis - ease and often disease. In fact there may well be aspects of ageing that are highly desirable - wisdom for example.
Because getting chronologically older is a process that is unavoidable we should really be putting our attention on 'senescence. Senescence is the term given to the processes of age related changes that adversely affect vitality and function of the organism.
We have all known folk in their 70's, 80's and often older that are hale and hearty and the most common comment when around them is 'If I can be like him or her when I'm 80 I'll be quite happy'.
It is commonly thought that senescence is genetically determined and if we are unfortunate enough to have inherited 'unhealthy' genes we will experience all the negative effects of ageing.
A study conducted by a group of investigators at the University of Pennsylvania found that only 20% - 30% of our longevity is determined by our genes. In fact, Dr Bruce Lipton, the well known cellular biologist, believes that the genetic influence may actually be as little 5% - 10%. This means therefore that, at best 70% - 80% and perhaps even as much as 95% of how long we live, and the quality of our life, is determined by the influence of the external environment on those genes.
This therefore puts the responsibility for our health and longevity fairly and squarely into each of our laps! It is no longer acceptable to blame anybody but ourselves for our state of health.
What can we do then to help ourselves? Actually, as it turns out, the anti aging research says that there is a lot that we can do to prevent cellular destruction.
There are three areas that need to be addressed when looking at taking responsibility for our health, wellness and longevity: our physical / structural system, our biochemical / nutritional system and our psychological / emotional system.
Let's take a closer look at what this actually involves.
Our structural system comprises the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and connective tissue. The structural system is generally very resilient, however the lifestyles that we live today subject this system to ongoing 'repetitive strain'. Repetitive strain means subjecting the body to continuous, repetitive activities such as driving or sitting behind a desk or computer.
As a general rule the hectic life styles that we live today, or the type of lifestyle we lived in our earlier years, and the need to be busy all the time means that we don't get enough R & R time. During time of rest the bodies 'repair teams' become active, replenishing energy stores, rebuilding muscle, producing new cells and 'recharging the batteries'. Deprive the body of rest and relaxation, not to mention sleep, and you place all body systems under physiological stress, which will eventually lead to tissue breakdown, quickened aging and eventually the manifestation of symptoms.
My older patients often ask me what the single most important thing is that I would recommend for an older person when it comes to the structural system. Well, with out doubt it would be to increase muscle tone.
As we age our muscles get weaker and smaller. The muscles are the source of our energy production and structural support. A light resistance exercise program, to strengthen the muscular system, will offer remarkable support for many different body systems.
The second portfolio that we need to invest more thought and planning into is our nutritional and bio-chemical system. Our bodies can essentially be described as complex chemical laboratories. Chemical reactions occurring every milli- second producing pain killers, antibiotics, cortisone, hormones, enzymes, energy molecules and thousands of other substances that keep us alive. These chemical reactions are dependent on that wonderful substance called food.
More important than food alone, it is the correct type of food that is so crucial to the optimum functioning of our bodies. Every meal should contain a combination of carbohydrates (potato, rice, breads, grains), proteins (fish, meat, chicken, nuts, seeds, cheese, eggs, beans, soya) and fats (olive oil, fish oils, flax oils). Meals should always be eaten while sitting down and not 'on the run' and each mouthful should be chewed 20 times!
Refined foods such as sugar and white flour, processed foods such as frozen meals and packet foods, 'deli' meats and tinned foods, fast food and junk foods are all 'nutrient deficient' and should be taken in moderation, if at all.
If these foods are consumed on a regular basis it places the bodies coping mechanisms under stress, resulting in such conditions as 'insulin resistance', which has been directly linked to cardiovascular disease, adult onset diabetes, raised cholesterol levels and raised uric acid. The body is at greater risk of free radical damage, also directly linked to quickened aging. The bodies immune system is 'up-regulated' as is adrenal gland stimulation, resulting in many of the adverse effects of getting older e.g. increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections, bowel disturbance, reduced libido, fatigue, menopausal symptoms and the list goes on and on.
Finally our psychological / emotional systems need to be considered as it is these systems that allow us to cope with stress. It is a well known fact that on going stress makes us 'feel' old. Why is it though that some people are more negatively affected by stress than others?
It's quite simple. We have learned responses to certain stimuli that we are subjected to on a daily basis - time pressure, excessive deadlines, perfectionism, dealing with on going relationship problems, living in regret of the past and fear of the future, for example. These learned responses result in the production of certain 'messenger molecules' (hormones) like noradrenalin and cortisol that have the effect of 'up-regulating' virtually every system and cell in the body in order to assist the body in coping with the persistent stress.
As time progresses the body becomes less and less able to cope, the coping mechanisms become exhausted and begin to falter and symptoms start manifesting.
In order to handle these stressful stimuli the subconscious memory banks, where the learned responses are stored, need to be reprogrammed. Reprogramming a negative stimulus into a positive is, admittedly, not easy, but it's not impossible.
Meditation, visualization and affirmations, when practiced regularly, are techniques that will provide the impetus for reprogramming. The amazing power of positivity, as a healing tool, is becoming more and more accepted, even amongst some of the die hard traditionalist.
As we become more proficient at seeing everything in a more positive light the body is less traumatized and therefore can follow the process of 'youthful ageing'.
So it's not too late, take control, make the necessary lifestyle changes that will add years to life and life to your years.
Please visit and sign up for my newsletter to receive on going information about a variety of health and wellness related topics including chiropractic, nutrition, Functional Medicine, stress management, weight management and exercise

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Focus On The Main Game

We loyal, long-suffering South Sydney Rabbitohs supporters are hoping that this will be our year. If, however, there's a hiccup and our prayers are not answered, we will be comforted by the fact that winning the 'flag' is not the main game. For most of us, the main game is to live a longer, better life by adding years to life and life to those years.
A friend of mine recently told me his story about being 'on the road' promoting his new book. While waiting for his flights, he decided to check-out the bookshops. He was shocked to find that none of the bookshops at the airports he visited contained copies of his book. The fellow was cheesed-off and expressed his displeasure with the distributor whose job it was to make sure that the book was 'out-there' and available to meet the hoped-for rush. The distributor's response was, 'Tell us what airports you'll be visiting and we'll make sure those bookshops have copies of your book'.
Don't be too tough on the distributor: it's easy to lose sight of the key issue, what is often referred to as the main game. It's a bit like Albert Einstein's words of wisdom. He maintained that solving problems was easy. The challenge, he said, was identifying what the real problem was. We must identify what, specifically, is the main game - and focus on that.
Consider the case of Madam Munch. She was told by her GP that she needed to shed some kilos. And the personal trainer saw it as doing his job to recommend the addition of some new, gut-busting exercises for his client Mr Podge. Then there was Harry who fancied himself in lycra, so he took-up cycling.
Few people would question the importance or value of these events and activities. Often times, however, we can lose sight of why we're actually engaging in them. Achieving and maintaining an acceptable body weight is important, but it's not the be-all and end-all. So, too, being relatively fit. And wanting to be lycra-ble is commendable.
We need, however, to stay focussed on the main game. Losing weight, achieving a level of fitness, and engaging in regular exercise are important steps, so too having copies of the book in particular airports. None of these, alone, necessarily indicate a focus on the key issues.
The good news is that help is at hand to maintain a focus on the main game when the key issue is adding years to your life and life to your years. I refer to them as the 5Fs - Food, Fitness, Friendships, Future, and Finances. And to help you to maintain your focus, I have developed a very simple acronym. The acronym is DIET.
  1. When the issue is Food, ask yourself DI Eat That?
  2. When the issue is Fitness, ask yourself DI Exercise Today?
  3. When the issue is Friendships, ask yourself Do I Encourage Them?
  4. When the issue is Future, ask yourself DI Embrace That?
  5. When the issue is Finances, ask yourself DI Engineer That?
Stay focussed on the main game - living a longer, better life. Whatever you're doing needs to be toward that end. As Flora Whittemore said, 'The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live'.
Dr Neil Flanagan is a conference, keynote, and motivational speaker. If you'd like to comment on anything appearing here, and would like a free download of his bestselling book BLINK! The Speed of Life (How to add years to your life and life to your years), just go to

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How Old Are You Really? Biological Age

People have always been interested in being "forever young" and today's society is no different. We want to resist the ageing process.
The speed at which we are ageing can be measured - its called biological age, or how old your body really is.
The area of study which is now called longevity, and was once called anti aging, is hugely popular in the states.
It's something I'm very interested in, and see it as a big part of the future for myself and my clients.
Your chronological age is how old you actually are.
Biological age is the age of your body at the cellular level.
Today we will look into how you can establish, what your biological age is and how you can improve it.
There are a few longevity factors in the list which surprised me!
(Deep question alert!)
What is the purpose of life? I don't mean any deep seated stuff, like procreation.
I just mean, what is most people's AIM in life. What do they want to get out of their time on earth?
Firstly and most importantly, people want to be happy. Easier said than done.
Happiness is a state of mind. It's a feeling.
Ask someone with a big goal (like building a successful business or losing more than three stone).
"What will reaching your goal do for you?"
Often they will say something like "When I get there I will feel happy", or "satisfied with myself", or they say "I will feel proud".
"I will have more energy".
"I won't be afraid of trying new clothes on or going out with friends".
"I don't want to feel like a slave to food"
"I don't want to be scared to look in the mirror or get on the scales".
Life is all about feelings.
People spend their entire lives in search of feelings! (mostly happiness, contentment, satisfaction and love)
How people actually reach this state of "happiness" is different for us all.
Most people I know AIM for a decent job (or business) with decent money.
All with the ultimate goal of having a good retirement.
I hear people say "When I finish work, I'm going to do this or I'm going to... (insert goal)".
The point here being, if being happy and having a nice retirement is people's main goal in life, then keeping your body fit and healthy surely must be part of your plan.
I know of a very wealthy man who got cancer and passed away just before his retirement, I'm sure that was not part of the master plan, he had built his business up so he could sell it and have a nice retirement (as most business people do).
He didn't make it and didn't get to "cash out".
Many people don't make it to retirement because their "plan" is messed up from the start.
Without sounding depressing we only get one shot remember.
This is NOT a rehearsal.
A lot of people get to retirement age and their body is wrecked!
This stops them from being able to enjoy their time off as much. Living life with lots of restrictions. "I can't go there because of the steep hill", or "I can't do that because of my back or my knees".
After working hard for 40-50 years - to give yourself a good pension and retirement, this is the last thing that anyone wants.
Peoples bodies are like cars.
On one hand you have new cars with high mileage that are not well serviced.
On the other hand you have old cars with low mileage that have been well looked after.
I want YOU to be like a well looked after old car, with low mileage when you get to your retirement.
I know some people, that slog away and get to the age of 40, and feel and look like they're 50 or 60!
I also know many people who hit retirement age and feel like a 40 year old, and can keep on working and exercising for another 20 years!
This is all dependent on how we live our lives, obviously there are things such as injuries, diseases and other bad things which can impact our lives negatively through no fault of our own but on the whole we are in control of our own health.
What affects our longevity?
Scientists agree that these factors all affect your longevity in some way, big or small. (this is not a definitive list)
Muscle size and strength
Level of education
How pro active you are with going to see the doctor if needed
The amount of friends you can rely on, and love in your life
Your diet
Blood pressure
Your upper body strength
If you enjoy your work or not
Weather you smoke/drink alcohol or not, and the amount
If you exercise or not
Most of us shorten our lives and ultimately kill ourselves, through our bad habits and lifestyle choices, whatever they may be.
As you would of guessed, it is possible to slow down the onset of ageing and even reverse it to some extent.
I must say, that there is nothing wrong with ageing, it is inevitable. It is something we should be proud of, a chance to show our wisdom to the younger generation.
This article is just to show you how you can SLOW the ageing process with ease and actually enjoy it.
The Ageing Process
As we get older our bodies start to slow down and stop being able to function as well, sadly there is no getting away from this.
BUT through healthy living and making the right choices day in day out we can delay our body slowing down by years!
Just think how much more you will be able to enjoy your retirement if you feel like a 40 year old? and can spend it with the people you love.
Compare this to how much you will enjoy it if you can barely walk up a flight of stairs without having tired legs and being short of breath.
Your chronological age doesn't have to be the same, or worse, than your physiological age.
How to slow the effects of ageing
The list above obviously helps you but here are a few more ideas for you to beat the clock.
When some people think anti aging, I'm sure some of you may think of things like anti wrinkle creams and lotions, hair dying products, botox and maybe even plastic surgery.
That does kind of sum up some of the western world that these are the steps that the majority of people (plastic surgery being an extreme example) will take to make them look younger, rather than eating healthily and exercising.
Aging leads to loss of muscle mass, loss of mental function, low mobility and a lack of energy, and as you know the cosmetic type anti aging steps I mentioned won't help any of these.
Top tips to delay ageing naturally:
Enjoy the Outdoors - Don't spend all of your time cooped up indoors behind the computer or watching TV. There are plenty of things to do and see outside, especially on a nice day I can't think of anything better than going for a walk with the family down the park or beach. Sunlight also is a natural source of Vitamin D.
Yoga & Meditation - I would say that this is one of the most important strategies in staying young. I started to do this myself and it honestly makes me feel great. Yoga and meditation can help you relax and lower your stress levels (linked with aging) dramatically. It can also help you to see things a lot clearer.
Yoga is also great for your flexibility, the more flexible and supple you are the less chance you have in the future of suffering falls and lack of mobility.
Socialise - Loneliness can be a real killer. Socialise as much as possible with your friends and family. Get out there and do things, go to the cinema, concerts, attend an evening class (the more mentally stimulating the better).
Stay Strong & Active - You have to keep moving or your body will come to a standstill. Taking part in regular exercise is absolutely vital. Regular strength training is extremely important.
Losing muscle mass is something you want to avoid or at least delay for as long as possible so strength training will help this as well as keeping your bones strong, this will lower your chances of osteoporosis.
I believe food is medicine, many of the effects you get from modern day medicine you can get from eating the right foods.
Nutrition influences biochemistry. Biochemistry influences everything at a cellular level.
If you eat well there should be no need for some medications.
If you spend your whole life eating fresh, natural whole foods and stay active then it will also show. You will most likely be lean, mobile, disease free and full of energy, a rarity these days.
You should aim to eat a diet containing lots of quality fats and protein's (the bodies building materials) which will help you to maintain your muscle stores. Also protein boosts the production of HGH in your body, HGH (Human growth Hormone) is your body's natural 'fountain of youth'.
As you age the production of this hormone slows down greatly, regular strength exercise (lifting, pushing and pulling heavy stuff) and quality protein keeps the production of this hormone going!
Eat plenty of antioxidant rich foods - Antioxidants which are found in colourful fruit and vegetables help to reduce the damage caused by free radicals in your system.
Free radicals can speed up the onset of ageing; they are unstable electrons (O1 molecules)which are produced during metabolism. They damage the cell nucleus and the mitochondria.
Free radicals bounce around inside your cells like a pin ball, causing damage every time they hit something. They cause absolute havoc.
Antioxidants provide the free radical with the extra O1 molecule they need to become stable O2 molecules.
Good quality natural foods are the best way to combat these harmful free radicals. Natural organic foods are packed with antioxidants which neutralise the free radicals before they cause too much damage.
Eat Omega 3s - They fight inflammation, improve the appearance of your skin and aid brain function. Three vital things that we need as we age. So make sure you get as many omega 3s into your system as you can, the best source is fresh fish, if not a fish oil supplement will do.
Lower Sugar Intake - Aim to cut out any excess sugar that you eat, excess sugars can modify essential proteins in our body which can lead to wrinkles and energy loss.
Look after your skin through good food and lots of water - Eating foods containing vitamin A (sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, asparagus and carrots), Vitamin C (red peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, oranges, kiwi and pineapple) and Vitamin E (nuts, seeds and spinach) are a great way of helping your skin look healthy.
Stop smoking and limit alcohol intake - There are few things that age you faster than smoking and drinking alcohol every day so cut out smoking and do as much as you can to drink less.
Lower Stress Levels - This is another big one, I just mentioned that there are few things that age you faster than smoking and alcohol; well I think stress is one of them.
Being constantly stressed will ruin your mood, energy levels, social interaction as well as causing so many health problems.
As I mentioned above, I have found deep breathing techniques, yoga and meditation really important and a great way of combating stress.
Let's be realistic the big medical and health companies aren't going to promote anti aging through the things I just said, they are going to promote it through new miracle pills, lotions and creams, there is a lot of money to be made from it so they will keep on doing it.
The people who buy these products don't have to alter their lifestyle one little bit so it suits them which is why it is so popular.
We ultimately reap our rewards in our retirement, if you have invested some time and effort into your "health & fitness account", you will reap the rewards.
If you haven't then you won't!
You can actually measure your biological age online with a biological age calculator.
If all of the things I have mentioned above didn't require effort or commitment then everyone would be running around into their 90s and later!!
But unfortunately we don't, we die much younger than that.
Depending on what stats you use, in 2010, UK men were reported to live on average until about 77 or 78, and women on average live until 82 or 83 years old.
Do it naturally and do it right.
Let me know your thoughts on this topic, comment below, I really want to know what you think.
Thanks for reading, take care,
If you would like to receive weekly health and fitness updates on the top news in the industry along with several free gifts then follow this link:
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There are also many easy to read helpful articles and information which can inspire you to reach your fitness and exercise goals FASTER!
Thanks for reading.

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Top 10 Health Benefits of Goji Berries

Have you ever wondered how these little red berries can change your life? Well, goji berries are one of the most nutritionally rich foods on the planet. They are grown on a vine-like bush only in the shade. Although it isn't a thorny plant, some American variety of goji berries can have stems covered in thorns. Goji berries can survive the freezing winters and can grow successfully in places, such as British Columbia. Goji berries differ in colors from pale yellow, sun-fire orange and deep red. The two main types of goji berries are Asian and American. The only difference between them is their history. The Asian goji berries have been grown for thousands of years by Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetans, whereas the American goji berries originated from the South-West dessert of the United States which was used for survival when no water was found. There are many benefits of goji berries. Here are some of them:
1. Longevity and Healthy Hormones. According to researches, the seventy year old person produces only one-tenth of the amount of the Human Growth Hormone generated by the twenty year old person. This causes the body to have lower energy levels and wastage. To feel, look and function like a youthful person, you need to boost the natural production of the growth hormone. This superfood has been identified as "the longevity fruit" which is filled with a variety of nutrients. These nutrients will help you to live a longer and healthier life. Goji berries help your body to achieve this in three ways:
  • They are high in sesquiterpenoids which are filled with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • They stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands which increase the glandular production of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH).
  • They are rich in l-arginine and l-glutamine which works together to boost the HGH to revitalize your appearance and metabolism.
2. Enhancing Libido and Sexual Function. Goji berries are known for strong sexual tonic in Asia. Goji berries improve your stamina levels, mood and wellbeing, while decreasing the impact of stress on your body. These benefits lead to a much healthier life. Goji berries will help your HGH production and raise the testosterone levels to ensure healthier sex life.
3. Improving Vision. Goji berries contain the highest concentration of eyesight improving antioxidants, namely zeaxanthin and lutein. Zeaxanthin and lutein protect the eyes from the damage of the free radicals that attacks your eyes every day. They also heal the membranes of your eyes keeping them youthful and healthy. These two key antioxidants are concentrated at the center of the retina and protect your eyes from the following diseases:
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Loss of sight
  • Eye aging problems.
4. Antioxidants. Antioxidants protect your DNA from the damage of free radicals and radiation. If your DNA is damaged, it's easier for every imaginable illness to enter your body, as well as increase the aging process. Your body is equipped to repair itself, but if your body gets faced with too many free radicals, it becomes overwhelmed and the result is the premature death of healthy cells. This can be the cause of a variety of diseases, such as a cancer. The goji berry is filled with carotenoid antioxidants which are natural sources of fat soluble antioxidant pigments.
5. Immune System Booster. Goji berries are rich in Vitamin C and Zinc. Both of these vitamins protect the body against diseases and help in recovery. They also protect the cells in your body and boost your immune system through these three main components:
  • Polysaccharides which protect the cells from generic mutation.
  • Beta-carotene which enhances the thymus gland function and increases the stimulation action on your immune system to prevent any viral infection.
  • Mineral germanium which fights off any cancer properties, such as liver cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, testicular cancer and uterine cancer.
6. Hydration. Proper hydration is a very important aspect for your overall health. If your body isn't hydrated you become dehydrated and your body doesn't have enough water to absorb to function normally. You lose water when you breathe, when you go to the bathroom and through your sweat. You don't have to drink water only. You can consume this superfood for hydration as well. This fresh superfood grows in rich, alkaline alluvial soils which contain a big amount of hydrogen needed for hydration.
7. Supporting Brain and Neurological Health. Goji berries help our bodies with the production of choline. The choline is an essential nutrient that fights off free radical damage, narrows the arteries that delivers oxygen to the brain cells which can cause Alzheimer's disease and neurological degeneration.
8. Supporting Cardiovascular Health. Goji berry holds the key to fight off the main cause of most heart diseases, mainly oxidized cholesterol. Cholesterol becomes more dangerous when it is oxidized as a result of free radicals. This is when the blood fats clench to the artery walls with calcium forming nanobacteria to form plagues. An enzyme called Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) acts as a defense mechanism against cholesterol and may prevent cholesterol from oxidizing. Goji berries can increase your SOD to decrease your cholesterol levels.
9. Keeping Vital Organs Healthy. They keep our vital organs healthy through balancing blood sugar levels and increasing the digestive system, skin and liver function. They're also filled with phytonutrients which enhance the ability to detoxify and guard the liver against any damage from carcinogens and hepatitis virus. These phytonutrients include betaine, polysaccharides and antioxidant pigments. The liver gets cleaned by betaine. This reduces the toxic amino acids in the cardiovascular system. Goji berry tea can be used for the treatment of diabetes and all types of digestive problems, as well as the recovery of ulcers and a spastic colon. Goji berries also contain fatty acids which can stimulate collagen production to ensure moisture resulting in a youthful skin.
10. Improving Sleep. Goji berries contain Thiamine and Magnesium - two main nutrients needed for a healthy sleep. Thiamin improves your mood and energy levels, while magnesium improves the quality of sleep by shortening the time it takes to fall asleep.
Do you wake up often with no energy and not fully rested?
I know how hard it can be to try to understand the different diets and contradictive advertisements in the media and then to choose healthy food and habits, but if you want to have abundant energy and feel alive and energized the whole day, you'll need to learn a single method that worked for me and million of other people and it will work amazingly well for you too.
This method is not a diet but a simple change in your lifestyle by adding enzymes and nutrient dense food in the form of superfoods which you can learn easily and it doesn't take much practice, you can read how to do it in my free report here: Superfood Yourself!
If you are obese, overweight, feel slugged and tired and don't know how to get rid of craving. Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible. Learn about How to Naturally Energize Yourself by clicking the link.

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How to Relieve A Stomach Ache: Natural Ways

Now-a-days stomach illness is a very common problem. Stomach discomfort may be felt anywhere between the chest and groin. Always consult with a doctor if you have a serious condition or a long term illness. There are natural remedies that you may already have in your kitchen pantry that may help prevent or relieve a stomach ache.
Lemons are known to provide a safe and fast natural remedy for stomach aches.
Indigestion is a common cause for stomach pain which results typically from overeating or not properly chewing food (eating too fast). Antacids can relieve stomach pain after eating, but the ingredients (salts such as magnesium, calcium, and aluminum) can be harmful if taken more than occasionally. Lemons or limes are a safe and natural remedy for indigestion.
Common sense would make you ask, "If there is too much acid in my stomach, and lemons have acid, why would I want to add more acid to my stomach?" Here's why. Excess acid in the stomach comes from harmful bacteria. Yes, lemons contain ascorbic acid (a.k.a. vitamin C), however this home remedy helps kill the source of the problem; the harmful bacteria. By contrast, antacids work on the symptoms of the problem; the acids from the harmful bacteria.
Calcium Montmorillonite Clay aka Kanwa Minerals is a unique remedy that works much like antacids by neutralizing harmful acids, as well as absorbing toxins in the stomach. It's one of the easiest natural remedies that are known to offer quick results. Homeopathic doctors recommend using a teaspoon of Kanwa powder and mixing with a 4-6 oz glass of water.
Ginger is another natural remedy for an upset stomach. It works on the symptoms by balancing the acidity in your stomach. Another benefit of ginger is faster digestion which will cut down on the time food spends settling in your stomach. This is what makes ginger unique among the other home remedies for upset stomach. You should not consume more than 1 gram of ginger in any given day as this may upset your stomach more. It's better to split this up into 3 or 4 servings each day.
For other herbal remedies, the Mayo Clinic lists peppermint and caraway oil as an alternative medicine for stomach pain. This is only for pain NOT caused by an ulcer. Visit their web page on abdominal pain here
BRAT stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. According to the National Institute of Health, the BRAT diet is commonly recommended in hospitals by doctors and nurses if diarrhea is associated with your stomach pain. The BRAT diet relieves diarrhea by introducing foods that are gentle, neutral in acidity, and absorb toxins. Over a day or two, the diarrhea will continue to lessen as you stick to these foods. Visit the NIH web page on the BRAT diet here.
You should not use the BRAT diet when your abdominal pain is accompanied by vomiting if your stomach pain includes vomiting.
Overeating is the most common cause of stomach pains due to eating. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Celery Seeds are another home remedy for abdomen pain. It is recommended to chew half a teaspoon of celery seeds, along with salt, followed by a glass of warm water.
I worked with natural cure for various problems and you can have a look at my website:
You can also look at these products perfectly suitable for side-effect/bad-effect free support:

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What Ingredients Must an Effective Anti-Wrinkle Cream Have?

An anti-wrinkle cream works to plump up the surface of your skin in the gentlest way. Skin aging is something that cannot be stopped. There are however, ways you can retard the aging process. Whether you are just in your mid-twenties and noticing the first signs of skin aging, or already into your fifties, there are always ways you can improve the elasticity of your skin.
What Should an Anti-Wrinkle Cream Contain?
What you apply on your skin will define how it will look. Your skin needs the right ingredients for it to be healthy, look younger and look less-wrinkled. It is therefore necessary to look for the right ingredients in your anti-wrinkle cream.
  • Antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from damaging the skin over time. Antioxidants also increase the effectiveness of sunscreens, help the skin to heal and aid in the production of healthy collagen.
  • Skin-Identical Ingredients. Young and healthy skin has natural substances that keep its smoothness and water content, protects it from the environment, fights infection and repair skin damage. Skin-identical ingredients impersonate the actual construction of your skin to reinforce its natural ability to work as it should.
  • Cell-Communicating Ingredients. Adenosine triphosphate, lecithin, niscinamide, retinol and synthetic pepticides are cell communicating ingredients that have the ability to relay to the skin that they should behave as a healthy and young cell would.
  • Sunscreen. Sunscreen protects your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. A sun-damaged skin manifests as wrinkles, age spots, chronic inflammation and even skin cancer.
Things You Need to Do for Yourself
Protecting your skin from wrinkles is not the sole job of an anti-wrinkle cream. Analyzing your lifestyle and making some changes can have an equally positive impact on keeping your skin healthy and younger looking longer. Although a good moisturizer is a must to keep the surface looking supple and flexible, drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily will hydrate you and work well. Removing your makeup before sleeping at night will also help keep the youth of your skin. Not removing your make-up at night thwarts the skin from naturally producing collagen for elasticity.
Treat Your Skin Like You Treat Your Body
Just as your body needs a wide array of balanced nutritional foods to keep you healthy, your skin too needs a balanced of ingredients to decrease the appearance of wrinkles. It needs ingredients to keep up and restore its natural functions. The anti-wrinkle cream you choose should always contain ingredients that can help combat the signs of aging.
We all want to look as good as we possibly can. We still feel young despite the wrinkles and want to look accordingly by using neck cream. For more information on skincare and neck creams please visit

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Facts About Anti-Aging Products You Must Know

Anti-aging products are used for averting or slowing down the effects of aging among individuals. Some of them have been around for a long time while others are newly introduced. The desire of many people to look younger has enhanced the anti-aging product industry into a multi-billion dollar one.
Anti-aging products are traceable to ancient Egypt when herbs like olive leaves were used to promote longevity. In other cultures like India and China, there were developed traditions of herbal usage and the traditions are still kept up till now.
In modern times, these products are used to bring down the physical appearance of aging like sun spots, wrinkles and skin damage. Some of them are targeted at middle-aged people so that the effect of aging would be reversed. Other products are produced in form of preservatives so that aging could be stopped or slowed down before it begins.
There are lots of anti-aging products in the market and they can be grouped into three major categories; hormones, anti-oxidants and herbal products. Hormones do not affect aging process directly but they mask its symptoms and that is why they are referred to as reverse-aging products. Anti-oxidants are some of the popular products around and they include vitamins like A, C and E. They are useful for removing free radicals in the system before damaged cells can lead to aging. Herbal or natural products are becoming more popular by the day. They include various herbs and plant medicines that are used for reversing or preventing the symptoms of aging. Other anti-aging products are vitamin supplements, magnets, skin creams, live cell injections, special diets and so on.
The major benefits of anti-aging products are physical in nature. They assist in the reduction of wrinkles which can make a person look 15 years younger or more. Physical benefits can lead to psychological benefits as someone who looks younger will be made to feel young which will boost the confidence and self esteem of the user of the products. They can also be adapted to the need of an individual in order to solve certain problems.
However, before making use of any of these products, it is important to carry out necessary research on them. The extended use of some of them can lead to serious damage of some organs of the body. For instance, the liver can be damaged by large doses of vitamin A that is used for an extended period.
You should purchase quality anti-aging products at Horizonhealthshop by visiting their website at

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Are You Ready for Life?

Let us start with a quiz relative to ageing and mortality.
Let us say you were living in 1900. How long could you expect to live?
Well, we will come back to the quiz and answer it, but the point is that however long you lived in the last century, you are going to live longer, much longer today, and even longer tomorrow. You see, there are several factors that are at work lengthening our lives, for men, women and children. What are these factors?
  • Medical sciences has scored numerous "wins" over both common and uncommon diseases that took lives in the past 100+ years. Can you imagine that influenza, our common flu, could be an epidemic, like plague? Talking of plague that has been eradicated. Same for Tuberculosis, Whooping cough, Diarrhea and certain forms of cancer.

  • As you know, children have been vulnerable to both viral and bacteria related diseases for centuries. Their immune system has not fully developed so is incapable of taking care of even the simplest forms of epidemics because it has not yet built up sufficient antibodies. Modern medicine has cured several of these diseases from common influenza virus to polio and tuberculosis. Children are living to be adults and living healthier.

  • Thanks to education and awareness, individuals all over the world have become better at taking care of their bodies and internal systems.
Now for the quiz. How long could you expect to live in 1900?
The answer is: 46 years. Compare that to 2011 when the life expectancy was 78 years!
My point is that you will live a long, long time after you retire. This is particularly true of young men and women reaching adulthood today.
The impact of this particular statistic is far reaching. Can you save enough? Will Government help you and how much? Do you expect your children to care for you? Are your retirement savings enough? How about health coverage? These are hard but necessary questions to ask yourself, your partner and your family and of course your physician.
While I could write several chapters on the financial issues, the focus of this article is simply this: how can you live comfortably and in good health, knowing that you have several decades ahead of you. Here are some tips.
  1. Be aware of your body and its messages. Without turning into a hypochondriac, you can make sure you get regular checkups and use reasonable, common-sense remedies if you need them. Forget about those "detoxins" and "homeophathic" and "herbal" remedies. Most of them do not work. You see what the scammers who sell you these pills and syrups are hoping is that you are in the 95% majority that does not require acute remediation for a condition. Your body has a habit of taking abuse so when you actually start living healthy, it rewards you. You may think it is the pills, actually it is your lifestyle.

  2. Eat less than you want. A full belly makes you lazy.

  3. Exercise at least 3 days a week, 45 minutes each day. Preferably 5 days.

  4. Manage your stress. Remember, worry only about things you can control. And if you control something, be a leader in driving it to work for you.

  5. Have a positive disposition.

  6. Get involved in projects in something creative.
Good luck!

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